Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

SOL. 1 - Social indicators and Big Data - 28 June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 004

Measuring Wellbeing by extracting Social Indicators from Big Data
Renza Campagni, Lorenzo Gabrielli, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Filomena Maggino, Dino Pedreschi

SOL. 2 - Social research and data science: methods and applications - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 006

Internet of Things and Internet of Emotions: what you can do with Big Data without the survey?
Furio Camillo, Valentina Adorno
Cultural and social meanings of the wedding day. The role of the web communities
Rosanna Cataldo, Maria Gabriella Grassia, Marina Marino, Rocco Mazza, Carlo Natale Lauro

SOL. 3 - Financial data modelling - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 007

News, Volatility and Price Jumps
Massimiliano Caporin, Francesco Poli
A stochastic volatility framework with analytical filtering
Giacomo Bormetti, Roberto Casarin, Fulvio Corsi, Giulia Livieri

SOL. 5 - Neuroscience statistics - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 014

Modeling motor learning using heteroskedastic functional principal components analysis
Daniel Backenroth, Jeff Goldsmith, Michelle D. Harran, Juan C. Cortes, John W. Krakauer, Tomoko Kitago

POSTER SPEED-TALK SESSION - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 018

Contribution to extract meaningful patterns from semantic trajectories
Sana Chakri, Said Raghay, Salah El Hadaj

CON. 2 - Composite and economic indicators - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 007

Industrial production index and the web: an explorative cointegration analysis
Lisa Crosato, Caterina Liberati, Paolo Mariani, Biancamaria Zavanella
Composite indicators for ordinal data: the impact of uncertainty
Stefania Capecchi, Rosaria Simone

CON. 3 - Machine and statistical learning - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 013

Growing Happiness: a Model Based Tree
Carmela Cappelli, Rosaria Simone, Francesca Di Iorio

CON. 4 - Statistical inference and testing procedures - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 014

Comparison of conditional tests on Poisson data
Francesca Romana Crucinio, Roberto Fontana

CON. 5 - General latent variable modelling - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 001

A latent markov model approach for measuring national gender inequality
Gaia Bertarelli, Franca Crippa, Fulvia Mecatti

SPE. 2 - The population register and the integration with the household surveys - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 007

Towards The Register-Based Statistical System: A New Valuable Source For Population Studies
Angela Chieppa, Raffaele Ferrara, Gerardo Gallo, Valeria Tomeo

SPE. 3 - Big data analytics in banking and finance - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 013

Assessing news contagion in finance
Giancarlo Nicola, Paola Cerchiello

SFdS - Société Française de Statistique - Group Data Mining et Apprentissage - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 018

Clustering of histogram data : a topological learning approach
Guénaël Cabanes, Younès Bennani, Rosanna Verde, Antonio Irpino
Prediction of Firm’s Creditworthiness Risk using Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine
Ikram Chairi, Amina El Gennouni, Sarah Zouinina, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui

SPE. 5 - Big data and official statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 004

The ESSnet Big Data: Experimental Results
Peter Struijs, Anke Consten, Piet Daas, Marc Debusschere, Maiki Ilves, Boro Nikic, Anna Nowicka, David Salgado, Monica Scannapieco, Nigel Swier
Mining Mobile Phone Data to Detect Urban Areas
Maarten Vanhoof, Stephanie Combes, Marie-Pierre de Bellefon

SPE.7 -Use of administrative databases for performance assessment in social contexts-28th June,h.17.30-19.00, room 013

Real World Data and Real World Evidence: challenges and proposals
Giovanni Corrao

ENBIS - European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 018

Consulting, knowledge transfer and impact from statistics in practice
Shirley Yvonne Coleman
On the use of predictive methods for ship fuel consumption analysis from massive on-board operational data
Marco Seabra dos Reis, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Ricardo Rendall, Christian Capezza

SPE. 9 - Economic change and labour market - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 004

Structural Changes in the Employment Composition and Wage Inequality: A Comparison across European Countries
Gennaro Punzo, Mariateresa Ciommi
Labour market dynamics and recent economic changes: the case of Italy
Chiara Gigliarano, Francesco Maria Chelli

SPE. 10 -BigData comes to school: Implications for learning, assessment & research - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 007

INVALSI big data for school system improvement
Michele Cardone, Patrizia Falzetti

SPE. 11 - SIS-Bayes: High-performance algorithms in Bayesian statistics - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 013

Bayesian Tensor Regression Models
Monica Billio, Roberto Casarin, Matteo Iacopini

CON. 7 - Statistics for social sciences - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 006

How green advertising can impact on gender different approach towards sustainability
Margaret Antonicelli, Vito Flavio Covella
Are Numbers too Large for Kids? Possible Answer in Probable Stories
Monica Bailot, Rina Camporese, Silvia Da Valle, Sara Letardi, Susi Osti
Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples
Maria Gabriella Campolo, Antonino Di Pino
The distribution of Net Promoter Score in socio-economic surveys
Stefania Capecchi, Domenico Piccolo

CON. 8 - Statistical methods for socio-economic analysis - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 007

Relative privacy risks and learning from anonymized data
Michele Boreale, Fabio Corradi
The evaluation of the inequality between population subgroups
Michele Costa

CON. 9 - Advances in semi- and non-parametric modeling - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 013

Signal detection in high energy physics via a semisupervised nonparametric approach
Alessandro Casa, Giovanna Menardi

CON. 11 - Educational statistics and measurement - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 001

Inequalities in access to job-related learning among workers in Italy: evidence from Adult Education Survey (AES)
Paolo Emilio Cardone

SOL. 7 - Statistical learning for complex data - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 004

Stratified data: a permutation approach for hypotheses testing
Rosa Arboretti, Eleonora Carrozzo, Luigi Salmaso
On the noisy high-dimensional gene expression data analysis
Angela Serra, Pietro Coretto, Roberto Tagliaferri

SOL. 8 - Massive datasets in astrostatistics: theory & methods - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 006

Multiple testing of local maxima for detection of peaks on the (celestial) sphere.
Dan Cheng, Valentina Cammarota, Yabebal Fantaye, Domenico Marinucci, Armin Schwartzman

SOL. 9 - Large dimensional dynamic factor models - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 007

Bayesian Non--Negative Regularised Regresssion
Michele Costola
Bayesian nonparametric sparse Vector autoregressive models
Monica Billio, Roberto Casarin, Luca Rossini

CON. 12 - Text mining, opinion and sentiment analysis - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 004

Crowd and minorities: Is it possible to listen to both? Monitoring rare sentiment and opinion categories about Expo Milano 2015
Marika Arena, Anna Calissano, Simone Vantini

CON. 13 -Statistics for economics & quantitative risk management for banking&finance -30th June, h.11.30-12.30,room 006

Dynamic profiling of banking customers: a pseudo-panel study
Caterina Liberati, Lisa Crosato, Paolo Mariani, Biancamaria Zavanella

CON. 14 - Statistical modeling and analysis for complex data problems - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 007

How to read sustainability reporting through variation’s analysis based on GPI: a comparative econometric approach
Margaret Antonicelli, Vito Flavio Covella

CON. 16 - Statistical analysis and modelling of functional data - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 014

Monitoring ship performance via multi-way partial least-squares analysis of functional data
Antonio Lepore, Biagio Palumbo, Christian Capezza

CON. 17 - Statistical analysis in the social sciences - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 001

Employment study methodologies of Italian graduates through the data linkage of administrative archives and sample surveys
Claudio Ceccarelli, Silvia Montagna, Francesca Petrarca

SPE. 19 - Methods & applications for the treatment of BigData in strategic fields - 30th June, h. 14.15-15.45, room 001

Model learning for distributed social network analysis
Dario Carotenuto

ROUNDTABLE SESSION -Data & information communication in the emerging digital landscape-30 June, h. 15.45-16.45, room 018

Emanuele Baldacci, Marco Castelnuovo, Federico Ferrazza