Call For Papers - Metron


Special Issue

ITACOSM 2022: Survey Methods for 

Statistical Data Integration and New Data Sources


The journal METRON ( is organizing a special issue dedicated to the 7th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology (ITACOSM 2022)held at the University of Perugia (Italy), from 8 to 10 June, 2022. Survey researchers and practitioners have always combined data from various sources to enhance sampling designs and estimation. Statistical data integration represents the new frontier of combining information from representative samples with data from multiple sourcessome of which may have uncontrolled selection mechanisms (non-probability samples, big data, smartphone data, integrated register data). The special issue is intended to collecting papers on methodological developments and/or applications regarding survey methods for statistical data integration and new data sources. We would like to receive papers presented at the conference dealing with the development of novel statistical approaches, critical review papers and/or up-to-date applications in one of the following areas:


1. Administrative registers, big data and sample surveys
2. Calibration methods for data integration
3. Capture-recapture methods
4. Data fusion
5. Estimation from different data sources
6. Estimation issues from informative designs
7. Integration of probability and non-probability samples 
8. Machine learning methods in survey estimation for probability and non-probability survey
9. Missing data
10. Mixed mode surveys 
11. Multiple Frame Surveys
12. Network Sampling
13. New methods for censuses
14. Population-size estimation
15. Record Linkage
16. Sample designs for complex populations (networks) and for integrated data
17. Sample selectivity
18. Sample surveys for sensitive data
19. Sampling and non-sampling errors
20. Sampling for hard-to-reach populations
21. Smart surveys
22. Spatial sampling and use of remote sensing data
23. Statistical Matching


With this Special Issue, we intend to take the opportunity to disseminate such methods in the wider scientific community, not only among statisticians. Authors who are not sure whether their problems and ideas fall under the call for papers may preliminarily contact the Editors with an initial draft of the paper.


The deadline for submission is September 30, 2022 (papers will be sent to reviewers as soon as we receive them). Other important dates are:

December 31, 2022 – End of the revision process and notice to Authors.

February 28, 2023 – Deadline for submitting the revised paper.

April 2023 – Publication of the special issue: (tentative)


If the number of submissions is relatively high, it is possible to have a second volume published in the August 2023 issue.


The editing and the review process will be handled by the Special Issue Editors


Special Issue Editors

Jean-François Beaumont (Statistics Canada)

Gaia Bertarelli (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa)

Maria Giovanna Ranalli (Università degli Studi di Perugia)

Natalie Shlomo (University of Manchester)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.