University of Perugia
June 8, 2022 – June 10, 2022
Survey Methods for Statistical Data Integration and New Data Sources
ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.
Survey researchers and practitioners have always combined data from various data sources (auxiliary data from Censuses, Administrative registers, GIS data) to enhance sampling designs and estimation. Statistical data integration represents the new frontier of combining information from representative samples with data from multiple sources some of which may have uncontrolled selection mechanisms (non-probability samples, big data, smartphone data, integrated register data). ITACOSM2022 will provide a showcase for methods and applications that combine sources of data for better sampling strategies using classical survey methods or new data science tools such as Machine Learning methods.
ITACOSM2022 will include plenary (keynote) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, and contributed sessions.
The Conference will be preceded by a one-day SHORT COURSE on "Survey Data Integration" held by Prof. Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University) on June 7 in Assisi, Palazzo Bernabei.
Abstract submission is now closed. The conference program is available here (updated on May 25th).
• March 1, 2022: Abstract submission for contributed papers
• March 14, 2022: Notification of acceptance for contributed papers
• April 4, 2022: Abstract submission for keynote and invited papers
• April 18, 2022: Deadline for the final version of all abstracts
• April 18, 2022: Early conference registration deadline
• May 31, 2022: Online conference registration deadline
• September 30, 2022: Full papers submission for special issue in "Metron"
Keynote Speakers
Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University)
Anne Ruiz-Gazen (Toulouse School of Economics)
Peter Van Der Heijden (Utrecht University and University of Southampton)
Round table How can data integration enhance statistics for knowledge and policy making?
Alessandra Petrucci (Past S2G President, University of Florence)
Monica Pratesi (ISTAT and University of Pisa)
Ray Chambers (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Nicola Torelli (University of Trieste)
Daniela Cocchi (Chair, University of Bologna)
Invited Speakers
David Haziza (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Roberto Cerina (Data Analytics and Digitalisation, Maastricht University)
Yves Tillé (Université de Neuchâtel)
Jean Francois Beaumont (Statistics Canada)
Li-Chun Zhang (University of Southampton, Statistics Norway, University of Oslo)
Mark S. Handcock (UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles)
Hamida Seba (Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France)
Shu-Hui Hsieh (Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University)
Enrico Fabrizi (Università Cattolica)
F. Jay Breidt (Colorado State University and NORC)
Tiziana Tuoto (Italian National Statistical Office)
Sander Scholtus (Statistics Netherlands)
Davide Di Cecco (Sapienza University of Rome)
Andrea Tancredi (Sapienza Universityof Rome)
Alessio Guandalini (Italian National Statistical Office)
Mehdi Dagdoug (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
Andrea Neri (Banca d’Italia)
Paul Smith (University of Southampton)
Claudia De Vitiis (Italian National Statistical Office)
Alessia Naccarato (University of Roma Tre)
Yael Feinstein (Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel)
Louisa Blackwell (UK Office for National Statistics)
Donatella Zindato (Italian National Statistical Office)
Robyn Ferg (WESTAT)
Changabo Wu (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Michael Elliott (University of Michigan)
Natalie Shlomo (Manchester University)
Setareh Ranjbar (Lausanne University hospital)
Paolo Veneri (OECD)
Andreas Quatember (Johannes Kepler University JKU Linz)
Peter Lugtig (Utrecht University)
Guillaume Chauvet (ENSAI)
Francesco Pantalone (University of Southampton)
Felix Wolter (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Timo Schmid (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
Social Dinner |
Dear Convener, we hope you will join us for the social dinner scheduled on the evening of ThursdayJune 20th in via Festa del Perdono 7, Portico di San Nazaro, at 20.30 p.m. If you are interested in participating, please register to the social dinner as well by directly buying the social dinner through bank transfer before the 14th of June: SIS, Società Italiana di Statistica Pay attention to the special requests: please indicate vegetarian and/or celiac requests in the payment reference. It will be possible to pay the dinner also at the registration desk during the conference but in this case we askyou to write an e-mail to indicating the number, the name and the special requests of the partecipants. Further information on price and menu: |
Posted: 2019-06-12 | |
Social Dinner |
Dear all, we are pleased to invite you to participate to the traditional social dinner which will be held on the evening of Thursday June 20th and will be an informal convivial occasion for the conference participants. The social dinner will take place in the historical portico of the University of Milano, easy to reach with a cultural-historical walk from the main conference venue. With this communication, we would like to give you some information on the social dinner whishing that many of you will attend. Location: Via Festa del Perdono 7, portico of Università degli Studi di Milano. Once part of the "la Cà Granda†(“the big houseâ€) which was the name used by the Milanese people to describe the huge Ospedale Maggiore (“Major Hospitalâ€), founded in 1456 and projected by the Tuscan architect Filarete [Located about 20 minutes walk away from the conference venue, and easy to reach via public transports from different parts of the city] Highlights of the cultural-historical route from Università Cattolica to Università degli Studi di Milano: Via Circo, Monumento ai Caduti di Mentana, piazza Missori, Torre Velasca and other nice and narrow italian streets. Type of dinner: Placeè. Menù Ricotta cheese pie with toasted pine nuts and tomato confit Paccheri with fresh basil, cherry tomatoes and ricotta cheese Low temperature-cooked veal, with potatoes and spring onions cream Vegetarian: Chickpea pie with caponata ratatouille  White chocolate mousse with dark chocolate crumble, raspberry ice cream and rosemary oil  Coffee  Chardonnay Cantine Paladin Cabernet Cantine Paladin  Price: 55 euro to be payed when registering to the conference. The receipt will be issued by the Italian Statistical Society as “payment for social activities related to social dinnerâ€, comprehensive of date and place. Those already registered can buy the social dinner separately and pay through bank transfer: SIS, Società Italiana di Statistica Pay attention to the special requests: please indicate vegetarian and/or celiac requests during the registration procedure.  Looking forward to seeing you in Milano! Organizing Committee SIS2019 |
Posted: 2019-05-08 | |
More Announcements... |