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SDS 2024

The SIS group Statistics and Data Science aims at fostering the statistical skills in the scientific research and teaching in the context of Data Science. Its goals are

  • to constitute a reference within the SIS on Data Science themes with the aim of establishing contacts, interactions, and systematic relationships with other national and international statistical societies and with other academic and non-academic communities interested in Data Science from different perspectives;
  • to promote and coordinate, through research projects and workshops, theoretical and applied research with emphasis on the role of Statistics in Data Science;
  • to promote contributions and specialized sessions on Data Science topics within the institutional events of SIS;
  • to support those who promote, coordinate, or participate in the development of Data Science training programs at any level and in particular in the universities and to promote the organization of courses, schools, or tutorials within workshops;
  • to promote the dissemination of the scientific activities of its members, and of work and research opportunities in Data Science.

Conference topics

Researchers and practitioners interested in Statistics and Data Science and the related methodological and applied fields are invited to submit papers for the Third Meeting of the Statistics and Data Science group. The interplay between Statistics and Data Science is gaining more and more interest not only for statisticians but also for Physicists and Computer Scientists. We call for papers treating themes related to the modelling and analysis of complex data and proposing new or ad hoc approaches pertaining to the following aims:

Computational Statistics
Data Ethics & Fairness in Machine Learning Data Stream Analysis
Data Visualization
Deep Learning
Dimensional Reduction
Education & Data Literacy
Ensemble methods for classification Explainable AI
Geometrical Data Analysis
Learning with Imbalanced Data
Mining Complex Data
Practice & Applications
Prediction & Classification
Preference Learning
Textual Data Analysis
Unsupervised Models
Variational Inference

Please click here to dowload the flyer


  • Statistics and Data Science Conference

    April 11, 2024 – April 12, 2024


    The book of Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science 2024 Conference is available here or here.


    Authors of papers presented at SDS2024 may submit a full paper for possible publication in a special issue of the ASMBI journal.

    More information here.



    Please, register by April 3rd, to allow the printing of badges for the conference.

    Social dinner

    The social dinner will be held on April 11th, 2024 at 8:30 p.m. at Palazzo Fatta, Piazza Marina 19, Palermo (


    A contribution of €60 is required for participation in the social dinner, to be paid in advance (by April 7th) through a bank transfer to the bank coordinates indicated below.


    The social dinner payment can be made with the registration, by a single bank transfer, or after the registration payment, by a new bank transfer, specifying “Cena sociale” in the reason for payment.



    Bank transfer:

    SIS, Società Italiana di Statistica

    Blu Banca

    IBAN:  IT 83 O 03441 03201 CC01 90522425

    SWIFT code: SVTUIT21

    Please, ask your bank to make the transfer at no cost for the recipient.


    The SIS group Statistics and Data Science aims at fostering the statisticsal skills in the scientific research and teaching in the context of Data Science. Its goals are:

    • to constitute a reference within the SIS on Data Science themes with the aim of establishing contacts, interactions, and systematic relationships with other national and international statistical societies and with other academic and non-academic communities interested in Data Science from different perspectives;
    • to promote and coordinate, through research projects and workshops, theoretical and applied research with emphasis on the role of Statistics in Data Science;
    • to promote contributions and specialized sessions on Data Science topics within the institutional events of SIS;
    • to support those who promote, coordinate, or participate in the development of Data Science training programs at any level and in particular in the universities and to promote the organization of courses, schools, or tutorials within workshops;
    • to promote the dissemination of the scientific activities of its members, and of work and research opportunities in Data Science.

    Conference topics

    Researchers and practitioners interested in Statistics and Data Science and the related methodological and applied fields are invited to submit papers for the Third Meeting of the Statistics and Data Science group. The interplay between Statistics and Data Science is gaining more and more interest not only for statisticians but also for Physicists and Computer Scientists. We call for papers treating themes related to the modelling and analysis of complex data and proposing new or ad hoc approaches pertaining to the following aims:

    Computational Statistics
    Data Ethics & Fairness in Machine Learning Data Stream Analysis
    Data Visualization
    Deep Learning
    Dimensional Reduction
    Education & Data Literacy
    Ensemble methods for classification Explainable AI
    Geometrical Data Analysis
    Learning with Imbalanced Data
    Mining Complex Data
    Practice & Applications
    Prediction & Classification
    Preference Learning
    Textual Data Analysis
    Unsupervised Models
    Variational Inference

    Please click here to dowload the flyer



IES2023 - Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality: Techniques, Technologies, and Trends (T3) is the 11th Scientific Meeting of the SIS Group "Statistics for the Evaluation and Quality in Services" (SVQS; website).

It will be held at the University “G. d'Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Viale Pindaro 42, Pescara (Italy) from 30 August 2023 to 1 September 2023.

The meeting, sponsored by the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), aims at promoting and coordinating the methodological and applied research related to the statistical evaluation of both private and public services. Contributions on the development of innovative statistical methodologies as well as empirical applications are welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Digital transition, E-commerce and digital marketing, Enterprises, Environment and territory, Healthcare and wellness, Finance, bank and FinTech, Justice System, Labour market, Official statistics, Public administration, Food and wine, School, education and training, Social, Sports, Sustainability, Tourism, Transport, University and research, Well-being and welfare.


    August 30, 2023 – September 1, 2023



    The deadline for the special issue in Socio-Economic and Planning Sciences (SEPS) journal has been extended to 31 March 2024


    We welcome submissions from participants of the IES conference. In particular, selected extended versions of the presented papers will be published in Statistical Methods & Applications (SMA).

    It is known that the journal SMA is divided into two sections.

    The first section is dedicated to statistical methodology and publishes original contributions in all fields of statistics and machine learning.

    The second section publishes articles devoted to original and innovative applications of recent statistical methodologies and complex approaches to data analysis.

    Papers that represent simple applications, even if they are based on sophisticated methods applied to real data, will not be considered for publication unless they are accompanied by a detailed discussion of the method used and experimental evidence to evaluate the conditions of applicability, comparing them in different situations.

    Here are the scheduled deadlines for the fast track procedure

    Open Manuscript submission: 23 October 2023

    Submission deadline: 10 December 2023

    Preliminary Selection of submitted manuscripts:  31 December 2023

    Reviewer’s reports: February 2024

    Revised paper submission: April 2024

    Decision-Acceptance/ Rejection: June 2024


    The Conference Program is availabe HERE!


    The Book of Short Paper IES 2023 is availabe HERE!


    The conference is sponsored by



The 8th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology ITACOSM2023 will be held in Arcavacata di Rende from 7 to 9 June 2023 and will take place at the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance at the University of Calabria (Italy).

ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

  • ITACOSM 2023

    June 7, 2023 – June 9, 2023

    ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

    8th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology

    New Challenges for sample surveys: innovation through tradition

    ITACOSM2023 is mainly intended to be an opportunity for survey practitioners, academic researchers, official statisticians and statistics stakeholders to assess the current state of survey sampling methodology and practice in a time when traditional survey methods are undergoing continuous and rapid revision, in terms of key aspects of design, collection, processing, estimation and dissemination. On the one hand, new methods and techniques, based on Machine Learning algorithms and Statistical Learning tools, are more and more gaining ground; on the other hand, the scope of data sources is increasing due to the uptake of administrative registers and various forms of so-called big data.

    The conference will promote and spread the multifaceted connection between new tools for data science and survey sampling methodology covering emerging topics in survey and official statistics. ITACOSM2023, in continuation of the past conferences in 2019 and 2022, will therefore offer space to researchers with different needs and background to reflect and discuss these aspects.

    ITACOSM2023 will include plenary (keynote) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, and contributed sessions.

    A prize of € 500,00 for the be best talk/contribution is established for young researchers (under 35). Further details are available here.


    Important dates

    • March 13, 2023: Abstract submission for contributed papers

    • March 26, 2023: Extended deadline for contributed papers submission

    • March 27, 2023: Notification of acceptance for contributed papers

    • March 31, 2023: Abstract submission for keynote and invited papers

    • April 18, 2023: Deadline for the final version of all abstracts

    • April 30, 2023: Early conference registration deadline

    • May 31, 2023: Online conference registration deadline

    • October 31, 2023: Full papers submission in a special issue of METRON (details will be available later on the website).

    List of topics (not exhaustive and exclusive)

    • Adaptive sample designs
    • Administrative registers, big data and sample surveys
    • Calibration methods for data integration
    • Capture-recapture methods
    • Data disclosure strategies and privacy protection
    • Data fusion
    • Data production
    • Data quality
    • Estimation from different data sources
    • Estimation issues from informative designs
    • Graph learning
    • Integration and weighting in probability and nonprobability-based sample surveys
    • Machine and statistical learning methods in survey estimation
    • Missing data and imputation methods
    • Mixed mode surveys
    • Multiple frame surveys
    • Network sampling
    • New methods for censuses
    • Opinion polls
    • Population-size estimation
    • Record linkage
    • Resampling methods
    • Sample designs for complex populations (networks) and for integrated data
    • Sample selectivity
    • Sample surveys for sensitive data and indirect questioning
    • Sampling and non-sampling errors
    • Sampling for hard-to-reach populations
    • Small area estimation
    • Smart surveys
    • Spatial sampling and use of remote sensing data
    • Statistical matching
    • Variance estimation



The CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes advanced methodological research in multivariate statistics with a special vocation in Data Analysis and Classification. CLADAG supports the interchange of ideas in these fields of research, including the dissemination of concepts, numerical methods, algorithms, computational and applied results.

  • CLADAG2023

    September 11, 2023 – September 13, 2023

    The CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes advanced methodological research in multivariate statistics with a special vocation in Data Analysis and Classification. CLADAG supports the interchange of ideas in these fields of research, including the dissemination of concepts, numerical methods, algorithms, computational and applied results.

    CLADAG is a member of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS). Among its activities, CLADAG organizes a biennial international scientific meeting, schools related to classification and data analysis, publishes a newsletter, and cooperates with other member societies of the IFCS to the organization of their conferences. Founded in 1985, the IFCS is a federation of national, regional, and linguistically-based classification societies. It is a non-profit, nonpolitical scientific organization, whose aims are to further classification research.

    Previous CLADAG meetings were held in Pescara (1997), Roma (1999), Palermo (2001), Bologna (2003), Parma (2005), Macerata (2007), Catania (2009), Pavia (2011), Modena and Reggio Emilia (2013), Cagliari (2015), Milano (2017), Cassino (2019) and Firenze (2021).



GRASPA-SIS is glad to announce the GRASPA 2023 will be hosted by the University of Palermo on 10-11 July 2023.

GRASPA 2023 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy.

GRASPA 2023 endorses co-operation among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies creating a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on various aspects relevant to the protection of the natural environment. GRASPA 2023 is an opportunity to share research interests related to the development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences, fostering methodological developments and applications in various environmental fields.

  • GRASPA 2023

    July 10, 2023 – July 11, 2023

    GRASPA 2023 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy.

    GRASPA 2023 is hosted by the University of Palermo at the Aula Magna "Vincenzo Li Donni", Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Statistiche

    Viale delle Scienze ed. 13
    90128, Palermo (PA), Italy

    Location: Click HERE to look at the conference location.


    Conference Keynote Speakers:

    Brian Reich - North Carolina State University

    Brian is the Gertrude M Cox Distinguished Professor of Statistics at North Carolina State University. His research interests include spatial statistics, extreme value analysis, variable selection and dimension reduction, with applications to  ecology, air pollution, and climate change, physical and materials sciences.



    Rick Paik Schoenberg - University of California at Los Angeles

    Rick is Professor and Director of the Master of Applied Statistic Program at UCLA. His research interestests are wide and various, including: Point processes, Image analysis, Time series, and applications especially in seismology and fire ecology.

    Prof. Schoenberg’s web page


SIS 2023 International Meeting

Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international specialized statistical conference. The meeting focuses on both methodological and applied statistical research.

The Italian Statistical Society was founded in 1939. Today, it consists of about one thousand members from Universities and public or private organizations, including scholars in statistical methodology, probability, economic and social statistics, demography.

SIS organizes two biennial scientific meetings - a general conference covering all the statistical topics and a specialized conference on more focused topics. The society publishes an International Journal (SMA) and two on-line magazines.

The new challenges of digitalization, innovation and sustainability are showing the crucial role of data-driven approaches in supporting decision-making processes. Methodologies resulting from the integration of different know-how seem to be a reliable way to deal with the increasing need to measure the impact of the policies and to forecast scenarios. This meeting welcomes any attempt to face new challenges.


Keynote speakers

Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
Full Professor
Research Center for Statistics, Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva

Christopher Wikle
Distinguished Professor of Statistics
Department Chair
University of Missouri

Emilio Zagheni
Executive Director
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research


  • SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation

    June 21, 2023 – June 23, 2023

    Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international specialized statistical conference. The meeting focuses on both methodological and applied statistical research.

    The Italian Statistical Society was founded in 1939. Today, it consists of about one thousand members from Universities and public or private organizations, including scholars in statistical methodology, probability, economic and social statistics, demography.

    SIS organizes two biennial scientific meetings - a general conference covering all the statistical topics and a specialized conference on more focused topics. The society publishes an International Journal (SMA) and two on-line magazines.

    The new challenges of digitalization, innovation and sustainability are showing the crucial role of data-driven approaches in supporting decision-making processes. Methodologies resulting from the integration of different know-how seem to be a reliable way to deal with the increasing need to measure the impact of the policies and to forecast scenarios. This meeting welcomes any attempt to face new challenges.


    Keynote speakers

    Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
    Full Professor
    Research Center for Statistics, Geneva School of Economics and Management
    University of Geneva

    Christopher Wikle
    Distinguished Professor of Statistics
    Department Chair
    University of Missouri

    Emilio Zagheni
    Executive Director
    Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research



  • SIS 2023 - Invited sessions

    June 21, 2023 – June 23, 2023

    Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international specialized statistical conference. The meeting focuses on both methodological and applied statistical research.

    The Italian Statistical Society was founded in 1939. Today, it consists of about one thousand members from Universities and public or private organizations, including scholars in statistical methodology, probability, economic and social statistics, demography.

    SIS organizes two biennial scientific meetings - a general conference covering all the statistical topics and a specialized conference on more focused topics. The society publishes an International Journal (SMA) and two on-line magazines.

    The new challenges of digitalization, innovation and sustainability are showing the crucial role of data-driven approaches in supporting decision-making processes. Methodologies resulting from the integration of different know-how seem to be a reliable way to deal with the increasing need to measure the impact of the policies and to forecast scenarios. This meeting welcomes any attempt to face new challenges.


    Keynote speakers

    Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
    Full Professor
    Research Center for Statistics, Geneva School of Economics and Management
    University of Geneva

    Christopher Wikle
    Distinguished Professor of Statistics
    Department Chair
    University of Missouri

    Emilio Zagheni
    Executive Director
    Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research




The 7th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology ITACOSM2022 will be held in Perugia from 8 to 10 June 2022 and will take place at the Department of Political Science ot the University of Perugia (Italy).

ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

  • ITACOSM2022

    June 8, 2022 – June 10, 2022

    Survey Methods for Statistical Data Integration and New Data Sources

    ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

    Survey researchers and practitioners have always combined data from various data sources (auxiliary data from Censuses, Administrative registers, GIS data) to enhance sampling designs and estimation. Statistical data integration represents the new frontier of combining information from representative samples with data from multiple sources some of which may have uncontrolled selection mechanisms (non-probability samples, big data, smartphone data, integrated register data). ITACOSM2022 will provide a showcase for methods and applications that combine sources of data for better sampling strategies using classical survey methods or new data science tools such as Machine Learning methods.


    ITACOSM2022 will include plenary (keynote) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, and contributed sessions.

    The Conference will be preceded by a one-day SHORT COURSE on "Survey Data Integration" held by Prof. Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University) on June 7 in Assisi, Palazzo Bernabei.

    Abstract submission is now closed. The conference program is available here (updated on May 25th).


    • March 1, 2022: Abstract submission for contributed papers

    • March 14, 2022: Notification of acceptance for contributed papers

    • April 4, 2022: Abstract submission for keynote and invited papers

    • April 18, 2022: Deadline for the final version of all abstracts

    • April 18, 2022: Early conference registration deadline

    • May 31, 2022: Online conference registration deadline

    • September 30, 2022: Full papers submission for special issue in "Metron"




    Keynote Speakers

    Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University)

    Anne Ruiz-Gazen (Toulouse School of Economics)

    Peter Van Der Heijden (Utrecht University and University of Southampton)


    Round table How can data integration enhance statistics for knowledge and policy making?

    Alessandra Petrucci (Past S2G President, University of Florence)

    Monica Pratesi (ISTAT and University of Pisa)

    Ray Chambers (University of Wollongong, Australia)

    Nicola Torelli (University of Trieste)

    Daniela Cocchi (Chair, University of Bologna)


    Invited Speakers

    David Haziza (University of Ottawa, Canada)

    Roberto Cerina (Data Analytics and Digitalisation, Maastricht University)

    Yves Tillé (Université de Neuchâtel)

    Jean Francois Beaumont (Statistics Canada)

    Li-Chun Zhang (University of Southampton, Statistics Norway, University of Oslo)

    Mark S. Handcock (UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles)

    Hamida Seba (Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France)

    Shu-Hui Hsieh (Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

    Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University)

    Enrico Fabrizi (Università Cattolica)

    F. Jay Breidt (Colorado State University and NORC)

    Tiziana Tuoto (Italian National Statistical Office)

    Sander Scholtus (Statistics Netherlands)

    Davide Di Cecco (Sapienza University of Rome)

    Andrea Tancredi (Sapienza Universityof Rome)

    Alessio Guandalini (Italian National Statistical Office)

    Mehdi Dagdoug (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté)

    Andrea Neri (Banca d’Italia)

    Paul Smith (University of Southampton)

    Claudia De Vitiis (Italian National Statistical Office)

    Alessia Naccarato (University of Roma Tre)

    Yael Feinstein (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)

    Louisa Blackwell (UK Office for National Statistics)

    Donatella Zindato (Italian National Statistical Office)

    Robyn Ferg (WESTAT)

    Changabo Wu (University of Waterloo, Canada)

    Michael Elliott (University of Michigan)

    Natalie Shlomo (Manchester University)

    Setareh Ranjbar (Lausanne University hospital)

    Paolo Veneri (OECD)

    Andreas Quatember (Johannes Kepler University JKU Linz)

    Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University)

    Guillaume Chauvet (ENSAI)

    Francesco Pantalone (University of Southampton)

    Felix Wolter (University of Konstanz, Germany)

    Timo Schmid (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)





    S2G IASS

SIS 2022 - The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS 2022) will be held at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta in the period June 22-24, 2022.

Click to see the Online Conference Program

To collect any notes for app or website malfunctions, you can contact

  • SIS2022 - 51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

    June 22, 2022 – June 24, 2022

    51st Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - Caserta (Italy), June 22-24, 2022

    Click to see the Online Conference Program

    To collect any notes for app or website malfunctions, you can contact


  • GRASPA 2021

    June 7, 2021 – June 9, 2021





    GRASPA-SIS is glad to announce that GRASPA 2021 will be hosted by the Department of Statistics of Sapienza University of Rome on 7-9 June 2021. Due to the current COVID pandemics, the conference will take place online using the zoom platform.

    GRASPA 2021 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy. GRASPA 2021 is also the 2021 European regional conference of The International Environmetrics Society and a  Satellite Meeting of the 2021 World Statistics Congress.


    Submissions are open for contributed posters. An abstract of fewer than 200 words must be submitted by sending an email to the chair of the Program committee (Giovanna Jona Lasinio,

    Accepted posters will be presented as pre-recorded video (max. 3 minutes) that will be uploaded to the YouTube channel of The Department of Statistical Sciences (Sapienza University of Rome) and made available during the conference. Digital Break-out-rooms will be available for poster discussion and ideas exchanges. During the conference, your posters will be evaluated and the best posters will be awarded.

    Invited speakers may now submit either an abstract or a short paper (max 4 pages) to Francesco Lagona ( by April 30th. Please use the latex template provided by the chair of your session.

    The Book of Abstracts is now available here

    NEW! Slides presented at the conference are now available here

    NEW! Posters videoclips are now available here



    April 30th: poster abstract submission

    May 3rd: acceptance notification

    April 30th: submission of abstract/short paper by invited speakers

    May 16th: video submission (preferred format mp4)


SIS 2021

Italian Statistical Society (SIS), founded in 1939, promotes every two years an international scientific meeting, which represents the most important event of the Society.

The Conference is organized in plenary, specialized, solicited, contributed and poster sessions and both methodological and applied statistical research are considered.

SIS 2021 is the 50th edition of the Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic which does not allow to safely hold large in-person events, the 50th edition of the Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society will take place virtually, 21-25 June 2021.

  • 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

    June 21, 2021 – June 25, 2021

    Italian Statistical Society (SIS), founded in 1939, promotes every two years an international scientific meeting, which represents the most important event of the Society.

    The Conference is organized in plenary, specialized, solicited, contributed and poster sessions and both methodological and applied statistical research are considered.

    SIS 2021 is the 50th edition of the Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society.

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 50th edition of the Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society will take place virtually, 21-25 June 2021.


IES 2022

Innovation & Society 5.0: Statistical and Economic Methodologies for Quality Assessment.

The Conference Innovation & Society 5.0 is the 10th Scientific Meeting of the "Statistics for the Evaluation and Quality of Services Group of the Italian Statistical Society - (SVQS)".

It will be held at Economic department, University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli", Gran Priorato di Malta, 81043 Capua (CE) Italy from 27 to 28 january 2022.

This Conference aims:

- to shine a light on the main statistical approaches and methodologies for the evaluation of a human-centered society emphasizing how statistical thinking, design and analysis may be of use to a Society 5.0. While the Enterprise 4.0 looks at the improvement of the production area with the use of the Information Technology (IT), the concept of Society 5.0 is not only aimed at the economy and business, but also at the population, thus promoting the idea of "Super Smart Society", where Information Technology, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will outline the profile of a new super-intelligent society and where many things of work and life will change.

-  to foster advanced methodological research supporting the assessment of quality of social services. Indeed, the Society 5.0 is a human-centered society in which anyone can enjoy a high quality of life full of vigor where a higher value of services is recognized to the collaboration between man and machine, and the moral, ethical and economic values of digitization are rooted in the whole society.

- to be a platform where the experts of Statistics, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning and related disciplines meet to understand and analyse administrative systems with Big Data.

The Society 5.0 addresses all areas of our work and our own life. We will therefore see changes in many aspects of our society and this will require many data analysts, who will have to manage information systems and work with Big Data.

Application fields of interest for the Conference are the following: Sustainability, Health, Wellness, Sport, Tourism, Education, Training and Research, Bank and FinTech, Transportation, Environment, Enterprise, Industry and Finance, E.commerce, Digital Marketing, labour Market, Public Administration, Justice System.

To make it as useful and constructive as possible, the Conference is open to the participation of and discussion with scholars of other disciplines, experts, responsible managers for development policies dealing with the relationships between evaluation, innovation and society.

  • Innovation and Society 5.0: Statistical and Economic Methodologies for Quality Assessment

    January 27, 2022 – January 28, 2022

SIS 2020

Italian Statistical Society (SIS), founded in 1939, promotes every two years an international scientific meeting, which represents the most important event of the Society.

The Conference is organized in plenary, specialized, solicited, contributed and poster sessions and both methodological and applied statistical research are considered.


  • 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

    June 23, 2020 – June 25, 2020

    Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the Executive Board of the Italian Statistical Society and the Local Organizing Committee of SIS 2020 had to deliberate that it will not be possible to hold the SIS 2020 in June 2020.

    The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society will take place virtually, 21-25 June 2021.

    The website of The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - SIS 2021 is:


The 6th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology – ITACOSM 2019 – will be held in Florence from 5 to 7 June 2019 and will take place at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti" of the University of Florence.

ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference promoted by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

Fundamental changes in the nature of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, integrated, and disseminated are a big challenge for all those working with designed data from surveys as well as organic data. ITACOSM 2019 tries to give a response to the increasing demand from researchers and practitioners for the appropriate methods and right tools to face these changes.

ITACOSM 2019 will include plenary (invited) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, contributed sessions, and poster sessions.

ITACOSM 2019 is supported by the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) and the University of Florence.


Keynote speakers for ITACOSM 2019 are:

  • Giorgio Alleva (Sapienza University of Roma)
  • Paul Biemer (RTI International)
  • Prof. Elisabetta Carfagna (University of Bologna)
  • Prof. David Haziza (University of Montréal)
  • Prof. Li-Chun Zhang (University of Southampton, Statistics Norway, University of Oslo)


  • ITACOSM 2019 - Survey and Data Science

    June 5, 2019 – June 7, 2019

    ITACOSM 2019 – 6th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology, will take place from 5 to 7 June 2019 at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G.Parenti" of the University of Florence.

    ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference promoted by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

    Fundamental changes in the nature of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, integrated, and disseminated are a big challenge for all those working with designed data from surveys as well as organic data. ITACOSM 2019 tries to give a response to the increasing demand from researchers and practitioners for the appropriate methods  and right tools to face these changes.

    ITACOSM 2019 will include plenary (invited) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, contributed sessions, and poster sessions.


    ITACOSM 2019 is organized by S2G and supported by the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) and the University of Florence (UniFI).

    S2G IASS UniFI

    Keynote speakers:

    • Giorgio Alleva (Sapienza University of Roma)
    • Paul Biemer (RTI International)
    • Elisabetta Carfagna (University of Bologna)
    • David Haziza (University of Montréal)
    • Li-Chun Zhang (University of Southampton, Statistics Norway, University of Oslo)



GRASPA 2019 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy. GRASPA 2019 is also the 2019 European regional conference of The International Environmetrics Society.

GRASPA 2019 endorses co-operation among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies creating a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on various aspects relevant to the protection of the natural environment. GRASPA 2019 is an opportunity to share research interests related to the development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences, fostering methodological developments and applications in various environmental fields.

Keynote speakers:

1) Marc Genton (
2) Alexandra M. Schmidt (

3) John T Kent (


Pescara is the capital city of the Province of Pescara, in the Abruzzo region of Italy. Sun, sea, sports and movida are the keywords of the Province of Pescara, where wellness is the idea. The territory offers a mix of nature, suggestive landscapes and sport. The Adriatic coast is characterized by long and sandy beaches to the north and pebbly beaches to the south. Also, the small villages of the hinterland, as well as the monasteries and castles of the region, are very charming and  part of many touristic routes in this the "greenest region" in Italy. For more details visit




  • GRASPA2019

    July 15, 2019 – July 16, 2019

    GRASPA-SIS is glad to announce that GRASPA 2019 will be hosted by the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara on 15-16 July 2019

    GRASPA 2019 is the biennial conference of the Italian research group for Environmental Statistics GRASPA-SIS and the major event on Environmental Statistics in Italy. GRASPA 2019 is also the 2019 European regional conference of The International Environmetrics Society.

    GRASPA 2019 endorses co-operation among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies creating a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on various aspects relevant to the protection of the natural environment. GRASPA 2019 is an opportunity to share research interests related to the development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences, fostering methodological developments and applications in various environmental fields.

    Keynote speakers:

    1) Marc Genton (
    2) Alexandra M. Schmidt (
    3) John T. Kent (



    Download the Book of Abstracts HERE




    Pescara is the capital city of the Province of Pescara, in the Abruzzo region of Italy. Sun, sea, sports and movida are the keywords of the Province of Pescara, where wellness is the idea. The territory offers a mix of nature, suggestive landscapes and sport. The Adriatic coast is characterized by long and sandy beaches to the north and pebbly beaches to the south. Also, the small villages of the hinterland, as well as the monasteries and castles of the region, are very charming and  part of many touristic routes in this the "greenest region" in Italy. For more details visit ABRUZZO TOURISM

SIS 2019 - Smart Statistics for Smart Applications

We live in a smart world!

Many of us have a smart phone, a smart TV, a smart watch and our cities have the ambition to become soon smart cities. All this smartness makes use of data that are gathered, analyzed and used to make things easier, to take better decisions and ultimately to have a better life. Whether we want to choose the best restaurant, to plan a trip, to compare our health parameters or to decide what is the best moment to buy an air ticket, the apps of our devices collect large quantities of information, summarize them, present them in an easy format and use them to make accurate forecasts. In this process, obviously, they make a large use of statistics. However, are the current statistical methods adequate to this increased demand and increased quantity and variety of data? Are the old paradigms and methods still valid? Are the visualization analytics we used so far still valid? Are current statistical methods smart enough in the increasingly smart world we live in? The conference aims at discussing the state-of-the-art answers to these questions. It also aims at providing a forum where academics, researchers and practitioners could meet to share experiences and to discuss present a future challenges in this area.

  • Smart Statistics for Smart Applications

    June 18, 2019 – June 21, 2019

    We live in a smart world!

    Many of us have a smart phone, a smart TV, a smart watch and our cities have the ambition to become soon smart cities. All this smartness makes use of data that are gathered, analyzed and used to make things easier, to take better decisions and ultimately to have a better life. Whether we want to choose the best restaurant, to plan a trip, to compare our health parameters or to decide what is the best moment to buy an air ticket, the apps of our devices collect large quantities of information, summarize them, present them in an easy format and use them to make accurate forecasts. In this process, obviously, they make a large use of statistics. However, are the current statistical methods adequate to this increased demand and increased quantity and variety of data? Are the old paradigms and methods still valid? Are the visualization analytics we used so far still valid? Are current statistical methods smart enough in the increasingly smart world we live in? The conference aims at discussing the state-of-the-art answers to these questions. It also aims at providing a forum where academics, researchers and practitioners could meet to share experiences and to discuss present a future challenges in this area.

IES 2019 - Statistical evaluation systems at 360°: techniques, technologies and new frontiers

  • Statistical evaluation system at 360#; techniques technologies and new frontiers

    May 11, 2019 – May 12, 2019

SIS 2018

Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international scientific meeting. Both methodological and applied statistical research are considered in the meeting. The Italian Statistical Society was founded in 1939. Today there are about one thousand members including scholars in statistical methodology, probability, social and economic statistics, biostatistics and demography. The members of the society are academics and scholars from public or private organizations. Moreover SIS organizes a biennial International scientific meeting dedicated on relevant statistical topics and several schools for young statisticians. It publishes an International Journal (SMA) and two on-line magazines.

  • 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

    June 20, 2018 – June 22, 2018

    The 49th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society will be held in Palermo in 2018, June 20-22. There will be satellite meetings:

    - Stats Under the Stars (SUS4), and

    - Start-up research (Start-up)


IES 2017

INNOVATION & SOCIETY 2017 - Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality (IES2017)

  • Innovation & Society, Statistical Methods for Evaluation

    September 6, 2017 – September 7, 2017


  • TIES-GRASPA 2017

    July 24, 2017 – July 26, 2017

    The joint TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference on Climate and Environment will be held at the University of Bergamo, Italy from Monday 24th July to Wednesday 26th July and it will be a satellite meeting of the 61st World Statistics Congress – ISI2017 in Marrakesh.


    The conference is intended to be a bridge for a future TIES conference system in odd years after ISI incorporation. On the one side, it renews a fruitful tradition of joint conferences with other scientific societies and associations. On the other side, it explores new ways to collaborate with ISI. From the scientific point of view TIES-GRASPA meeting on Climate and Environment is focused on a hot topic and has the potential to attract new statisticians and other scientists.

    Keynote speakers and panelists

    Invited sessions

    A preliminary list of invited sessions is available here. If you are a session organizer, please check your session and send an e-mail to for any missing details.

    Conference topics

    Statistical methods and applications for:

    • Climate change assessment and monitoring
    • Climate change monitoring of/impact on
    • Environment
    • Ecological systems
    • Atmospheric variables
    • Meteorology
    • Water bodies
    • Desertification
    • Food sustainability, availability and security
    • Human health
    • Population and migration
    • Economics and Finance
    • Atmospheric measurements, including in-situ and satellite based
    • Statistics and remote sensing
    • Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling
    • Functional, directional and complex data
    • Official statistics for Climate change

    Facebook page

    Follow the last news about the conference from the Facebook page.


    If you have questions about the conference please send an e-mail to


SIS 2017

The Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international scientific meeting which focuses on methodological and applied statistical research.


    June 28, 2017 – June 30, 2017

    The 2017 SIS Conference aims to highlight the crucial role of the Statistics in Data Science. In this new domain of "meaning" extracted from the data, the increasing amount of produced and available data in databases, nowadays, has brought new challenges. That involves different fields of statistics, machine learning, information and computer science, optimization, pattern recognition. These afford together a considerable contribute in the analysis of "Big data", open data, relational and complex data, structured and no-structured.

    The interest is to collect the contributes which provide from the different domains of Statistics, in the high dimensional data quality validation, sampling extraction, dimensional reduction, pattern selection, data modeling, testing hypotheses and confirming conclusions drawn from the data.

    In the mention that statistics is the "grammar of data science", statistics has become a basic skill in data science: it gives right meaning to the data. Still, it isn't replaced by newer techniques from machine learning and other disciplines but it complements them.

    The Conference is also addressed to the new challenges of the new generations: the native digital generations, who are called to develop professional skills as "data analyst", one of the more request professionality of the 21th Century, crossing the rigid disciplinary domains of competence. In this perspective, all the traditional statistical topics are admitted with an extension to the related machine learning and computer science ones.

SIS 2016 Scientific Meeting

The Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international scientific meeting which focuses on methodological and applied statistical research.

  • Innovazione & Società, Metodi Statistici per la valutazione

    October 17, 2016 – October 18, 2016

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.