Selected papers of 50th Meeting of Italian Statistical Society
Call for Papers: Extended Deadline
New deadline: January 6, 2022, 23:59 CET
All researchers who presented a contribution to the conference, in any kind of sessions, are kindly requested to submit an extended version for publication in “Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Springer”. Submitted papers must contain original unpublished work that has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. All submitted manuscripts will undergo the classical reviewing process.
Papers should be written in Word or LaTeX and should be of 10 up to 30 pages including illustrations, tables and references. The manuscript must contain a concise and informative title, the names, affiliations, and addresses of all the authors, the e-mail address, telephone number of the corresponding author, an abstract of maximum of 200 words, and 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. The manuscript should follow the indications in:
Instructions for Authors: Manuscript Guidelines
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Manuscripts should be submitted by the electronic submission system from Springer's:
To submit a manuscript authors must register on the Springer OCS site or login if already registered on the site.
Submission of full papers for the Special Issue has been extended to January 6, 2022, 23:59 CET (earlier submission is encouraged).
Editors: Cira Perna, Nicola Salvati, Stefano Marchetti, Raymond Chambers