
The deadline for short paper and abstract submission is extended until February 28th, 2021



February 28th: short paper submission (for invited and contributed sessions, including posters)

February 28th: abstract submission (for "Contributed papers - posters" only)

March 28th: decision is taken, and possible revisions are required

April 23rd: resubmission of the revised version

May 7th: early bird registration

June 11th: "Contributed papers - posters" must be submitted following the instructions that will be sent to the authors


Posted: 2021-02-11

Book of short papers


The book of the short papers SIS 2018 is available at the following link

Note that it makes take some time to download the pdf file.

Posted: 2018-12-19


Kindly be in the session room at least 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the chair, transfer your presentation, and familiarize yourself with the technical equipment. Each session room is equipped with a laptop. Using your own laptop for presentation is not possible.

The times allowed for each presentation are:

poster sessions: 1,40 minutes

contributed sessions: 8 minutes

solicited sessions: 15 minutes

specialized sessions: 20 minutes, + 7 minutes for the discussant

The language of oral presentation is English unless otherwise allowed by the session chair.

Posted: 2018-06-11

Preliminary Program


The preliminary program for the 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society is now available. You can find the PDF version. This version includes rooms, locations and details on invited as well as contributed sessions.

If you are not mentioned in the preliminary program and you are participating, or there are errors in names, affiliations, and emails, please contact the local organizers.

Posted: 2018-05-21

Track Submission System

The track submission system has been updated and it contains now all the session types (plenary, specialized, solicited, contributed and poster) as well as the tracks.  
Posted: 2018-02-17

SIS 2021 - 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society