Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
A statistical model to assess teacher performance
Pasquale Sarnacchiaro, Ida Camminatiello, Raffaela Palma
Small Area Estimation for Local Welfare Indicators in Italy
Stefano Marchetti, Caterina Giusti, Luca Faustini, Linda Porciani
The European Welfare State in times of crisis according to macroeconomic official statistics
Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini, Erika Micheletti
Forecasting electricity load and price: a comparison of different approaches
Matteo Maria Pelagatti
Older low-skilled workers and economic crisis in Italy
Corrado Polli, Roberto Angotti
Forecasting Italian Youth Unemployment Rate Using Online Search Data
Stefano Falorsi, Andrea Fasulo, Alessia Naccarato, Andrea Pierini
Circular density estimation via matching local trigonometric moments
Marco Di Marzio, Stefania Fensore, Agnese Panzera, Charles C. Taylor
p-value in science: a review of issues and proposed solutions
Francesco Pauli
Bayesian autoregressive semiparametric models for gap times of recurrent events
Giorgio Paulon, Maria De Iorio, Alessandra Guglielmi
Disaggregated Electricity Forecasting using Wavelet-Based Clustering of Individual Consumers
Jean-Michel Poggi, Jairo Cugliari, Yannig Goude
Measuring residential segregation with spatial indices: an appraisal and applications for the metropolitan area of Rome
Federico Benassi, Frank Heins, Fabio Lipizzi, Evelina Paluzzi
Improved case-only approach to study genome-wide gene-environment interaction
Yadav Pankaj
On the L_p-quantiles and the Student t distribution
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella
The Switching Skew–GARCH Model
Matteo Soscia, Mauro Bernardi, Lea Petrella
Three-Year Survival Probability of Italian Start-up Businesses in Healthcare Industry: an Empirical Investigation through Logistic Multilevel Modelling
Maria Michela Dickson, Diego Giuliani, Davide Piacentino, Flavio Santi
Confidence intervals for a partially identified parameter with bounds estimated by the minimum and the maximum of two correlated and normally distributed statistics
Aleksandar Pramov
Italian public guarantees to SME: the impact on regional growth
Guido Pellegrini, Marusca De Castris
Does becoming a parent change the meaning of happiness and life satisfaction? Evidence from the European Social Survey
Andre Pirralha, Henrik Dobewall
Modelling a multivariate hidden Markov process on survey data
Fulvia Pennoni
Dynamic Quantile Lasso Regression
Fabrizio Poggioni, Lea Petrella, Mauro Bernardi
Socio-economic deprivation, territorial inequalities and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in Sicily
Mauro Ferrante, Anna Maria Milito, Anna Maria Parroco
A multivariate circular-linear hidden Markov model for site-specific assessment of wind predictions by an atmospheric simulation system
Gianluca Mastrantonio, Alessio Pollice, Francesca Fedele
Bayesian inference for L$_{p}$--quantile regression models
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella
Small area model-based direct estimator for spatial data
ALESSANDRA PETRUCCI, Chiara Bocci, Emilia Rocco
A nonparametric test of independence
Matteo Maria Pelagatti
Optimal B-Robust Posterior Distributions for Operational Risk
Erlis Ruli, Ivan Luciano Danesi, Fabio Piacenza, Laura Ventura
Partner reunification of first generation immigrants in Lombardy
Giuseppe Gabrielli, Anna Paterno, Laura Terzera
Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal point patterns in residential property sales
Lucia Paci, Alan E Gelfand, María Asunción Beamonte, Pilar Gargallo, Manuel Salvador
Topological signatures for classification
Tullia Padellini, Pierpaolo Brutti
Using purchase market behavior to estimate collective well-being
Lorenzo Gabrielli, Giovanni Riccardi, Luca Pappalardo
A robust estimator for the mean direction of the von Mises-Fisher distribution
Thomas Kirschstein, Steffen Liebscher, Giuseppe Pandolfo, Giovanni C Porzio, Giancarlo Ragozini
Analysis of pupils’ INVALSI achievements by means of bivariate multilevel models
Chiara Masci, Anna Maria Paganoni, Francesca Ieva, Tommaso Agasisti
Quality of Educational Services, Institutional Image, Students’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in Higher Education
Matilde Bini, Lucio Masserini, Monica Pratesi
Estimating dependence within neuropsychological models for designing risk profiles of decision-makers.
Aleksandar Pramov
The Bifactor Item Response Theory Model for the analysis of repeated measurements. An application to the measurement of Italian households' well-being
Isabella Sulis, Francesca Giambona, Mariano Porcu
The Rao regression-type estimator in ranked set sampling
Elvira Pelle
Distributed-Lag Structural Equation Modelling: An Application to Impact Assessment of Research Activity on European Agriculture
Alessandro Magrini, Fabio Bartolini, Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini
GAMs and functional kriging for air quality data
Francesca Di Salvo, Antonella Plaia, Mariantoniettaa Ruggieri
Mapping local social protection data in Italy
Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini, Alessandro Valentini, Silvia Venturi
Integrating CUB Models and Vignette Approaches
Omar Paccagnella, Serena Pavan, Maria Iannario
Statistical approach in aerospace industry innovation
Pasquale Erto, Biagio Palumbo, Flaviana Tagliaferri, Gaetano De Chiara, Roberto Marrone, Claudio Leone, Silvio Genna
Cluster Analysis of Transactional Data in the Frequency Domain
Ivan Luciano Danesi, Flavio Maria Emanuele Pons, Cristina Rea
Robust Partial Possibilistic Regression Path Modeling
Rosaria Romano, Francesco Palumbo
Statistics for knowledge improvement of an innovative manufacturing process and quality cost management
Biagio Palumbo, Amalia Vanacore, Francesco Del Re, Pasquale Corrado, Maria Rosaria Lanza, Giuseppe La Sala, Mimmo Mastrovita
Statistics for Safety and Ergonomics in Design
Amalia Vanacore, Antonio Lanzotti, Chiara Percuoco, Agostino Capasso, Fabio Liccardo, Bonaventura Vitolo
Ship fuel consumption control and engineering approach to fault-detection
Pasquale Erto, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Luigi Vitiello, Christian Capezza, Dario Bocchetti, Andrea D'Ambra, Biagio Antonelli
Semantic Knowledge Detection in Open-ended Questionnaire
Ilaria Primerano, Giuseppe Giordano
Many women start, but few continue: determinants of breastfeeding in Italy
Francesca Lariccia, Antonella Pinnelli
No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market
Giovanni Busetta, Giovanni Busetta, Maria Gabriella Campolo, Demetrio Panarello
A Bayesian short-term strategy for site specific wind potential assessment
Pasquale Erto, Antonio Lepore, Biagio Palumbo, Massimo Lepore
Modeling multi-site individual corals growth
Barbara Cafarelli, Crescenza Calculli, Daniela Cocchi, Elettra Pignotti
Evaluation of health care services through a latent Markov model with covariates
Giorgio Eduardo Montanari, Silvia Pandolfi
Italian consumers’ food risks perception: an approach based on the correspondence analysis
Anna Pinto, Erlis Ruli, Stefania Crovato, Laura Ventura, Licia Ravarotto
Multi-state Approach to Administrative Data on Patients affected by Chronic Heart Failure
Francesco Grossetti, Francesca Ieva, Simonetta Scalvini, Anna Maria Paganoni
A survival approach for the analysis of cruise passengers’ behavior at the destination
Stefano De Cantis, Mauro Ferrante, Anna Maria Parroco, Noam Shoval
Robust classification of multivariate functional data
Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni
Online Job Vacancies: a big data analysis
Ilaria Vannini, Daniela Rotolone, Cristian Di Stefano, Achille Pierre Paliotta, Domenica Fioredistella Iezzi
Functional Data Analysis of Tongue Profiles
Alessia Pini, Lorenzo Spreafico, Simone Vantini, Alessandro Vietti
Relabelling in Bayesian mixture models by pivotal units
Leonardo Egidi, Roberta Pappada', Francesco Pauli, Nicola Torelli
Forecasting with Mixed Data Sampling Models (MIDAS) and Google trends data: the case of car sales in Italy
Maria Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti, Paolo Postiglione

SIS 2021 - 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society