Contributors are requested to submit the abstract on-line. All submissions, except invited talks, are subject to a refereeing process. Authors are requested to submit in the proper track. Please select "Contributed" for free contributed submissions, or choose the appropriate specialized (invited) session in the list. Abstracts should contain no more than 500 words. They have to describe: the substantive problem and the analyzed data, the approach and the models used, as well as the main results of the analysis. Authors of papers presented at ITACOSM2022 may submit their full papers after the conference for publication in a special issue in the journal "Metron"; further details will be available later on.
Adaptive sample designs
Administrative registers, big data and sample surveys
Calibration methods for data integration
Capture-recapture methods
Data fusion
Data production
Data quality
Estimation from different data sources
Estimation issues from informative designs
Integration of probability and non probability samples
Machine learning methods in survey estimation
Missing data
Mixed mode surveys
Multiple Frame Surveys
Network Sampling
New methods for censuses
Opinion polls
Population-size estimation
Record Linkage
Sample designs for complex populations (networks) and for integrated data
Sample selectivity
Sample surveys for sensitive data
Sampling and non-sampling errors
Sampling for hard-to-reach populations
Small area estimation
Smart surveys
Spatial sampling and use of remote sensing data
Statistical Matching
• March 1, 2022: Abstract submission for contributed papers
• March 14, 2022: Notification of acceptance for contributed papers
• April 4, 2022: Abstract submission for keynote and invited papers
• April 18, 2022: Deadline for the final version of all abstracts
• April 18, 2022: Early conference registration deadline
• May 31, 2022: Online conference registration deadline
• Aug 31, 2022: Full papers submission for the special issue in "Metron"

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