
The deadline for short paper and abstract submission is extended until February 28th, 2021



February 28th: short paper submission (for invited and contributed sessions, including posters)

February 28th: abstract submission (for "Contributed papers - posters" only)

March 28th: decision is taken, and possible revisions are required

April 23rd: resubmission of the revised version

May 7th: early bird registration

June 11th: "Contributed papers - posters" must be submitted following the instructions that will be sent to the authors


Posted: 2021-02-11

IES2017 - Detailed Conference Program


The final program has been published on the website (click here).

We remember that in order to attend the Meeting, you should register your participation (click here).

Finally, since in Naples there will be a large number of tourists in September, please book your room in hotel as soon as possible.

Looking forward to meet you in Naples.

IES2017 Local Organizing Committee

Posted: 2017-07-24 More...

SIS 2021 - 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society