Call for Papers

ITACOSM2023 - 8th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology

New Challenges for sample surveys: innovation through tradition

We are glad to announce the call for papers of ITACOSM2023, the 8th ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology, that will be held in person at the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance “Giovanni Anania” - University of Calabria (Italy) - from 7 to 9 June, 2023.

ITACOSM is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) whose aim is promoting the scientific discussion on the developments of theory and application of survey sampling methodologies in the fields of economics, social and demographic sciences, of official statistics and in the studies on biological and environmental phenomena.

ITACOSM2023 is mainly intended to be an opportunity for survey practitioners, academic researchers, official statisticians and statistics stakeholders to assess the current state of survey sampling methodology and practice in a time when traditional survey methods are undergoing continuous and rapid revision, in terms of key aspects of design, collection, processing, estimation and dissemination. On the one hand, new methods and techniques, based on Machine Learning algorithms and Statistical Learning tools, are more and more gaining ground; on the other hand, the scope of data sources is increasing due to the uptake of administrative registers and various forms of so-called big data.

The conference will promote and spread the multifaceted connection between new tools for data science and survey sampling methodology covering emerging topics in survey and official statistics. ITACOSM2023, in continuation of the past conferences in 2019 and 2022, will therefore offer space to researchers with different needs and background to reflect and discuss these aspects.


ITACOSM2023 will include plenary (keynote) sessions on very relevant themes, specialized (invited) sessions on specific topics, and contributed sessions.

Authors wishing to present a paper are invited to submit an abstract by March 13, 2023.

A prize of € 500,00 for the be best talk/contribution is established for young researchers (under 35). Further details are available here.


Important dates

• March 13, 2023: Abstract submission for contributed papers

• March 26, 2023: Extended deadline for contributed papers submission

• March 27, 2023: Notification of acceptance for contributed papers

• March 31, 2023: Abstract submission for keynote and invited papers

• April 18, 2023: Deadline for the final version of all abstracts

• April 30, 2023: Early conference registration deadline

• May 31, 2023: Online conference registration deadline

• October 31, 2023: Full papers submission in a special issue of METRON (details will be available later on this website)


Authors guidelines

Contributors are requested to submit the abstract online. All submissions, except invited talks, are subject to a refereeing process.

Authors are requested to submit in the proper track. Please select "Contributed" for free contributed submissions, or choose the appropriate specialized (invited) session in the list. 

Abstracts should contain no more than 500 words. They have to briefly describe: the substantive problem, the approach and the methods used, the analyzed data as well as the main results of the analysis.

Authors of papers presented at ITACOSM2023 may submit their full papers after the conference for publication in a special issue of of METRON. Further details will be available later on the website. 


List of topics (not exhaustive and exclusive)

  • Adaptive sample designs
  • Administrative registers, big data and sample surveys
  • Calibration methods for data integration
  • Capture-recapture methods
  • Data disclosure strategies and privacy protection
  • Data fusion
  • Data production
  • Data quality
  • Estimation from different data sources
  • Estimation issues from informative designs
  • Graph learning
  • Integration and weighting in probability and nonprobability-based sample surveys
  • Machine and statistical learning methods in survey estimation
  • Missing data and imputation methods
  • Mixed mode surveys
  • Multiple frame surveys
  • Network sampling
  • New methods for censuses
  • Opinion polls
  • Population-size estimation
  • Record linkage
  • Resampling methods
  • Sample designs for complex populations (networks) and for integrated data
  • Sample selectivity
  • Sample surveys for sensitive data and indirect questioning
  • Sampling and non-sampling errors
  • Sampling for hard-to-reach populations
  • Small area estimation
  • Smart surveys
  • Spatial sampling and use of remote sensing data
  • Statistical matching
  • Variance estimation

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