Conference Archives


University of Bergamo

Bergamo, IT

July 24, 2017 – July 26, 2017

The joint TIES-GRASPA 2017 Conference on Climate and Environment will be held at the University of Bergamo, Italy from Monday 24th July to Wednesday 26th July and it will be a satellite meeting of the 61st World Statistics Congress – ISI2017 in Marrakesh.


The conference is intended to be a bridge for a future TIES conference system in odd years after ISI incorporation. On the one side, it renews a fruitful tradition of joint conferences with other scientific societies and associations. On the other side, it explores new ways to collaborate with ISI. From the scientific point of view TIES-GRASPA meeting on Climate and Environment is focused on a hot topic and has the potential to attract new statisticians and other scientists.

Keynote speakers and panelists

Invited sessions

A preliminary list of invited sessions is available here. If you are a session organizer, please check your session and send an e-mail to tiesgraspa2017@environmetrics.org for any missing details.

Conference topics

Statistical methods and applications for:

  • Climate change assessment and monitoring
  • Climate change monitoring of/impact on
  • Environment
  • Ecological systems
  • Atmospheric variables
  • Meteorology
  • Water bodies
  • Desertification
  • Food sustainability, availability and security
  • Human health
  • Population and migration
  • Economics and Finance
  • Atmospheric measurements, including in-situ and satellite based
  • Statistics and remote sensing
  • Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling
  • Functional, directional and complex data
  • Official statistics for Climate change

Facebook page

Follow the last news about the conference from the Facebook page.


If you have questions about the conference please send an e-mail to tiesgraspa2017@environmetrics.org


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