
Presentations and Authors

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Contributed Papers

On the estimation of epidemiological parameters from serological survey data using Bayesian mixture modelling DOC
Emanuele Del Fava, Piero Manfredi, Ziv Shkedy
Intentions to leave Italy or to stay among foreigners: what factors for different migration projects? PDF
Paola Muccitelli, Ginevra Di Giorgio, Francesca Dota, Daniele Spizzichino
Mortality trends in Sardinia 1992-2015: an ecological study DOC
Vanessa Santos Sanchez, Gabriele Ruiu, Marco Breschi, Lucia Pozzi
Where the Current Age Structure is Heading XML
Gustavo De Santis, Giambattista Salinari
Multi-State model with nonparametric discrete frailty PDF
Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni, Chris Jackson, Linda Sharples
Posterior distributions with non explicit objective priors PDF
Erlis Ruli, Nicola Sartori, Laura Ventura
Bayesian Support Vector Machine Quantile Regression PDF
Andrea Sottosanti, Mauro Bernardi, Emanuele Degani
A test for variable importance PDF
Rosaria Simone
Tail analysis of a distribution by means of an inequality curve PDF
Emanuele Taufer, Flavio Santi, Giuseppe Espa, Maria Michela Dickson
The well-being in the Italian urban areas: a local geographic variation analysis PDF
eugenia nissi, AnnaLina Sarra
On the estimation of high-dimensional regression models with binary covariates PDF
Valentina Mameli, Debora Slanzi, Irene Poli
University choice and the attractiveness of the study area. Insights from an analysis based on generalized mixed-effect models PDF
Silvia Columbu, Mariano Porcu, Isabella Sulis
Modified profile likelihood in models for clustered data with missing values PDF
Claudia Di Caterina, Nicola Sartori
A simulation study on the use of response-adaptive randomized designs PDF
Anna Maria Paganoni, Andrea Ghiglietti, Maria Giovanna Scarale, Rosalba Miceli, Francesca Ieva, Luigi Mariani, Cecilia Gavazzi, Valeria Edefonti
Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling: a Penalized Approach PDF
Gianluca Sottile, Paolo Frumento, Matteo Bottai
Assessment of the INLA approach on gerarchic bayesian models for the spatial disease distribution: a real data application PDF
Paolo Girardi, Emanuela Bovo, Carmen Stocco, Susanna Baracco, Alberto Rosano, Daniele Monetti, Silvia Rizzato, Sara Zamberlan, Enrico Chinellato, Ugo Fedeli, Massimo Rugge
On Bayesian high-dimensional regression with binary predictors: a simulation study ZIP
Debora Slanzi, Valentina Mameli, Irene Poli
Tourist flows and museum admissions in Italy: an integrated analysis DOC
Francesca Petrei, Lorenzo Cavallo, Maria Teresa Santoro
An innovative approach for the GDPR compliance in Big Data era PDF
Vito Santarcangelo
How to improve the Quality Assurance System of the Universities: a study based on compositional analysis PDF
Bruno Bertaccini, Michele Gallo, Carlotta Simonacci, Tullio Menini
Direct Individual Differences Scaling for Evaluation of Research Quality PDF
Michele Gallo, Nickolay Trendafilov, V Simonacci
The climate funds for energy sustainability: a counterfactual analysis PDF
Giuseppe Scandurra, Alfonso Carfora, Monica Ronghi
Exploratory GIS Analysis via Spatially Weighted Regression Trees PDF
Carmela Iorio, Giuseppe Pandolfo, Michele Staiano, Roberta Siciliano
On the quality of the hypocenter locations: source of errors and spatial distribution of uncertainties DOC
Antonino D'Alessandro, Carlo Marcocci, Salvatore Scudero


Investigating the effect of drugs consumption on survival outcome of Heart Failure patients using joint models: a case study based on regional administrative data. PDF
Marta Spreafico, Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva
Classification of the Aneurisk65 dataset using PCA for partially observed functional data RAR
Marco Stefanucci
A distribution curves comparison approach to analyze the university moving students performance PDF
Giovanni Boscaino, Giada Adelfio, Gianluca Sottile
Multivariate analysis of marine litter abundance through Bayesian space-time models ZIP
crescenza calculli, Alessio Pollice, Letizia Sion, Porzia Maiorano
Estimating the implied probabilities in the tennis betting market: A new normalization procedure PDF
Vincenzo Candila, Antonio Scognamillo

Advanced models and computational methods for data from modern biomedicine (Plenary)

Precision medicine and personalized networks DOC
Francesco C Stingo

Aging and elderly people (Solicited)

Estimation of neighborhood effect on mental health in the elderly using propensity score techniques DOC
Giovanna Boccuzzo, Chiara Papaccio, margherita Silan, morena stroscia

BDsports - Statistics in sports (Specialized)

Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga PDF
Gunther Schauberger
Zero-inflated ordinal data models with application to sport (in)activity ZIP
Maria Iannario, Rosaria Simone

Complex Spatio-temporal processes and functional data (Solicited)

Spatial pattern analysis of the Italian sesimic network and seismicity PDF
Antonino D'Alessandro, Marianna Siino, Giada Adelfio, Luca Greco
Advanced spatio-temporal point processes for the Sicily seismicity analysis PDF
marianna siino

Dimensional reduction techniques for Big Data Analysis (Solicited)

A network approach to dimensionality reduction in Text Mining PDF
Michelangelo Misuraca, Germana Scepi, Maria Spano

Emerging and re-emerging threats from infections: global diffusion models and policy perspectives (Specialized)

Refining the characterization of the Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine’s efficacy profile using machine learning DOC
Ilaria Dorigatti, Christl A Donnelly, Daniel J Laydon, Robert Small, Nicholas Jackson, Laurent Coudeville, Neil Ferguson

Financial Time Series Analysis (Specialized)

Heterogeneous Component MEM models for forecasting trading volumes PDF
Giuseppe Storti, Antonio Naimoli

Innovations in Census and in Social Surveys (Solicited)

Demographic changes, research questions and data needs: issues about migrations DOC
Salvatore Strozza, Giuseppe Gabrielli

Integration surveys and register based statistics: past, present and future (Specialized)

Estimation of wealth on spatially disaggregated levels in Germany based on the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) PDF
Timo Schmid, Ann-Kristin Kreutzmann, Philipp Marek, Nicola Salvati

Living conditions and a consumption expenditure in time of crises (Solicited)

Material deprivation and household consumption expenditure in Italy during last economic crises PDF
Isabella Siciliani, Ilaria Arigoni

Monitoring education systems. Insights from large scale assessment surveys (Specialized)

Insights into survey errors of large scale educational achievement surveys PDF
Sylke V. Schnepf

New methods and models for ordinal data (Solicited)

A dissimilarity-based splitting criterion for CUBREMOT PDF
carmela cappelli, Rosaria Simone, Francesca Di Iorio
Weighted vs unweighted distance based decision trees for ranking data PDF
Antonella Plaia, Simona Buscemi, Mariangela Sciandra

Quality of life: definition, measures and policy implications (Specialized)

Quality of life and gender inequalities after the economic crisis: which priorities for the policy maker? DOC
Linda Laura Sabbadini

Quantile and generalized quantile methods (Solicited)

Modelling the effect of Traffic and Meteorology on Air Pollution with Finite Mixtures of M-quantile Regression Models DOC
Simone Del Sarto, Maria Francesca Marino, Maria Giovanna Ranalli, Nicola Salvati
Three-level M-quantile model for small area poverty mapping PDF
Nicola Salvati, Stefano Marchetti

Recent advances in model-based clustering (Specialized)

A Comparison of Model-Based and Fuzzy Clustering Methods PDF
Marco Alfò, Maria Brigida Ferraro, Paolo Giordani, Luca Scrucca, Alessio Serafini

Spatial Functional Data Analysis (Solicited)

Object oriented spatial statistics for georeferenced tensor data PDF
Alessandra Menafoglio, Davide Pigoli, Piercesare Secchi

Statistical models for sports data (Solicited)

The study of relationship between financial performance and sports success in Italian Football Championship clubs through the Longitudinal generalized estimating equation models PDF
Pasquale Sarnacchiaro, Anna Crisci, Luigi D'Ambra

Statistical Analysis of Energy Markets (Contributed)

Forecasting Value-at-Risk for Model Risk Analysis in Energy Markets ZIP
Angelica Gianfreda, Giacomo Scandolo
Quantile merit order and network upgrade effects: evidence on Italian wholesale power prices PDF
Alessandro Sapio
Investment-Uncertainty Relationship in the Oil and Gas Industry DOC
Matteo Manera, Maryam Ahmadi, Mehedi Sadeghzadeh

Statistical Modelling (Specialized)

The GAMLSS models: Past and Future PDF
Mikis Stasinopoulos

Statistical Modelling for Business Intelligence (Solicited)

Bayesian Ensemble of Quantile Trees for Sales Prediction PDF
Mauro Bernardi, Paola Stolfi

Statistical modelling of Big Spatial Data (Specialized)

Multivariate statistical emulators for city-level air quality management
Francesco Finazzi, Yoana Borisova, Marian E Scott, Alan Hills, Michela Cameletti

Supporting regional policies through small area statistical methods (Solicited)

Accounting for measurement error in unit and area-level small area models DOC
Nikos Tzavidis, Timo Schmid, Paul Walter, Natalia Rojas-Perilla, Paul Smith, Jan van den Brakel

The second generation at school (Solicited)

Residential Proximity to Attended Schools among Immigrant-Origin Youths in Bologna DOC
Federica Santangelo, Debora Mantovani, Giancarlo Gasperoni

Statistics for financial risks (Contributed)

Bayesian Quantile Regression Treed PDF
Mauro Bernardi, Paola Stolfi

Functional statistics for Spatiotemporal Data (in collaboration with the Royal Statistical Society) (Specialized)

Visualization and assessment of spatio-temporal covariance properties DOC
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