Contributed Papers
Robust Reduced K-Means and Factorial K-Means by trimming | |
Luca Greco, Antonio Lucadamo, Pietro Amenta |
The impact of economic development on fertility: a complexity approach in a cross-country analysis | |
Niccolò Innocenti, Daniele Vignoli, Luciana Lazzeretti |
Stochastic Dominance for Generalized Parametric Families | |
Tommaso Lando, Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti |
Functional linear models for the analysis of similarity of waveforms. | |
Francesca Di Salvo, Renata Rotondi, Giovanni Lanzano |
A functional regression control chart for profile monitoring | |
Fabio Centofanti, Antonio Lepore, Alessandra Menafoglio, Biagio Palumbo, Simone Vantini |
Measuring the multiple facets of tolerance using survey data. | |
Caterina Liberati, Riccarda Arianna Longaretti, Alessandra Michelangeli |
Structured Additive Distributional Regression applied to the spatio-temporal analysis of soil-plant variability | |
Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Alessio Pollice, Thomas Kneib, Stephan Lang, Roberta Rossi, Mariana Amato |
Reconstructing missing data sequences in multivariate time series: an application to environmental data | |
Maria Lucia Parrella, Giuseppina Albano, Michele La Rocca, Cira Perna |
Economic Statistics and Big Data (Specialized)
Big data and spatial price comparisons of consumer prices | |
Tiziana Laureti |
Emerging and re-emerging threats from infections: global diffusion models and policy perspectives (Specialized)
Refining the characterization of the Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine’s efficacy profile using machine learning | |
Ilaria Dorigatti, Christl A Donnelly, Daniel J Laydon, Robert Small, Nicholas Jackson, Laurent Coudeville, Neil Ferguson |
Environmental processes, human activities and their interactions (Solicited)
A multilevel hidden Markov model for space-time cylindrical data | |
Francesco Lagona, Monia Ranalli |
Integration surveys and register based statistics: past, present and future (Specialized)
New methods for small area estimation with linkage uncertainty | |
Brunero Liseo, Andrea Tancredi, Dario Briscolini, Loredana Di Consiglio, Tiziana Tuoto |
Living conditions and a consumption expenditure in time of crises (Solicited)
The financial crisis, food consumption and quality of diets: An international perspective | |
Tiziana Laureti, Mario Mazzocchi |
Methodological approaches to constructing social composite indicators (Solicited)
Model based Indicators for Sustainability | |
Rosanna Cataldo, Carlo Natale Lauro, Marina Marino, Viktoriia Voytsekhovska |
Comparing different aggregating approaches. An application to the Gender equality indicators in Italy at sub-national level | |
Enrico di Bella, Filomena Maggino, Lucia Leporatti |
New challenges in the measurement of economic insecurity, inequality and poverty (Solicited)
Evaluating sustainability through an input-state-output framework: the case of the Italian provinces | |
Laura Neri, Achille Lemmi, FEDERICO MARIA PULSELLI |
Some topics in Statistics and Data Science (Specialized)
Reconstructing the topography of multidimensional probability landscapes E | |
Michele Allegra, Maria d'Errico, Elena Facco, Alessandro Laio, Alex Rodriguez |
Extreme Learning Machines for Bootstrapping Nonlinear Time Series | |
Michele La Rocca, Cira Perna |
Recent Advances on Extreme Value Theory (Solicited)
Extremes of high-order IGARCH processes | |
Fabrizio Laurini |
Statistical Models for Service Quality (Solicited)
A robust multinomial logit model for improving service quality | |
ida camminatiello, Antonio Lucadamo |
Complex contingency tables and Pearson’s chi-squared partitions | |
Rosaria Lombardo, Yoshio Takane, Eric J Beh |
Cumulative chi-squared statistics for the service quality improvement. New properties and tools for its evaluation. | |
Antonello D'Ambra, Antonio Lucadamo, Pietro Amenta, Luigi D'Ambra |
The second generation at school (Solicited)
Short and medium term labour market returns of college graduates with a migration background | |
Jim Allen, Barbara Belfi, Babs Jacobs, Mark Levels, Kars van Oosterhout |
What's happening in Africa? (Solicited)
Return and circular migration between Africa and Italy | |
Cinzia Castagnaro, Francesca Licari |