
The program for this conference is available via the following link.

Conference Venue:

Aula Magna "Vincenzo Li Donni", Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Statistiche

Viale delle Scienze ed. 13
90128, Palermo (PA), Italy

Location: Click HERE to look at the conference location.



How to reach the city center:

- By bus. Please have a look at for more information. You may book the ticket on the website or downaload the app.


- Unfortunately, the train service is not availble till July, 9th. Please have a look at for more details.


We are pleased to invite you to participate to the social dinner which will be held on the evening of Monday July 10th and will be an informal convivial occasion for the conference participants.

The social dinner will take place in the ex Monastero dei Teatini  - Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, via Maqueda 172, Palermo.

When register, please let us know if there are any dietary restrictions, sending an email to

Moreover, if you have one accompanying person, you can buy one dinner ticket separately (Eur 60), during the conference. Please, inform us when you register, sending an email to, for a better organization.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.