Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

SOL. 1 - Social indicators and Big Data - 28 June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 004

Measuring Wellbeing by extracting Social Indicators from Big Data
Renza Campagni, Lorenzo Gabrielli, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Filomena Maggino, Dino Pedreschi
Measure Trust in the Age of Big Data: The TRUSTLAB Project at OECD
Fabrice Murtin

SOL. 2 - Social research and data science: methods and applications - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 006

A polarity-based strategy for ranking social media reviews
Simona Balbi, Michelangelo Misuraca, Germana Scepi
Cultural and social meanings of the wedding day. The role of the web communities
Rosanna Cataldo, Maria Gabriella Grassia, Marina Marino, Rocco Mazza, Carlo Natale Lauro

Pearson Editor - Didattica inter-attiva: una sfida da condividere - 28th June, h. 12.30-13.30, room Bracco

Didattica inter-attiva: una sfida da condividere
Andrea Musella, Paolo Roncoroni

POSTER SPEED-TALK SESSION - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 018

Epidemiological Profile of human rabies in Morocco
Nada Bennani Mechita, Majdouline Obtel, Karim Idrissi Sbai, Rabiaa Lyoussi, Houda Moumni, Abderrahmane Maaroufi, Mustapha Mrabet, Rachid Razine
Tobacco attributable fraction of lung cancer morbidity: An overview of used methods and an estimation for Morocco
Majdouline Obtel, Badiaa Lyoussi, Nabil Tachfouti, Mamunur Rahman Malik, Chakib Nejjari
Workers’ skills and wage inequality: A time-space comparison across European Mediterranean countries
Gaetano Musella, Gennaro Punzo
An R Package for Cluster-Weighted Models
Angelo Mazza, Antonio Punzo, Salvatore Ingrassia
A latent space model for multidimensinoal networks
Silvia D'Angelo, Marco Alfò, Thomas Brendan Murphy

CON. 2 - Composite and economic indicators - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 007

New fuzzy composite indicators for dyslexia
Isabella Morlini, Maristella Scorza
Industrial production index and the web: an explorative cointegration analysis
Lisa Crosato, Caterina Liberati, Paolo Mariani, Biancamaria Zavanella

CON. 5 - General latent variable modelling - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 001

A latent markov model approach for measuring national gender inequality
Gaia Bertarelli, Franca Crippa, Fulvia Mecatti
An ordinal Latent Markov model for the evaluation of health care services
Giorgio Eduardo Montanari, Marco Doretti, Francesco Bartolucci
Log-mean linear models for causal inference
Monia Lupparelli, Alessandra Mattei
Dynamic random coefficient based drop-out models for longitudinal responses
Maria Francesca Marino, Marco Alfò

SPE. 8 - Shape, symbolic and object data - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 001

Random domain decomposition for kriging non stationary object data
Giorgia Gaetani, Alessandra Menafoglio, Piercesare Secchi

SPE. 9 - Economic change and labour market - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 004

Impact of the 2008 and 2012 financial crises on the unemployment rate in Italy: an interrupted time series approach
Lucio Masserini, Matilde Bini

SPE. 12 - Tensor-based methods for data science - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 001

A fast algorithm for the canonical polyadic decomposition of large tensors
Rémi André, Xavier Luciani, Eric Moreau

ROUNDTABLE SESSION - Let's talk about Data Science - 29th June, h. 11.45-13.00, room 018

Statistical and Computational Education for the Data Scientist background
Stefania Mignani

SPE. 13 - Functional data with complex dependencies - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 004

A local regression technique for spatially dependent functional data: an heteroskedastic GWR model
Elvira Romano, Jorge Mateu

SPE. 14 - S2G Combining big data with sample surveys - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 007

Improving small area estimates of households’ share of food consumption expenditure in Italy by means of Twitter data
Stefano Marchetti, Monica Pratesi, Caterina Giusti

SPE. 16 - CLADAG: Clustering of high-dimensional data - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 001

Hidden Markov models: dimensionality reduction, atypical observations and algorithms
Antonello Maruotti, Jan Bulla
Model-based Clustering with Sparse Covariance Matrices
Michael Fop, Brendan Murphy, Luca Scrucca

PLENARY SESSION - 29th June, h. 15.30-16.15, room 018

Big Textual Data: Lessons and Challenges for Statistics
Fionn Murtagh

CON. 6 - Knowledge extraction and pattern recognition from new data sources - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 004

Space-Time Analysis of Movements in Basketball using Sensor Data
Rodolfo Metulini, Marica Marisera, Paola Zuccolotto

CON. 8 - Statistical methods for socio-economic analysis - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 007

A spatial decomposition of the change in urban poverty concentration
Francesco Andreoli, Mauro Mussini

CON. 9 - Advances in semi- and non-parametric modeling - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 013

Signal detection in high energy physics via a semisupervised nonparametric approach
Alessandro Casa, Giovanna Menardi

CON. 11 - Educational statistics and measurement - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 001

Gross Annual Salary of a new graduate: is it a question of profile?
Paolo Mariani, Andrea Marletta, Mariangela Zenga
A flexible analysis of PISA 2015 data across countries, by means of multilevel trees and boosting
Chiara Masci, Geraint Johnes

SOL. 8 - Massive datasets in astrostatistics: theory & methods - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 006

Statistical issues in cosmological data analysis
Domenico Marinucci
Multiple testing of local maxima for detection of peaks on the (celestial) sphere.
Dan Cheng, Valentina Cammarota, Yabebal Fantaye, Domenico Marinucci, Armin Schwartzman

SOL. 10 - Data science for network data - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 013

Marginal modeling of multilateral relational events
Francesco Bartolucci, Stefano Peluso, Antonietta Mira

SOL. 11 - Advanced space-time models & functional analysis for seismic monitoring - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 001

Detection of spatio-temporal local structure on seismic data
Marianna Siino, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Cortés, Jorge Mateu, Giada Adelfio

EuADS - Classification and clustering in the era of data science - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 018

Parameter-free clustering of similarity-based data based on peak detection
Parisa Rastin, Basarab Matei

CON. 13 -Statistics for economics & quantitative risk management for banking&finance -30th June, h.11.30-12.30,room 006

Determination of basis risk multiplier of a borrower default using survival analysis
Alexander Agapitov, Irina Lackaman, Zoya Maksmenko
Dynamic profiling of banking customers: a pseudo-panel study
Caterina Liberati, Lisa Crosato, Paolo Mariani, Biancamaria Zavanella

CON. 14 - Statistical modeling and analysis for complex data problems - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 007

A clustering algorithm for multivariate big data with correlated components
Giacomo Aletti, Alessandra Micheletti
Bootstrap group penalty for high-dimensional regression models
Valentina Mameli, Debora Slanzi, Irene Poli

CON. 15 - Estimation and inference for complex models - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 013

A Multiscale Approach to Manifold Estimation
Alessandro Lanteri, Mauro Maggioni

CON. 17 - Statistical analysis in the social sciences - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 001

Employment study methodologies of Italian graduates through the data linkage of administrative archives and sample surveys
Claudio Ceccarelli, Silvia Montagna, Francesca Petrarca
Key-indicators for maternity hospitals and newborn readmission in Sicily
Mauro Ferrante, Giovanna Fantaci, Anna Maria Parroco, Anna Maria Milito, Salvatore Scondotto

SPE. 17 - Nowcasting@work - 30th June, h. 14.15-15.45, room 004

Big Data Econometrics: Nowcasting and early Estimates XML
George Kapetanios, Massimiliano Marcellino
The new Euromind: an advanced monthly indicator of economic activity for the Euro Area
Gian Luigi Mazzi, Tommaso Proietti

SPE. 18 -AISP:Grabbing elusive populations & demographic behaviors by socialmedia data - 30th June,h.14.15-15.45, r.013

Using Twitter data for Population Estimates
Dilek Yildiz, Jo Munson, Agnese Vitali, Ramine Tinati, Jennifer Holland
Happy parents' tweets
Letizia Mencarini, Viviana Patti, Mirko Lai, Emilio Sulis

SPE. 19 - Methods & applications for the treatment of BigData in strategic fields - 30th June, h. 14.15-15.45, room 001

Methods and applications for the treatment of Big Data in strategic fields
Antonino Mazzeo, Flora Amato

FenStatS - Best practices in statistics. A European approach - 30th June, h. 14.15-15.45, room 018

Testimonials and experiences
Raffaele Miele, Ronald L. Wassertein