Presentations and Authors

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Contributed Papers

The relationship between health care expenditures and time to death: focus on myocardial infarction patients PDF
Luca Grassetti, Laura Rizzi
Mortality trends in Sardinia 1992-2015: an ecological study DOC
Vanessa Santos Sanchez, Gabriele Ruiu, Marco Breschi, Lucia Pozzi
A Functional Urn Model for CARA Designs PDF
William Rosenberger
Posterior distributions with non explicit objective priors PDF
Erlis Ruli, Nicola Sartori, Laura Ventura
Approximate Bayesian Computation for Forecasting in Hydrological models PDF
jonathan Romero, Antonino Abbruzzo, Giada Adelfio, Félix Francés
Conditional Value-at-Risk: a comparison between quantile regression and copula functions PDF
Giovanni De Luca, Giorgia Rivieccio
Functional linear models for the analysis of similarity of waveforms. PDF
Francesca Di Salvo, Renata Rotondi, Giovanni Lanzano
On the aberrations of two-level Orthogonal Arrays with removed runs PDF
roberto fontana, fabio rapallo
Assessment of the INLA approach on gerarchic bayesian models for the spatial disease distribution: a real data application PDF
Paolo Girardi, Emanuela Bovo, Carmen Stocco, Susanna Baracco, Alberto Rosano, Daniele Monetti, Silvia Rizzato, Sara Zamberlan, Enrico Chinellato, Ugo Fedeli, Massimo Rugge
Comparing Composite Indicators to measure Quality of Life: the Italian “Sole 24 Ore†case PDF
Gianna Agrò, Mariantonietta Ruggieri, Erasmo Vassallo
Participation in tourism of Italian residents in the years of the economic recession PDF
Emilia Rocco, Chiara Bocci, Laura Grassini
Data Integration in Social Sciences: the earnings intergenerational mobility problem PDF
Veronica Ballerini, Francesco Bloise, Dario Briscolini, Michele Raitano
The NEETs during the economic crisis in Italy, Young NEETs in Italy, Spain and Greece during the economic crisis DOC
Giovanni De Luca, Paolo Mazzocchi, Claudio Quintano, Antonella Rocca
The climate funds for energy sustainability: a counterfactual analysis PDF
Giuseppe Scandurra, Alfonso Carfora, Monica Ronghi
Apulian health refurbishment: evaluation of performance and customer satisfaction through "Sentiment Analysis" DOC
Margaret Antonicelli, Francesco Albergo, Alessandra Ricciardelli


Structured Additive Distributional Regression applied to the spatio-temporal analysis of soil-plant variability PDF
Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Alessio Pollice, Thomas Kneib, Stephan Lang, Roberta Rossi, Mariana Amato
Random Garden: a Supervised Learning Algorithm PDF
Ivan Luciano Danesi, Valeria Danese, Nicolò Russo, Enrico Tonini
A proportional hazards model under bivariate censoring and truncation DOC
Marialuisa Restaino, Hongsheng Dai

Bayesian Nonparametric Learning (Specialized)

Logit stick-breaking priors for partially exchangeable count data PDF
Tommaso Rigon

Complex Spatio-temporal processes and functional data (Solicited)

Space-time earthquake clustering: nearest-neighbor and stochastic declustering methods in comparison PDF
Elisa Varini, Antonella Peresan, Renata Rotondi, Stefania Gentili

Environmental processes, human activities and their interactions (Solicited)

A multilevel hidden Markov model for space-time cylindrical data PDF
Francesco Lagona, Monia Ranalli
Estimation of entropy measures for categorical variables with spatial correlation PDF
Linda Altieri, Giulia Roli

Integration surveys and register based statistics: past, present and future (Specialized)

Quality survey to dealing with frame imperfections in the next register-based Italian Census Population PDF
paolo righi

Missing data handling in complex models (Specialized)

Multilevel analysis of student ratings with missing level-two covariates: a comparison of imputation techniques PDF
Carla Rampichini, Maria Francesca Marino

Some topics in Statistics and Data Science (Specialized)

Reconstructing the topography of multidimensional probability landscapes E PDF
Michele Allegra, Maria d'Errico, Elena Facco, Alessandro Laio, Alex Rodriguez

Network data analysis and mining (Solicited)

Data mining and analysis of comorbidity networks from practitioner prescriptions PDF
Giancarlo Ragozini
Support provided by elderly Italian people: a multilevel analysis PDF
Elvira Pelle, Giulia Rivellini, Susanna Zaccarin
Overlapping mixture models for network data (\texttt{manet}) with covariates adjustment PDF
Saverio Ranciati, Giuliano Galimberti, Ernst C. Wit, Veronica Vinciotti

New sources, data integration and measurement challenges for estimates on labour market dynamics (Solicited)

Fabio Massimo Rapiti, C. Baldi, Daniela Ichim, Federica Pintaldi, Maria E. Pontecorvo

Quantile and generalized quantile methods (Solicited)

Modelling the effect of Traffic and Meteorology on Air Pollution with Finite Mixtures of M-quantile Regression Models DOC
Simone Del Sarto, Maria Francesca Marino, Maria Giovanna Ranalli, Nicola Salvati
Multiple Quantile Regression for Risk Assessment PDF
Lea Petrella, Valentina Raponi

Spatial Functional Data Analysis (Solicited)

Constructing priors for functional linear regression models
Maria Franco Villoria, Massimo Ventrucci, Haavard Rue

Supporting regional policies through small area statistical methods (Solicited)

Accounting for measurement error in unit and area-level small area models DOC
Nikos Tzavidis, Timo Schmid, Paul Walter, Natalia Rojas-Perilla, Paul Smith, Jan van den Brakel

Young Contributions to Statistical Learning (Specialized)

Bayesian inference for hidden Markov models via duality and approximate filtering distributions PDF
Guillaume KON KAM KING, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Matteo Ruggiero

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.