SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation

Ancona (Italy)

June 21, 2023 – June 23, 2023

Italian Statistical Society (SIS) promotes every two years an international specialized statistical conference. The meeting focuses on both methodological and applied statistical research.

The Italian Statistical Society was founded in 1939. Today, it consists of about one thousand members from Universities and public or private organizations, including scholars in statistical methodology, probability, economic and social statistics, demography.

SIS organizes two biennial scientific meetings - a general conference covering all the statistical topics and a specialized conference on more focused topics. The society publishes an International Journal (SMA) and two on-line magazines.

The new challenges of digitalization, innovation and sustainability are showing the crucial role of data-driven approaches in supporting decision-making processes. Methodologies resulting from the integration of different know-how seem to be a reliable way to deal with the increasing need to measure the impact of the policies and to forecast scenarios. This meeting welcomes any attempt to face new challenges.


Keynote speakers

Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
Full Professor
Research Center for Statistics, Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva

Christopher Wikle
Distinguished Professor of Statistics
Department Chair
University of Missouri

Emilio Zagheni
Executive Director
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research





Link book springer 2016


Springer Book "Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics"



Posted: 2018-06-20



A free bus service will be available to reach the Conference Venue from the city center. The number of seats is limited. The service is offered by the town company of transportation AMAT and by the Town of Palermo.

―DAY 20/06/2018
08:00 AM › From Piazza Verdi to Viale
delle Scienze Building 19
07:30 PM › From Viale delle Scienze
Building 19 to Piazza Verdi
―DAY 21/06/2018
08:00 AM › From Piazza Verdi to Viale
delle Scienze Building 19
07:30 PM › From Viale delle Scienze
Building 19 to Piazza Verdi
―DAY 22/06/2018
08:00 AM › From Piazza Verdi to Viale
delle Scienze Building 19
05:30 PM › From Viale delle Scienze
Building 19 to Piazza Verdi

The bus will show the logo of the conference and will be parked in piazza Verdi, near to the shop "Bata", near to the crossing between via Ruggero Settimo, via Macheda, via Cavour and piazza Verdi.

Posted: 2018-06-18



The SIS2018 APP is now freely available on the App Store for iOS devices and on the Play Store for Android devices.

Posted: 2018-06-16
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