GRASPA 2021 endorses co-operation among statisticians, academics from environmental sciences as well as practitioners from government and independent environmental agencies creating a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on various aspects relevant to the protection of the natural environment. GRASPA 2021 is an opportunity to share research interests related to the development and the use of statistical methods in environmental sciences, fostering methodological developments and applications in various environmental fields.
Keynote speakers
Sudipto Banerjee (UCLA - USA)
Michela Cameletti (University of Bergamo - Italy)
Ashley Steel (FAO)
Scientific Commitee
Rosalba Ignaccolo, University of Torino
Luigi Ippoliti, University of Chieti-Pescara
Alessandro Fassò , University of Bergamo
Francesco Finazzi, University of Bergamo
Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Sapienza University of Rome (chair)
Francesco Lagona, University of Roma Tre
Alessio Pollice, University of Bari
Laura M. Sangalli, Politecnico di Milano
Massimo Ventrucci, University of Bologna
Submissions are open for contributed posters. An abstract of fewer than 200 words must be submitted by sending an email to the chair of the Program committee (Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Accepted posters will be presented as pre-recorded video (max. 3 minutes) that will be uploaded to the YouTube channel of The Department of Statistical Sciences (Sapienza University of Rome) and made available during the conference. Digital Break-out-rooms will be available for poster discussion and ideas exchanges. During the conference, your posters will be evaluated and the best posters will be awarded.
April 18th: poster abstract submission
April 25th: acceptance notification
May 16th: video submission (preferred format mp4)
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