
Please, consider that the summer months are a busy time in Bergamo. For this reason we recommend you to book your accommodation as soon as possible.

This is a list of the closest hotels (ordered by walking distance from the venue, see also the accommodation map):

Agnello d’Oro (**, 650 mt), Via Gombito 22

Gombit Hotel (****, 700 mt), Via Mario Lupo 6

Albergo Il sole (**, 800 mt), Via Colleoni 1

Hotel Piazza Vecchia (****, 850 mt), Via Colleoni 3

Relais San Lorenzo (*****, 1000 mt), Piazza Mascheroni 9A

Hotel Excelsior San Marco (****, 1200 mt), Piazza Repubblica 6

Best Western Hotel Cappello d’Oro (****, 1500 mt), Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII 12

Arli Hotel (***, 1500 mt), Largo Porta Nuova 12

Mercure Hotel Centro Palazzo Dolci (****, 1700 mt), Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII 100

Best Western Hotel Piemontese (****, 2000 mt), Piazzale Guglielmo Marconi 11


If you are looking for a cheaper solution, consider the following two options:

Central Hostel Bergamo (1800 mt), Via Ghislanzoni 30

B&B Hotel Bergamo (2400 mt), Via Autostrada 2a


For other solutions, including bed and breakfasts and apartments, please visit the Bergamo official tourism website

You can also find private rooms or apartments in Airbnb or Homelidays.