Contributed Papers
Tree-based Semi-supervised Clustering | DOC |
Claudio Conversano, Giulia Contu, Luca Frigau, Francesco Mola |
Analysis of dropout in engineering BSc using logistic mixed-effect models | |
Luca Fontana, Anna Maria Paganoni |
Simultaneous calibrated prediction intervals for time series | |
Giovanni Fonseca, Federica Giummolè, Paolo Vidoni |
Testing the Learning-by-Exporting at Micro-Level in light of influence of “Statistical Issues†and Macroeconomic Factors | |
Marzia Freo, Maria Ferrante |
Comparison of exact and approximate simultaneous confidence regions in nonlinear regression models | |
Claudia Furlan, Cinzia Mortarino |
Approximate Bayesian Computation for Forecasting in Hydrological models | |
jonathan Romero, Antonino Abbruzzo, Giada Adelfio, Félix Francés |
Well-being indices: what about Italian scenario? | |
silvia facchinetti |
Monitoring event attendance using a combination of traditional and advanced surveying tools | |
Mauro Ferrante, Amit Birenboim, Anna Maria Milito, Stefano De Cantis |
Simultaneous unsupervised and supervised classification modeling for clustering, model selection and dimensionality reduction | |
Mario Fordellone, Maurizio Vichi |
On the aberrations of two-level Orthogonal Arrays with removed runs | |
roberto fontana, fabio rapallo |
Nonparametric penalized likelihood for density estimation | |
Federico Ferraccioli |
Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling: a Penalized Approach | |
Gianluca Sottile, Paolo Frumento, Matteo Bottai |
Assessment of the INLA approach on gerarchic bayesian models for the spatial disease distribution: a real data application | |
Paolo Girardi, Emanuela Bovo, Carmen Stocco, Susanna Baracco, Alberto Rosano, Daniele Monetti, Silvia Rizzato, Sara Zamberlan, Enrico Chinellato, Ugo Fedeli, Massimo Rugge |
Design-based exploitation of big data by a doubly calibrated estimator | |
Maria Michela Dickson, Giuseppe Espa, Lorenzo Fattorini |
Additive Bayesian networks for an epidemiological analysis of swine diseases | |
Marta Pittavino, Reinhard Furrer |
Camel or dromedary? A study of the equilibrium distribution of income in the EU countries. | |
Lisa Crosato, Camilla Ferretti, Piero Ganugi |
Wages differentials in association with individuals, enterprises and territorial characteristics | |
Stefano De Santis, Cristina Freguja, Alessandra Masi, Nicoletta Pannuzi, Francesco Giovanni Truglia |
Modelling the effect of covariates for unbiased estimates in ecological inference methods | |
Venera Tomaselli, Antonio Forcina, Michela Gnaldi |
Benefits of the Erasmus mobility experience: a discrete latent variable analysis | |
silvia bacci, valeria caviezel, anna maria falzoni |
Using web scraping techniques to derive co-authorship data: insights from a case study | |
Domenico De Stefano, Vittorio Fuccella, Maria Prosperina Vitale, Susanna Zaccarin |
Species richness estimation exploiting purposive lists: A proposal | DOC |
Alessandro Chiarucci, Rosa Maria Di Biase, Lorenzo Fattorini, Marzia Marcheselli, Caterina Pisani |
Knowledge Flows and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Italian firms | |
Martina Aronica, Giuseppe De Luca, Giorgio Fazio, Davide Piacentino |
Sovereign co-risk measures in the Euro Area | |
silvia facchinetti |
A methodological approach to the environmental Umbria data | DOC |
Marta Bosi, Monica Franzese, Cristiano Trani, Sandra Verduci |
Estimating the number of unseen species under heavy tails | |
Marco Battiston, Federico Camerlenghi, Emanuele Dolera, Stefano Favaro |
Advances in Discrete Latent Variable Modeling (Solicited)
A joint model for longitudinal and survival data based on a continuous-time hidden Markov model | |
Alessio Farcomeni, Francesco Bartolucci |
Modelling the latent class structure of multiple Likert items: a paired comparison approach | |
Brian J Francis |
Dimensional reduction techniques for Big Data Analysis (Solicited)
Clustering Data Streams via Functional Data Analysis: a Comparison between Hierarchical Clustering and K-means Approaches | |
Fabrizio Maturo, Francesco Fortuna, Tonio Di Battista |
Emerging and re-emerging threats from infections: global diffusion models and policy perspectives (Specialized)
Refining the characterization of the Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine’s efficacy profile using machine learning | DOC |
Ilaria Dorigatti, Christl A Donnelly, Daniel J Laydon, Robert Small, Nicholas Jackson, Laurent Coudeville, Neil Ferguson |
Environmental processes, human activities and their interactions (Solicited)
A Bayesian S-FAVAR model to Estimate the Short-Term Health Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health | |
Pasquale Valentini, Lara Fontanella, Luigi Ippoliti |
Innovations in Census and in Social Surveys (Solicited)
The New Population Census Strategy: from Tradition to Innovation | |
Matteo Mazziotta, Stefano Falorsi |
New perspectives in supervised and unsupervised classification (Solicited)
Tree-based Semi-supervised Clustering | DOC |
Claudio Conversano, Giulia Contu, Luca Frigau, Francesco Mola |
Some topics in Statistics and Data Science (Specialized)
Reconstructing the topography of multidimensional probability landscapes E | |
Michele Allegra, Maria d'Errico, Elena Facco, Alessandro Laio, Alex Rodriguez |
Pursuing the sustainable development goals: inequality and territorial distribution of socio-ec well-being (Solicited)
Statistics and innovations for measuring Sustainable Development Goals: challenges, opportunities and progress | DOC |
angela ferruzza, paola ungaro, barbara baldazzi, giovanna tagliacozzo, luigi costanzo |
Quantile and generalized quantile methods (Solicited)
Parametric Modeling of Quantile Regression Coefficient Functions | |
Paolo Frumento, Matteo Bottai |
Recent advances in model-based clustering (Specialized)
A Comparison of Model-Based and Fuzzy Clustering Methods | |
Marco Alfò, Maria Brigida Ferraro, Paolo Giordani, Luca Scrucca, Alessio Serafini |
Recent Advances on Extreme Value Theory (Solicited)
Record Events of Dependent Sequences | ZIP |
Amir Khorrami Chokami, Michael Falk, Simone Padoan |
Generalized Pareto Copulas: A Key to Multivariate Extremes | |
Michael Falk, Simone Padoan |
Spatial Functional Data Analysis (Solicited)
Constructing priors for functional linear regression models | |
Maria Franco Villoria, Massimo Ventrucci, Haavard Rue |
A Spatio-Temporal Mixture Model for Urban Crimes | ZIP |
Statistics and indicators for the analysis of the economic competitiveness of the business system (Specialized)
The information of the territorial register for the analysis of spatial distribution | DOC |
Alessandro Faramondi |
Statistical modelling of Big Spatial Data (Specialized)
Multivariate statistical emulators for city-level air quality management | |
Francesco Finazzi, Yoana Borisova, Marian E Scott, Alan Hills, Michela Cameletti |
Supporting regional policies through small area statistical methods (Solicited)
Integration of socio-economic data for the estimation of indicators at the municipal level | DOC |
Michele DAlo, Alessio Guandalini, Andrea Fasulo, Solari Fabrizio |
Robust and model-assisted small area estimation methods: an application to the Banca d'Italia Survey of Industrial and Service Firms | DOC |
Enrico Fabrizi |
The role of statisticians in understanding global climate dynamics (Plenary)
Statistical modelling of atmospheric radiosoundings | |
Alessandro Fasso' |