Presentations and Authors

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SPE.1 - Small area estimation using integrated and big data sources

Alternative spatial data sources for small area estimation in developing countries SLIDES
Nikos Tzavidis, Angela Luna, Kristine Nilsen, Jessica Steele

SPE.4 - Small area estimation methods: innovations and applied issues

Small domain estimation with calibration methods SLIDES
Risto Lehtonen, Ari Veijanen

SPE.9 - Record linkage and statistical matching techniques

A Bayesian approach for multiple regression with linked and deduplicated data SLIDES
Brunero Liseo, Rebecca C. Steorts, Andrea Tancredi

SPE.12 - Population size estimation via integration of different sources

Deduplication and population size estimation SLIDES
Andrea Tancredi, Brunero Liseo

CON.1 - Small area estimation

Variable and Transformation Selection for Mixed Regression Models with Application to Small Area Estimation SLIDES
Natalia Rojas-Perilla, María José Lombardía, Esther López Vizcaíno, Cristina Rueda Sabater

CON.3 - Methods for the analysis of survey data

Mind the mode: lessons from a web survey on household finances SLIDES
Andrea Neri, Romina Gambacorta, Martina Lo Conte, Manuela Murgia, Roberta Rizzi, Francesca Zanichelli

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