Prediction intervals for heteroscedastic series by Holt-Winters methods | |
Paolo Chirico |
Object Oriented Geostatistical Simulation of Functional Compositions via Dimensionality Reduction in Bayes spaces | |
Alessandra Menafoglio |
A statistical model to assess teacher performance | |
Pasquale Sarnacchiaro, Ida Camminatiello, Raffaela Palma |
Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures for Mixed Feature-type Symbolic Data | |
Manabu Ichino |
Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Vocational Education in Portugal | |
Ricardo Paes Mamede, Daniela Cruz, Teresa Fernandes |
Modelling Trends in Ordered Three-Way Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis | |
Rosaria Lombardo, Pieter Kroonenberg, Eric Beh |
A penalized regression model for functional data with spatial dependence | |
Laura M Sangalli |
Exploring solutions for linking Big Data in Official Statistics | |
Tiziana Tuoto, Loredana Di Consiglio, Daniela Fusco |
Small Area Estimation for Local Welfare Indicators in Italy | |
Stefano Marchetti, Caterina Giusti, Luca Faustini, Linda Porciani |
Family behaviours among first generation migrants | |
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Laura Terzera |
Measuring stability of co-authorship structures in time | |
Marjan Cugmas, Anuška Ferligoj |
Spatial Micro-Econometrics Models with Locational Errors | |
Simonetta Cozzi, Giuseppe Espa, Diego Giuliani |
The European Welfare State in times of crisis according to macroeconomic official statistics | |
Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini, Erika Micheletti |
The multivariate projected-skew normal distribution: Bayesian estimation and a hidden Markov model application | |
Gianluca Mastrantonio |
Some mathematical properties of the ROC curve | |
Camilla Calì, Maria Longobardi |
Weight adjustment procedures for the treatment of unit nonresponse in surveys | |
David Haziza |
An innovative approach about the analysis of quality and efficiency in Italian law | |
Vito Santarcangelo, Antonio Buondonno, Angelo Romano, Massimiliano Giacalone, Carlo Cusatelli |
Bootstrap prepivoting in the presence of many nuisance parameters | |
Nicola Sartori, Ruggero Bellio, Ioannis Kosmidis, Alessandra Salvan |
Measuring sustainable development goals from now to 2030 | |
Fabiola Riccardini |
Forecasting electricity load and price: a comparison of different approaches | |
Matteo Maria Pelagatti |
Treatment of ‘don’t know’ responses in rating data: effects on the heterogeneity of the CUB distribution | |
Marica Manisera, Paola Zuccolotto |
Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling of Dynamic International Relations | |
Daniele Durante, David B. Dunson |
Classical inference for intractable likelihoods | |
Clara Grazian |
Resampling from finite populations under complex designs: the pseudo-population approach | |
Pier Luigi Conti, Federico Andreis, Daniela Marella, Fulvia Mecatti |
From South to North? Mobility of Southern Italian students at the transition from the first to the second level university degree | |
Marco Enea |
A Markov-switching regression model with non-Gaussian innovations for systemic risk measurement | |
Luca De Angelis |
Counting wild ungulates through pellet group counts in a Mediterranean protected area | |
Francesco Ferretti, Andrea Sforzi |
Native Immigration and Pull Factor Evolution in Italy: a Spatial Approach | |
Luisa Natale |
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Transfer Learning | |
Younes Bennani, Ievgen Redko |
Migration motivations and migrants' satisfaction in the life course: A sequence analysis of geographical mobility trajectories in the United Kingdom | |
Beata Nowok |
Probabilistic properties of Self Exciting Threshold Autoregressive processes | |
Marcella Niglio, Giordano Francesco, Cosimo Damiano Vitale |
Approximate Robust Bayesian Inference with an Application to Linear Mixed Models | |
Erlis Ruli, Nicola Sartori, Laura Ventura |
Older low-skilled workers and economic crisis in Italy | |
Corrado Polli, Roberto Angotti |
Combining Clinical and Omics data: hope or illusion? | |
Federico Ambrogi, Patrizia Boracchi |
Foreign immigration in Italy: a forty-year-old history | |
Salvatore Strozza |
Asymmetric Stochastic Volatility Models: Properties and Estimation | |
Esther Ruiz, Veronika Czellar, Xiuping Mao, Helena Veiga |
An introduction to next generation sequencing for studying omic-environment interactions | |
Claudia Angelini |
Monitoring school performance using value-added models: Lessons from the UK | |
George Leckie |
Thompson sampling for species discovery | |
Stefano Favaro, Marco Battiston, Yee Whye Teh |
Understanding association rules from a compositional data approach | |
Josep Antoni MartÃn-Fernández, Marina Vives-Mestres, Ron Kennet |
Wellbeing and sustainable development: a multi-indicator approach to evaluate urban waste management systems | |
Enrico di Bella |
Dental care systems across Europe: the case of Switzerland | |
Enrico di Bella |
Forecasting Italian Youth Unemployment Rate Using Online Search Data | |
Stefano Falorsi, Andrea Fasulo, Alessia Naccarato, Andrea Pierini |
Clustering of imprecise data: a robust proposal | |
Maria Brigida Ferraro, Paolo Giordani |
Empirical likelihood multiplicity adjusted estimator for multiple frame surveys | |
Ewa Kabzinska, Yves G. Berger |
Spatial sampling methods with locational errors | |
Maria Michela Dickson, Danila Filipponi |
Space-time FPCA Algorithm for clustering ofmultidimensional curves | |
Giada Adelfio, francesca di salvo, marcello chiodi |
Dimensionality reduction methods for contingency tables with ordinal variables | |
Luigi D'Ambra, Pietro Amenta, Antonello D'Ambra |
Asymptotics and power of entropy based tests of dependence for categorical data. | |
Simone Giannerini, Greta Goracci |
Evaluation of Training Programs by exploiting secondary outcomes in Principal Stratification frameworks: the case of Luxembourg. | |
Michela Bia, Fan Li, Andrea Mercatanti |
Modeling network dynamics: evidence from policy-driven innovation networks | |
Annalisa Caloffi, Domenico De Stefano, Federica Rossi, Margherita Russo, Susanna Zaccarin |
Circular density estimation via matching local trigonometric moments | |
Marco Di Marzio, Stefania Fensore, Agnese Panzera, Charles C. Taylor |
p-value in science: a review of issues and proposed solutions | |
Francesco Pauli |
How the nexus of water/food/energy can be seen with the perspective on well-being of people and the Italian BES framework | |
Fabiola Riccardini, Dalila De Rosa |
Modelling inter-regional patient mobility: evidence from the Italian NHS | |
Silvia Balia |
Bayesian autoregressive semiparametric models for gap times of recurrent events | |
Giorgio Paulon, Maria De Iorio, Alessandra Guglielmi |
CUB models: a preliminary Fuzzy approach to heterogeneity | |
Elvira Di Nardo, Rosaria Simone |
A unified approach for robustness in survey sampling | |
Jean-François Beaumont, David Haziza, Anne Ruiz-Gazen |
Disaggregated Electricity Forecasting using Wavelet-Based Clustering of Individual Consumers | |
Jean-Michel Poggi, Jairo Cugliari, Yannig Goude |
The power of generalized entropy for biodiversity assessment by remote sensing: an open source approach | |
Duccio Rocchini, Luca Delucchi, Giovanni Bacaro |
Measuring residential segregation with spatial indices: an appraisal and applications for the metropolitan area of Rome | |
Federico Benassi, Frank Heins, Fabio Lipizzi, Evelina Paluzzi |
Cultural and institutional drivers of basic psychological needs satisfaction | |
Pierluigi Conzo, Arnstein Aassve, Giulia Fuochi, Letizia Mencarini |
Minorities internal migration in Italy: an analysis based on gravity models | |
oliviero casacchia, Cecilia Reynaud, Salvatore Strozza, Enrico Tucci |
A Bayesian nonparametric approach to macroeconomic risk | |
Monica Billio, Roberto Casarin, Michele Costola, Michele Guindani |
On model selection from a finite family of possibly misspecified models | |
Hsiang-Ling Hsu, Ching-Kang Ing, Howell Tong |
Probabilistic inference from big & complex data | |
David Dunson |
Generating high quality administrative data: new technologies in a national statistical reuse perspective | |
Manlio Calzaroni, Cristina Martelli, Antonio Samaritani |
Graphical representations and summary indicators to assess the performance of risk predictors | |
Laura Antolini, Davide Paolo Bernasconi |
Improved case-only approach to study genome-wide gene-environment interaction | |
Yadav Pankaj |
New information contents of the National Accounts for the monitoring of the economic situation | |
Gian Paolo Oneto |
M Estimation based Inference for Ordinal Response Model | |
Anna Clara Monti |
Age management in Italian companies. Findings of two Isfol surveys | |
Testing volatility: consistency of bootstrap testing for a parameter on the boundary of the parameter space | |
Anders Rahbek |
A joint use of model based and design based frameworks for defining optimal sampling designs | |
Paolo Righi, Piero Demetrio Falorsi |
On the L_p-quantiles and the Student t distribution | |
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella |
Fitting CANDECOMP-PARAFAC model for compositional data: a combined SWATLD-ALS algorithm | |
Violetta Simonacci, Maria Anna Di Palma, Valentin Todorov |
Does socio-economic variables influence the Italians’ adherence towards a sustainable diet? | |
Tiziana Laureti, Luca Secondi |
Dealing with under-coverage bias via Dual/Multiple Frame designs: a simulation study for telephone surveys | |
Emanuela Furfaro |
The Switching Skew–GARCH Model | |
Matteo Soscia, Mauro Bernardi, Lea Petrella |
Three-Year Survival Probability of Italian Start-up Businesses in Healthcare Industry: an Empirical Investigation through Logistic Multilevel Modelling | |
Maria Michela Dickson, Diego Giuliani, Davide Piacentino, Flavio Santi |
A conditional algorithm for Bayesian finite mixture models via normalized point process | |
Raffaele Argiento |
Prototyping and Comparing Networks through Archetypal Analysis | |
Giancarlo Ragozini, Domenico De Stefano, Maria Rosaria D'Esposito |
Order statistics for spatially dependent functional data | |
Elvira Romano, Antonio Balzanella, Rosanna Verde |
Evaluation of university students’ performance through a multidimensional finite mixture IRT model | |
Silvia Bacci, Francesco Bartolucci, Leonardo Grilli, Carla Rampichini |
TheWeiSSVM: a tractable, parsimonious and flexible model for cylindrical data | |
Christophe Ley |
Testing Stability of Regression Discontinuity Models | |
Giovanni Cerulli |
Fusion learning for Interlaboratory Comparison | |
Jan Hannig, Qing Feng, Hari Iyer, C. M. Wang, Xuhua Liu |
Detection of dependence patterns with delay | |
Thomas Laloe |
Measuring territory student-attractiveness in Italy. Longitudinal evidence | |
Francesca Giambona |
Symbolic data analysis approach for monitoring the stability of monuments. | |
Antonio Giusti, Bruno Bertaccini, Laura Grassini |
Using Collapsing and Multiple Comparisons to Detect Association in Two Way Contingency Tables | |
Spyros Arsenis, Marco Riani |
Modelling uncertainty in bivariate models for ordinal responses | |
Roberto Colombi, Sabrina Giordano, Anna Gottard, Maria Iannario |
Five reasons to be happy about childbearing | |
Francesca Luppi |
Restricted Nonparametric Mixtures models for Disease Clustering | |
Abel Rodriguez, Tatiana Xifara |
Machine learning and statistical inference: the case of Istat survey on ICT | |
Giulio Barcaroli, Gianpiero Bianchi, Renato Bruni, Alessandra Nurra, Sergio Salamone, Marco Scarnò |
An innovative methodology for the analysis of sustainability, inclusion and smartness of growth through Europe2020 indicators. | |
Elena Grimaccia, Tommaso Rondinella |
Bank risk contagion:an analysis through big data | |
Paola Cerchiello, Paolo Giudici, Giancarlo Nicola |
Some robust methods using empirical likelihood for two samples | |
Janis Valeinis |
Immigrants’ settlement patterns in the city of Naples - I modelli insediativi degli immigrati nella città di Napoli | |
Angelo Mazza, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Salvatore Strozza |
Flexible Realized GARCH Models | |
Richard Gerlach, Giuseppe Storti |
Growing generations and new models of integration | |
Cinzia Conti |
Linked Administrative Data in Official Statistics: a Positive Feedback for the Quality? | |
Grazia Di Bella, Giuseppe Garofalo |
Financial Crises and their Impacts: Data Gaps and Innovation in Statistical Production | |
emanuele baldacci |
Statistical approaches for the evaluation of genetic associations in complex diseases: the heterogeneity of asthma phenotypes | |
Lucia Calciano |
National Account and Open Data: a new semantic approach | |
Cristina Martelli |
Multivariable prognostic model: external validation and model recalibration with application to non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma | |
Paolo Chiodini, Luca Cindolo |
Working after Retirement in Europe | |
Angelo Lorenti |
The monitoring of forests in Europe: methods, problems and proposals | |
Marco Ferretti |
Dynamic Model Averaging for Quantile Regression | |
Roberto Casarin, Mauro Bernardi |
Three-stage estimation for a copula-based VAR model | |
Giovanni De Luca, Giorgia Rivieccio |
Forecasting CPI weights through compositional VARIMA: an application to Italian data. | |
Lisa Crosato, Francesca Lovisolo, Biancamaria Zavanella |
Methodological perspectives for surveying rare and clustered population: towards a sequentially adaptive approach | |
Federico Andreis |
sustainability of wellbeing: an analysis of resilience and vulnerability through subjective indicators | |
Fabiola Riccardini, Maria Bachelet, Filomena Maggino |
Confidence intervals for a partially identified parameter with bounds estimated by the minimum and the maximum of two correlated and normally distributed statistics | |
Aleksandar Pramov |
Explanatory and discriminatory power of variables in Symbolic Data Analysis | |
Edwin Diday |
Stochastic Block Model for Multiplex network: an application to a multilevel network of researchers. | |
Bar-Hen Avner |
Italian public guarantees to SME: the impact on regional growth | |
Guido Pellegrini, Marusca De Castris |
Does becoming a parent change the meaning of happiness and life satisfaction? Evidence from the European Social Survey | |
Andre Pirralha, Henrik Dobewall |
A dynamic discrete-choice model for movement flows | |
Johan Koskinen, Tim Mueller, Thomas Grund |
Modelling a multivariate hidden Markov process on survey data | |
Fulvia Pennoni |
The Italian population behaviours toward environmental sustainability: a study from Istat surveys | |
Paola Ungaro, Isabella Mingo, Valentina Talucci |
University mobility at enrollment: geographical disparities in Italy | |
Antonella D'Agostino, Giulio Ghellini, Sergio Longobardi |
Functional data analysis approaches for satellite remote sensing applications | |
Claire Miller, Ruth O'Donnell, Mengyi Gong, Marian Scott |
Bayesian nonparametric methods for record linkage | |
Brunero Liseo, Andrea Tancredi |
An application of Reinforced Urn Process to advice network data | |
Antonietta Mira |
Measurement of segregation in the labour market. An alternative approach | |
Nicola Tedesco, Luisa Salaris |
Population ageing and human resources management. A chance for Applied Demography. | |
Giulia Rivellini, Francesco Marcaletti, Filomena Racioppi |
Competing risks between mortality and heart failure hospital re-admissions: a community-based investigation from the Trieste area | |
Giulia Barbati, Francesca Ieva, Arjuna Scagnetto, Gianfranco Sinagra, Andrea Di Lenarda |
Dynamic Quantile Lasso Regression | |
Fabrizio Poggioni, Lea Petrella, Mauro Bernardi |
Estimating income of immigrant communities in Italy using small area estimation methods | |
Francesco Schirripa Spagnolo, Nicola Salvati, Antonella D'Agostino |
Socio-economic deprivation, territorial inequalities and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in Sicily | |
Mauro Ferrante, Anna Maria Milito, Anna Maria Parroco |
A multivariate circular-linear hidden Markov model for site-specific assessment of wind predictions by an atmospheric simulation system | |
Gianluca Mastrantonio, Alessio Pollice, Francesca Fedele |
Bayesian inference for L$_{p}$--quantile regression models | |
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella |
Estimation of INAR(p) models using bootstrap | |
Luisa Bisaglia, Margherita Gerolimetto |
Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Brain White Matter Microstructure | |
Olivier Commowick, Aymeric Stamm, Simone Vantini, Simon Keith Warfield |
Small area model-based direct estimator for spatial data | |
ALESSANDRA PETRUCCI, Chiara Bocci, Emilia Rocco |
A nonparametric test of independence | |
Matteo Maria Pelagatti |
Adaptive Randomly Reinforced Urn design and its asymptotic properties | |
Andrea Ghiglietti |
Optimal B-Robust Posterior Distributions for Operational Risk | |
Erlis Ruli, Ivan Luciano Danesi, Fabio Piacenza, Laura Ventura |
Effect of internet-based cognitive therapy on children anxiety disorders: results from a marginal logistic quantile regression | |
Davide Bossoli |
Partner reunification of first generation immigrants in Lombardy | |
Giuseppe Gabrielli, Anna Paterno, Laura Terzera |
Testing the Gamma-Gompertz-Makeham model | |
Gustavo De Santis, Giambattista Salinari |
Modelling transition probabilities in a flexible hierarchical logit framework: Evidence from the Italian labour market | |
Luca Zanin |
Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal point patterns in residential property sales | |
Lucia Paci, Alan E Gelfand, MarÃa Asunción Beamonte, Pilar Gargallo, Manuel Salvador |
Poisson change-point models estimated by Genetic Algorithms | |
Luca Scrucca |
Machine learning for the estimation of the propensity score: a simulation study | |
massimo cannas, bruno arpino |
Topological signatures for classification | |
Tullia Padellini, Pierpaolo Brutti |
Using purchase market behavior to estimate collective well-being | |
Lorenzo Gabrielli, Giovanni Riccardi, Luca Pappalardo |
A robust estimator for the mean direction of the von Mises-Fisher distribution | |
Thomas Kirschstein, Steffen Liebscher, Giuseppe Pandolfo, Giovanni C Porzio, Giancarlo Ragozini |
Bayesian networks for supporting the digitization process in Italian schools | |
Flaminia Musella, Stefania Capogna, Maria Chiara De Angelis |
An Enhanced Measure of Well-being through Structural Equation Modeling: a Cross-Country Approach | |
Daniele Toninelli, Michela Cameletti |
On penalized likelihood and bias reduction | |
Nicola Lunardon, Gianfranco Adimari |
An R package for propensity score matching with clustered data | |
massimo cannas, bruno arpino, Claudio Conversano |
M-quantile regression for multivariatelongitudinal data | |
maria francesca marino, marco Alfo', Maria Giovanna Ranalli, Nicola Salvati |
Bayesian hierarchical models for analyzing and forecasting football results | |
Giovanni Marchese, Pierpaolo Brutti, Stefania Gubbiotti |
The Multivariate Fuzzy Skew Student--t distribution | |
Mauro Bernardi |
Non-conjugate Variational Bayes Approximation | |
Mauro Bernardi, Erlis Ruli |
Analysis of pupils’ INVALSI achievements by means of bivariate multilevel models | |
Chiara Masci, Anna Maria Paganoni, Francesca Ieva, Tommaso Agasisti |
Quality of Educational Services, Institutional Image, Students’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in Higher Education | |
Matilde Bini, Lucio Masserini, Monica Pratesi |
Inference on a non-homogeneous Gompertz process with jumps as model of tumor dynamics | |
Serena Spina, Virginia Giorno, Patricia Romà n-Romà n, Francisco Torres-Ruiz |
Comparing Prediction Intervals in Quantile and OLS Regression | |
Cristina Davino |
Promoting statistical literacy to university students: a new approach adopted by Istat | |
Alessandro Valentini, Giulia De Candia, Monica Carbonara |
Estimating dependence within neuropsychological models for designing risk profiles of decision-makers. | |
Aleksandar Pramov |
The Bifactor Item Response Theory Model for the analysis of repeated measurements. An application to the measurement of Italian households' well-being | |
Isabella Sulis, Francesca Giambona, Mariano Porcu |
The Rao regression-type estimator in ranked set sampling | |
Elvira Pelle |
On the asymptotic power of the statistical test under Response-Adaptive randomization | |
Alessandro Baldi Antognini, Alessandro Vagheggini, Maroussa Zagoraiou |
Indirect inference for nonlinear panel data | |
Antonio Cosma |
Median bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates in binary regression models | |
Euloge Clovis Kenne Pagui, Alessandra Salvan, Nicola Sartori |
Bayesian M-quantile regression in Small Area Estimation | |
Giovanni Riccardi |
A New Bivariate Regression Model for Count Data with Excess Zeros | |
Population size estimation and heterogeneity in capture-recapture data | |
Orasa Anan, Dankmar Bohning, Antonello Maruotti |
Distributed-Lag Structural Equation Modelling: An Application to Impact Assessment of Research Activity on European Agriculture | |
Alessandro Magrini, Fabio Bartolini, Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini |
GAMs and functional kriging for air quality data | |
Francesca Di Salvo, Antonella Plaia, Mariantoniettaa Ruggieri |
Mapping local social protection data in Italy | |
Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini, Alessandro Valentini, Silvia Venturi |
Integrating CUB Models and Vignette Approaches | |
Omar Paccagnella, Serena Pavan, Maria Iannario |
Non-parametric estimators for estimating bivariate survival function under randomly censored and truncated data | |
Marialuisa Restaino, Hongsheng Dai, Huan Wang |
Empirical Bayes Procedures for Deconvolution of Mixture Models | |
Catia Scricciolo |
Statistics for knowledge improvement of an innovative manufacturing process and quality cost management | |
Amalia Vanacore |
Renyi's Scoring Rules | |
Monica Musio, Alexander Philip Dawid |
Statistical approach in aerospace industry innovation | |
Pasquale Erto, Biagio Palumbo, Flaviana Tagliaferri, Gaetano De Chiara, Roberto Marrone, Claudio Leone, Silvio Genna |
Cluster Analysis of Transactional Data in the Frequency Domain | |
Ivan Luciano Danesi, Flavio Maria Emanuele Pons, Cristina Rea |
Robust Partial Possibilistic Regression Path Modeling | |
Rosaria Romano, Francesco Palumbo |
Statistics for knowledge improvement of an innovative manufacturing process and quality cost management | |
Biagio Palumbo, Amalia Vanacore, Francesco Del Re, Pasquale Corrado, Maria Rosaria Lanza, Giuseppe La Sala, Mimmo Mastrovita |
Getting older and riskier: the effect of Medicare on household portfolio choices | |
Marco Angrisani, Vincenzo Atella, Marianna Brunetti |
Statistics for Safety and Ergonomics in Design | |
Amalia Vanacore, Antonio Lanzotti, Chiara Percuoco, Agostino Capasso, Fabio Liccardo, Bonaventura Vitolo |
A spatial shift-share decomposition of energy consumption variation | |
Luigi Grossi, Mauro Mussini |
Ship fuel consumption control and engineering approach to fault-detection | |
Pasquale Erto, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Luigi Vitiello, Christian Capezza, Dario Bocchetti, Andrea D'Ambra, Biagio Antonelli |
Ugly Betty looks for a job. Will she ever find in Italy? | |
Giovanni Busetta |
Semantic Knowledge Detection in Open-ended Questionnaire | |
Ilaria Primerano, Giuseppe Giordano |
Gender egalitarianism, education and life-long singlehood: A multilevel analysis | |
Combining multiple frequencies in multivariate volatility forecasting | |
Giuseppe Storti, Alessandra Amendola, Vincenzo Candila |
Many women start, but few continue: determinants of breastfeeding in Italy | |
Francesca Lariccia, Antonella Pinnelli |
A joint approach to the analysis of time-varying affiliation networks | |
Giancarlo Ragozini, Daniela D'Ambrosio, Marco Serino |
No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market | |
Giovanni Busetta, Giovanni Busetta, Maria Gabriella Campolo, Demetrio Panarello |
A Bayesian short-term strategy for site specific wind potential assessment | |
Pasquale Erto, Antonio Lepore, Biagio Palumbo, Massimo Lepore |
Indexing the Worthiness of Social Agents. To norm index on conventional specifications | |
Giulio D'Epifanio |
Reference priors based on composite likelihoods | |
Federica Giummolè, Valentina Mameli, Laura Ventura |
Modeling multi-site individual corals growth | |
Barbara Cafarelli, Crescenza Calculli, Daniela Cocchi, Elettra Pignotti |
Multifactor Partitioning: an analysis of employment and firm size | |
Annamaria Bianchi, Silvia Biffignandi |
Optimal Adaptive Group Sequential Procedure for Finite Populations in the Presence of a Cost Function | |
Silvia Missiroli, Elisabetta Carfagna |
What makes you feeling old? An analysis of the factors influencing perceptions of ageing | |
Valeria Bordone, bruno arpino, Alessandro Rosina |
Fear of Crime and Victimization among Sexual Harassed Women: Evidence from Italy | |
Luigi Colangelo, Paola Mancini |
Retirement of the Male Partner and the Housework Division in the Italian Couples: Estimation of the Causal Effects | |
Maria Gabriella Campolo, Antonino Di Pino |
A (partial) solution to the intractability of APC models | |
Gustavo De Santis, Massimo Mucciardi |
An econometric model for undeclared work | |
Maria Felice Arezzo, Giuseppina Guagnano |
Robust Atheoretical Regression Tree to detect structural breaks in financial time series | |
carmela cappelli |
The use of Permutation Tests on Big Data | |
massimiliano giacalone, Agata Zirilli, Angela Alibrandi |
Multi-state models for hospitalizations of heart failure patients in Trieste. | |
Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva, Giulia Barbati |
Know your audience. Towards a partnership between employers and university. | |
Franca crippa, Mariangela zenga |
Evaluation of health care services through a latent Markov model with covariates | |
Giorgio Eduardo Montanari, Silvia Pandolfi |
Italian consumers’ food risks perception: an approach based on the correspondence analysis | |
Anna Pinto, Erlis Ruli, Stefania Crovato, Laura Ventura, Licia Ravarotto |
Multi-state Approach to Administrative Data on Patients affected by Chronic Heart Failure | |
Francesco Grossetti, Francesca Ieva, Simonetta Scalvini, Anna Maria Paganoni |
AnAlgorithmforFinding ProjectionswithExtremeKurtosis | |
Nicola Loperfido, Cinzia Franceschini |
Variable selection through Multinomial LASSO for PCMR | |
Antonio Lucadamo, Luca Greco |
The use of deviance plots for non-nested model selection in loglinear models, structural equations, three-mode analysis | |
Pieter M Kroonenberg |
A survival approach for the analysis of cruise passengers’ behavior at the destination | |
Stefano De Cantis, Mauro Ferrante, Anna Maria Parroco, Noam Shoval |
Further considerations on a new indicator for higher education student performance | |
Giada Adelfio, Giovanni Boscaino, Vincenza Capursi |
Probability forecasts in the market of tennis betting: the CaSco normalization | |
Vincenzo Candila, Antonio Scognamillo |
Dendrograms’ Stability Analysis of Sub-periods Time Series Clustering | |
Carlo Drago, Roberto Ricciuti |
The Kendall distribution and multivariate risks | |
Fabrizio Durante |
How do firms perceive their competitiveness? Measurement and determinants | |
Eleonora Bartoloni |
On Bayesian nonparametric inference for discovery probabilites | |
Stefano Favaro, Julyan Arbel, Bernardo Nipoti, Yee Whye Teh |
Robust classification of multivariate functional data | |
Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni |
Modelling stationary varying-size populations via Polya sampling | |
Matteo Ruggiero, Pierpaolo De Blasi, Stephen Walker |
Stability-based model selection in nonparametric clustering | |
Giovanna Menardi |
Is the Smartphone Participation Affecting the Web Survey Experience? | |
Daniele Toninelli, Melanie Revilla |
Online Job Vacancies: a big data analysis | |
Ilaria Vannini, Daniela Rotolone, Cristian Di Stefano, Achille Pierre Paliotta, Domenica Fioredistella Iezzi |
Functional Data Analysis of Tongue Profiles | |
Alessia Pini, Lorenzo Spreafico, Simone Vantini, Alessandro Vietti |
Non-parametric Bayesian Networks for Managing an Energy Market | |
Vincenzina Vitale, Valentina Guizzi, Flaminia Musella, Paola Vicard |
PC algorithm from complex sample data | |
Daniela Marella, paola vicard |
Daily Prediction of Demand and Supply Curves | |
Antonio Canale, Simone Vantini |
The inter-enterprise relations in Italy | |
Alessandra Righi, Alessandra Nuccitelli, Giovanni Alfredo Barbieri |
Spatial-temporal multivariate small area estimation | |
Renato Salvatore, Fabio Cappuccio |
Relabelling in Bayesian mixture models by pivotal units | |
Leonardo Egidi, Roberta Pappada', Francesco Pauli, Nicola Torelli |
Modelling the Public Opinion on the European Economy with the HO-MIMIC Model | |
Maurizio Carpita, Enrico Ciavolino |
Forecasting with Mixed Data Sampling Models (MIDAS) and Google trends data: the case of car sales in Italy | |
Maria Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti, Paolo Postiglione |
Evaluating association between emotion recognition and Heart Rate Variability indices | |
Federica Cugnata, Riccardo Maria Martoni, Manuela Ferrario, Clelia Di Serio, Chiara Brombin |
A Reliability Problem: Censored Tests | |
egidio cascini |
Inequality decomposition for financial variables evaluation | |
Michele Costa |
Measuring sustainable economic development through a multidimensional Gini index | |
Filippa Bono, Marcella Giacomarra, Rosa Giaimo |
Robust estimation of mixtures of skew-normal distributions | |
Francesca Greselin |
Dynamic latent class profiles in cross-sectional surveys | |
Brian Francis |
An evaluation of export promotion programmes with repeated multiple treatments | |
Chiara Bocci, Marco Mariani |
The use of Permutation Tests on Large-Sized Datasets | |
Massimiliano Giacalone, Angela Alibrandi, Angela Alibrandi, Agata Zirilli, Agata Zirilli |
Cultural and institutional drivers of basic psychological needs satisfaction | |
Pierluigi Conzo |

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