Keynote speakers
Imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys: an overview | |
David Haziza |
The future of Statistics: challenges for understanding new phenomena in a rapidly changing world | |
Giorgio Alleva |
Sample designs and geospatial information for monitoring agriculture and agri-environment | |
Elisabetta Carfagna |
Analysis of integrated data for Official Statistics | |
Li-Chun Zhang |
Total Error Frameworks for Integrating Probability and Nonprobability Data | |
Paul P. Biemer |
SPE.1 - Small area estimation using integrated and big data sources
Measuring well-being and poverty at local level using remote sensing data | |
Ralf Muennich, Christopher Caratiola, Hanna Dieckmann, Max Gerhards, Thomas Udelhoven |
Alternative spatial data sources for small area estimation in developing countries | |
Nikos Tzavidis, Angela Luna, Kristine Nilsen, Jessica Steele |
Small area poverty indicators adjusted using local price indexes | |
Stefano Marchetti, Gaia Bertarelli, Caterina Giusti, Francesco Schirripa Spagnolo, Monica Pratesi |
SPE.2 - Optimal sampling design
Survey design for the estimation of the economic performance of the Italian fisheries sector | |
Paolo Accadia, Federica Piersimoni, Evelina Carmen Sabatella, Dario Pinello |
Enhancing small area estimation through spatially balanced designs | |
Maria Simona Andreano, Francesco Pantalone |
Optimal spatial sampling design using coupled Gaussian processes | |
Luigi Ippoliti, Sara Fontanella, Pasquale Valentini |
SPE.3 - Machine learning for socio-economic surveys
Machine Learning in Survey Research: Modeling Nonresponse and Completion Conditions from a Prediction Perspective | |
Christoph Kern |
Producing contingency table estimates integrating survey data and Big Data | |
Paolo Righi, Giulio Barcaroli, Mariagrazia Rinaldi, Gianpiero Bianchi |
Improving Data Validation using Machine Learning | |
Christian Ruiz |
SPE.4 - Small area estimation methods: innovations and applied issues
Small area estimation of entropy inequality measures | |
Maria Rosaria Ferrante, Silvia Pacei |
Small domain estimation with calibration methods | |
Risto Lehtonen, Ari Veijanen |
Data-driven Transformations for the Estimation of Small Area Means | |
Nora Ulrike Würz, Timo Schmid, Nikos Tzavidis |
SPE.5 - Analysis of Official Statistics for decision making
Composite Indicators for Measuring Socio-Economic Phenomena | |
Matteo Mazziotta |
Graphical Structural Learning for Complex Survey Data | |
Daniela Marella, Paola Vicard |
Civil justice: a method for assessing efficiency | |
Irene Rocchetti, Maria Filomeno |
SPE.6 - Environmental surveys: theoretical and practical issues
Spatial sampling and entropy | |
Daniela Cocchi |
Estimating co-occurences index in finite populations | |
Tonio Di Battista, Stefano Antonio Gattone, Francesca Fortuna |
Design-based maps for two-phase inventories | |
Sara Franceschi |
SPE.7 - Inference from informative and non-probability survey samples
Combining Non-probability and Probability Survey Samples Through Mass Imputation | |
Jae-kwang Kim |
Sample Matching and Double Robust Estimation with Non-Probability Samples | |
Changbao Wu |
Data integration of probability and nonprobability samples | |
Jean-François Beaumont |
SPE.8 - Spatial sampling and applications
An application of the pivotal method to spatial sampling | |
Guillaume Chauvet |
Spatial sampling for the French Master Sample | |
Thomas Merly Alpa |
The French National Forest Inventory survey: covering space and time at country level | |
François Morneau, Cédric Véga, Olivier Bouriaud |
SPE.9 - Record linkage and statistical matching techniques
Advances in Survey Estimation with Imperfectly-Matched Auxiliary Information | |
Jay Breidt, Chien-Min Huang, Jean Opsomer |
A Bayesian approach for multiple regression with linked and deduplicated data | |
Brunero Liseo, Rebecca C. Steorts, Andrea Tancredi |
Use of Record Linkage in Official Statistics and Feedbacks on Research | |
Marco Fortini, Tiziana Tuoto |
SPE.10 - Sample surveys for sensitive data
The Privacy Protection-Aspect in Surveys for Sensitive Data | |
Andreas Quatember |
Estimating anti-immigrant sentiment by item count technique | |
Beatriz Cobo, MarÃa del Mar Rueda, Sara Pasadas, Sebastian Rinken |
Direct vs Indirect questioning surveys in a cannabis real study | |
Elvira Pelle |
SPE.11 - Quality of multi-source statistics
Quality issues in multisource statistics | |
Giovanna Brancato |
Estimating population census tables and their accuracy using Multiple Imputation of Latent Classes (MILC) with multi-source data | |
Laura Boeschoten, Sander Scholtus, Ton de Waal, Jacco Daalmans, Jeroen Vermunt |
An empirical evaluation of latent class models for multisource statistics | |
Loredana Di Consiglio, Marco Di Zio, Danila Filipponi |
SPE.12 - Population size estimation via integration of different sources
Capture-recapture for population size estimation based upon zero-truncated count distributions with one-inflation | |
Dankmar Boehning |
Use of latent class models for estimating population size in multiple record systems in presence of missing data | |
Davide Di Cecco |
Deduplication and population size estimation | |
Andrea Tancredi, Brunero Liseo |
CON.1 - Small area estimation
Borrowing strength from larger surveys to improve related estimates from smaller surveys using bivariate small area estimation models | |
Carolina Franco, William R Bell |
Hierarchical Bayes estimation of unit-level small area log-normal models | |
Aldo Gardini, Carlo Trivisano, Enrico Fabrizi |
On the properties of EBP for a class of models with correlated random effects and longitudinal data | |
Małgorzata Karolina Krzciuk |
Variable and Transformation Selection for Mixed Regression Models with Application to Small Area Estimation | |
Natalia Rojas-Perilla, MarÃa José LombardÃa, Esther López VizcaÃno, Cristina Rueda Sabater |
Using the Entropic Distance for Large Area Definition in Small Area Estimation Methods | |
Fabrizio Solari, Livio Fenga |
On synthetic median estimator in small area estimation | |
Tomasz Stachurski |
CON.2 - Issues in complex surveys
Improving cube method | |
Shoaib Ali |
Variance estimation for rotating samples: the case of the EU-SILC survey in Luxembourg | |
Guillaume Osier |
Some topics of sampling and estimation on a bipartite graph: the adaptive estimator | |
Martina Patone |
Functional Central Limit Theorems for Stratified Single-Stage Sampling Designs. | |
Anne Ruiz-Gazen |
On bootstrap for complex sampling designs via sampling scheme modification | |
Tomasz Żądło |
CON.3 - Methods for the analysis of survey data
Evaluation of the impact of mixed mode design on the quality of the estimates of the Aspects of Daily Life social survey | |
Claudia De Vitiis, Alessio Guandalini, Francesca Inglese, Marco Dionisio Terribili |
The Marginal Impact of Auxiliary Totals in Calibration | |
Alessio Guandalini, Claudio Ceccarelli |
The R-Package ‘surveysd’ | |
Johannes Gussenbauer, Alexander Kowarik, Gregor de Cillia |
Mind the mode: lessons from a web survey on household finances | |
Andrea Neri, Romina Gambacorta, Martina Lo Conte, Manuela Murgia, Roberta Rizzi, Francesca Zanichelli |
Big Data for Finite Population Inference: Calibrating Pseudo-Weights | |
Ali Rafei, Carol Flannagan, Michael R Elliott |
Optimal sampling design with administrative sources for household finance surveys | |
Tiziana Tuoto, Andrea Neri, Giuseppe Ilardi, Giulio Barcaroli |
CON.4 - Advances in survey data analysis
Passengers’ Perceptions of Airport Service Quality: A Case Study of Airports of Puglia | |
Rosanna Cataldo, Corrado Crocetta, Maria Gabriella Grassia, Marina Marino |
Estimation of population mean under stratified median ranked set sampling using air-quality data | |
Nursel Koyuncu |
Simulated geo-coordinates as a general means for regional analysis: theory and examples | |
Ulrich Rendtel |
On influence of clustering population on accuracy of vector mean estimator | |
Grzegorz Antoni Sitek, Janusz Leszek Wywiał |
CON.5 - Non sampling error
Response burden and data quality in business surveys: the experience of Banca d'Italia | |
Marco Bottone, Lucia Modugno, Andrea Neri |
Parametric Estimation and Prediction under Informative Sampling and Nonignorable Nonresponse | |
Abdulhakeem A.A. Eideh |
Beyond the sampling errors: the effects of Centralised data collection on Total Survey Errors | |
Pasquale Papa |
CON.6 - Real survey data analysis issues
Multilevel time series modeling of mobility trends in the Netherlands for small domains | |
Sumonkanti Das, Harm Jan Boonstra, Jan van den Brakel |
Correcting sample biases: an analysis of teaching evaluations | |
Shira Fano, Rosanna Cataldo, Tiziana Venittelli |
Estimation Weights for School Longitudinal Surveys: The case of Geres | |
Gabrielle Alves Palermo Cavalcante |