SOL. 2 - Social research and data science: methods and applications - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 006
A polarity-based strategy for ranking social media reviews | |
Simona Balbi, Michelangelo Misuraca, Germana Scepi |
SOL. 3 - Financial data modelling - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 007
Models for jumps in trading volume | |
Eduardo Rossi, Paolo Santucci de Magistris |
SOL. 4 - The use of scanner data for multipurpose consumer price statistics - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 013
IT Solutions for Analyzing Large-Scale Statistical Datasets: Scanner Data for CPI | |
Annunziata Fiore, Antonella Simone, Antonino Virgillito |
SOL. 5 - Neuroscience statistics - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 014
Assessment of Brain White Matter Integrity: Perspectives from Functional Data Analysis | |
Alessia Pini, Aymeric Stamm, Simone Vantini |
POSTER SPEED-TALK SESSION - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 018
How to Exploit Big Data from Social Networks: a Subjective Well-being Indicator via Twitter | |
Stefano Maria Iacus, Giuseppe Porro, Silvia Salini, Elena Siletti |
CON. 1 - Statistical modeling in healthcare - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 004
Research on the Risk Factors Accountable for the Occurrence of Degenerative Complications of Type 2 Diabetes in Morocco: Prospective Study. | |
Badiaa Lyoussi, Zineb Selihi, Mohamed Berraho, Karima El Rhazi, Youness El Achhab, Adiba El Marrakchi, Chakib Nejjari |
CON. 2 - Composite and economic indicators - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 007
New fuzzy composite indicators for dyslexia | |
Isabella Morlini, Maristella Scorza |
Composite indicators for ordinal data: the impact of uncertainty | |
Stefania Capecchi, Rosaria Simone |
CON. 3 - Machine and statistical learning - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 013
Interactive machine learning prediction for budget allocation in digital marketing scenarios | |
Ermelinda Della Valle, Elena Scardovi, Andrea Iacobucci, Edoardo Tignone |
Growing Happiness: a Model Based Tree | |
Carmela Cappelli, Rosaria Simone, Francesca Di Iorio |
Measuring Migration with Machine Learning | |
Fabian Stephany |
CON. 4 - Statistical inference and testing procedures - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 014
A Sequential Test for the Cpk Index | |
Michele Scagliarini |
Differential Interval-Wise Testing for the Inferential Analysis of Tongue Profiles | |
Alessia Pini, Lorenzo Spreafico, Simone Vantini, Alessandro Vietti |
Hotelling meets Hilbert: inference on the mean in functional Hilbert spaces | |
Alessia Pini, Aymeric Stamm, Simone Vantini |
SPE. 2 - The population register and the integration with the household surveys - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 007
Constructing socio-demographic indicators for National Statistical Institutes using mobile phone data: estimating literacy rates in Senegal | |
Timo Schmid, Fabian Bruckschen, Nicola Salvati, Till Zbiranski |
Census and Social Surveys Integrated System | |
Michele D’Alò, Stefano Falorsi, Andrea Fasulo, Fabrizio Solari |
SPE. 3 - Big data analytics in banking and finance - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 013
Measuring contagion risk in international banking | |
Alessandro Spelta, Paolo Giudici, Stefan Avdjiev |
SPE. 4 - GRASPA: Analysis of complex spatial data - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 001
Space and circular time log Gaussian Cox processes with application to crime event data | |
Alan E. Gelfand, Shinichiro Shirota |
SFdS - Société Française de Statistique - Group Data Mining et Apprentissage - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 018
Smart view selection in multi-view clustering | |
Jeremie Sublime |
SPE. 5 - Big data and official statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 004
The ESSnet Big Data: Experimental Results | |
Peter Struijs, Anke Consten, Piet Daas, Marc Debusschere, Maiki Ilves, Boro Nikic, Anna Nowicka, David Salgado, Monica Scannapieco, Nigel Swier |
SPE. 6 - "Millennials" mobility patterns - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 007
The propensity to leave the country of origin of young Europeans | |
Paolo Balduzzi, Alessandro Rosina, Emiliano Sironi |
Does a PhD really pay off? Returns to higher education from a gender perspective | |
Stephanie Steinmetz, Emer Smyth |
SPE.7 -Use of administrative databases for performance assessment in social contexts-28th June,h.17.30-19.00, room 013
The Trieste Observatory of cardiovascular disease: an experience of administrative and clinical data integration at a regional level | |
Giulia Barbati, Francesca Ieva, Francesca Gasperoni, Annamaria Iorio, Gianfranco Sinagra, Andrea Di Lenarda |
School principals leadership styles and students achievement: empirical results from a three-step Latent Class Analysis | |
Tommaso Agasisti, Alex J. Bowers, Mara Soncin |
SPE. 8 - Shape, symbolic and object data - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 001
Random domain decomposition for kriging non stationary object data | |
Giorgia Gaetani, Alessandra Menafoglio, Piercesare Secchi |
ENBIS - European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 018
Structured Approaches for High- Dimensional Predictive Modeling | |
Marco Seabra dos Reis |
On the use of predictive methods for ship fuel consumption analysis from massive on-board operational data | |
Marco Seabra dos Reis, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Ricardo Rendall, Christian Capezza |
Random Forest-Based Approach for Physiological Functional Variable Selection for Driver's Stress Level Classification | |
Neska El Haouij, Jean-Michel Poggi, Raja Ghozi, Sylvie Sevestre Ghalila, Mériem Jaïdane |
SPE. 13 - Functional data with complex dependencies - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 004
Quantile Regression for Functional Data | |
Maria Franco Villoria, Marian Scott |
SPE. 14 - S2G Combining big data with sample surveys - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 007
On the use of Google Trend data as covariates in nowcasting: Sampling and modeling issues | |
Maria Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti, Paolo Postiglione, Giovanni Savio |
SPE. 15 - Data science for marketing and business - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 013
Industrial Applications of Bayesian Structural Time Series | |
Steven L. Scott |
SPE. 16 - CLADAG: Clustering of high-dimensional data - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 001
Model-based Clustering with Sparse Covariance Matrices | |
Michael Fop, Brendan Murphy, Luca Scrucca |
CON. 6 - Knowledge extraction and pattern recognition from new data sources - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 004
Measuring Regional Knowledge Diffusion via Wikipedia | |
Fabian Stephany, Fabian Braesemann |
CON. 7 - Statistics for social sciences - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 006
IPUMS Data for describing family and household structures in the world. | |
Fausta Ongaro, Maria Silvana Salvini |
CON. 9 - Advances in semi- and non-parametric modeling - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 013
Nonparametric shared frailty model for classification of survival data | |
Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni, Chris Jackson, Linda Sharples |
CON. 10 - Graphical models and Bayesian analysis - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 014
Bayesian Mixture Models for the Detection of High-Energy Astronomical Sources | |
Andrea Sottosanti, Denis Bastieri, Alessandra R. Brazzale |
SOL. 7 - Statistical learning for complex data - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 004
Stratified data: a permutation approach for hypotheses testing | |
Rosa Arboretti, Eleonora Carrozzo, Luigi Salmaso |
On the noisy high-dimensional gene expression data analysis | |
Angela Serra, Pietro Coretto, Roberto Tagliaferri |
Three-way compositional data: a multi-stage trilinear decomposition algorithm | |
Michele Gallo, Violetta Simonacci, Maria Anna Di Palma |
SOL. 8 - Massive datasets in astrostatistics: theory & methods - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 006
Multiple testing of local maxima for detection of peaks on the (celestial) sphere. | |
Dan Cheng, Valentina Cammarota, Yabebal Fantaye, Domenico Marinucci, Armin Schwartzman |
SOL. 9 - Large dimensional dynamic factor models - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 007
Sparse Indirect Inference | |
Paola Stolfi, Mauro Bernardi, Lea Petrella |
SOL. 10 - Data science for network data - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 013
Variable selection for (realistic) stochastic blockmodels | |
Mirko Signorelli |
SOL. 11 - Advanced space-time models & functional analysis for seismic monitoring - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 001
Detection of spatio-temporal local structure on seismic data | |
Marianna Siino, Francisco J. RodrÃguez-Cortés, Jorge Mateu, Giada Adelfio |
Some notes on earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution | |
Ilaria Spassiani |
CON. 12 - Text mining, opinion and sentiment analysis - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 004
Sentiment Analysis for micro-blogging using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Sara Hbali, Youssef Hbali, Mohamed Sadgal, Abdelaziz El Fazziki |
An innovative approach for opinion mining: the Plutchick analysis | |
Massimiliano Giacalone, Antonio Ruoto, Davide Liga, Maria Pilato, Vito Santarcangelo |
CON. 14 - Statistical modeling and analysis for complex data problems - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 007
Bootstrap group penalty for high-dimensional regression models | |
Valentina Mameli, Debora Slanzi, Irene Poli |
Causal analysis of Cell Transformation Assays | |
Federico Mattia Stefanini |
CON. 15 - Estimation and inference for complex models - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 013
Asymptotically Efficient Estimation in Measurement Error Models | |
Catia Scricciolo |
Estimation and Inference of Skew Stable distributions using the Multivariate Method of Simulated Quantiles | |
Paola Stolfi, Mauro Bernardi, Lea Petrella |
CON. 17 - Statistical analysis in the social sciences - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 001
Key-indicators for maternity hospitals and newborn readmission in Sicily | |
Mauro Ferrante, Giovanna Fantaci, Anna Maria Parroco, Anna Maria Milito, Salvatore Scondotto |
SPE. 18 -AISP:Grabbing elusive populations & demographic behaviors by socialmedia data - 30th June,h.14.15-15.45, r.013
Happy parents' tweets | |
Letizia Mencarini, Viviana Patti, Mirko Lai, Emilio Sulis |
Social Sensing and Official Statistics: call data records and social media sentiment analysis | |
Emilio Sulis |