Statistics and Data Science Conference


April 11, 2024 – April 12, 2024


The book of Proceedings of the Statistics and Data Science 2024 Conference is available at here.


Authors of papers presented at SDS2024 may submit a full paper for possible publication in a special issue of the ASMBI journal.

More information here.



Please, register by April 3rd, to allow the printing of badges for the conference.

Social dinner

The social dinner will be held on April 11th, 2024 at 8:30 p.m. at Palazzo Fatta, Piazza Marina 19, Palermo (


A contribution of €60 is required for participation in the social dinner, to be paid in advance (by April 7th) through a bank transfer to the bank coordinates indicated below.


The social dinner payment can be made with the registration, by a single bank transfer, or after the registration payment, by a new bank transfer, specifying “Cena sociale” in the reason for payment.



Bank transfer:

SIS, Società Italiana di Statistica

Blu Banca

IBAN:  IT 83 O 03441 03201 CC01 90522425


Please, ask your bank to make the transfer at no cost for the recipient.


The SIS group Statistics and Data Science aims at fostering the statisticsal skills in the scientific research and teaching in the context of Data Science. Its goals are:

  • to constitute a reference within the SIS on Data Science themes with the aim of establishing contacts, interactions, and systematic relationships with other national and international statistical societies and with other academic and non-academic communities interested in Data Science from different perspectives;
  • to promote and coordinate, through research projects and workshops, theoretical and applied research with emphasis on the role of Statistics in Data Science;
  • to promote contributions and specialized sessions on Data Science topics within the institutional events of SIS;
  • to support those who promote, coordinate, or participate in the development of Data Science training programs at any level and in particular in the universities and to promote the organization of courses, schools, or tutorials within workshops;
  • to promote the dissemination of the scientific activities of its members, and of work and research opportunities in Data Science.

Conference topics

Researchers and practitioners interested in Statistics and Data Science and the related methodological and applied fields are invited to submit papers for the Third Meeting of the Statistics and Data Science group. The interplay between Statistics and Data Science is gaining more and more interest not only for statisticians but also for Physicists and Computer Scientists. We call for papers treating themes related to the modelling and analysis of complex data and proposing new or ad hoc approaches pertaining to the following aims:

Computational Statistics
Data Ethics & Fairness in Machine Learning Data Stream Analysis
Data Visualization
Deep Learning
Dimensional Reduction
Education & Data Literacy
Ensemble methods for classification Explainable AI
Geometrical Data Analysis
Learning with Imbalanced Data
Mining Complex Data
Practice & Applications
Prediction & Classification
Preference Learning
Textual Data Analysis
Unsupervised Models
Variational Inference

Please click here to dowload the flyer



SIS 2021


Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the Executive Board of the Italian Statistical Society and the Local Organizing Committee of SIS 2020 had to deliberate that it will not be possible to hold the SIS 2020 in June 2020.

The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society will take place virtually, 21-25 June 2021.

The website of The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - SIS 2021 is:

Posted: 2020-11-26

New deadlines SIS2020


Deadlines for the review of the papers have been changed:

  • Referee report to the authors: 22nd of May
  • Sending final version of the paper from the authors: 5th of June.

Posted: 2020-05-17

Cancellation of SIS 2020 and postponement to 2021 of the 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the Executive Board of the Italian Statistical Society and the Local Organizing Committee had to deliberate that it will not be possible to hold the Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society in June 2020, as expected. Given the extreme uncertainty of the outcomes of the pandemic in the immediate future we are unable to postpone the Meeting, but, with much regret, we are forced to cancel SIS 2020. To mitigate the impact of the cancellation of SIS 2020 on those who have already made their work for the conference, we have decided to publish the volume "Book of short papers - SIS 2020" (online with ISBN in the Pearson web-site) anyway. The volume will be published in September. For this reason, deadlines for the review of the papers have been changed:

  • Referee report to the authors: from the 3rd of April to the 15th of May
  • Sending final version of the paper from the authors: from the 17th of April to the 29th of May.

Notice that at least one of the authors of an accepted contributed paper has to pay the 2020 SIS membership fees by July 10th to have it included in the "Book of short papers - SIS 2020". This does not hold for the authors of invited papers. The series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (ProMS) with the extended version of the selected short papers will be not published.




Posted: 2020-04-05

50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society can not be held in June 2020


Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society can not be held in June 2020. We will communicate further updates as soon as possible by the conference web site and SIS social channels.


A causa del perdurare della pandemia di Covid-19 la 50-esima Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica non potrà essere tenuta nel mese di giugno 2020. Comunicheremo al più presto aggiornamenti tramite il sito web del convegno e i canali social della SIS.



Posted: 2020-03-27

Deadline of April 3 is postponed


Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the 50-th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society can not be held in June 2020. Therefore the deadline of April 3 is postponed to a date to be assigned based on the resolutions that the Society's Executive Board will take at its meeting on April 3.


A causa del perdurare della pandemia di Covid-19 la 50-esima Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica non potrà essere tenuta nel mese di giugno 2020. Pertanto la scadenza del 3 aprile è stata rinviata a data da destinarsi in base alle deliberazioni che prenderà il Consiglio Direttivo della Società nella riunione del prossimo 3 aprile.



Posted: 2020-03-26
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Conference Information