Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

PLENARY SESSION - 28 June, h. 10.00-11.15, room 018

Official Statistics 4.0 – learning from history for the challenges of the future
Walter J. Radermacher

SOL. 3 - Financial data modelling - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 007

Estimating and testing autoregressive gamma volatility models for option pricing
Davide Raggi, Sergio Pastorello
Models for jumps in trading volume
Eduardo Rossi, Paolo Santucci de Magistris

Pearson Editor - Didattica inter-attiva: una sfida da condividere - 28th June, h. 12.30-13.30, room Bracco

Didattica inter-attiva: una sfida da condividere
Andrea Musella, Paolo Roncoroni

POSTER SPEED-TALK SESSION - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 018

Epidemiological Profile of human rabies in Morocco
Nada Bennani Mechita, Majdouline Obtel, Karim Idrissi Sbai, Rabiaa Lyoussi, Houda Moumni, Abderrahmane Maaroufi, Mustapha Mrabet, Rachid Razine
Detecting group differences in multivariate categorical data
Massimiliano Russo
Contribution to extract meaningful patterns from semantic trajectories
Sana Chakri, Said Raghay, Salah El Hadaj

CON. 3 - Machine and statistical learning - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 013

User query enrichment for personalized access to data through ontologies using matrix completion method
Oumayma Banouar, Said Raghay

SPE. 5 - Big data and official statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 004

Quality issues when using Big Data in Official Statistics
Paolo Righi, Giulio Barcaroli, Natalia Golini

SPE. 6 - "Millennials" mobility patterns - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 007

The propensity to leave the country of origin of young Europeans
Paolo Balduzzi, Alessandro Rosina, Emiliano Sironi

ENBIS - European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 018

On the use of predictive methods for ship fuel consumption analysis from massive on-board operational data
Marco Seabra dos Reis, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Ricardo Rendall, Christian Capezza

IASC - International Association for Statistical Computing - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 018

Statistical categorization through archetypal analysis
Francesco Palumbo, Giancarlo Ragozini

SPE. 13 - Functional data with complex dependencies - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 004

A local regression technique for spatially dependent functional data: an heteroskedastic GWR model
Elvira Romano, Jorge Mateu

CON. 8 - Statistical methods for socio-economic analysis - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 007

Comparison of contingency tables under quasi-symmetry
Fabio Rapallo

CON. 9 - Advances in semi- and non-parametric modeling - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 013

Non-parametric micro Statistical Matching techniques: some developments
Riccardo D'Alberto, Meri Raggi

CON. 11 - Educational statistics and measurement - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 001

Poverty measures to analyse the educational inequality in the OECD Countries
Tommaso Agasisti, Sergio Longobardi, Felice Russo
New Insights on Students’ Evaluation of Teaching in Italy
Francesca Bassi, Leonardo Grilli, Omar Paccagnella, Carla Rampichini, Roberta Varriale

SOL. 9 - Large dimensional dynamic factor models - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 007

Bayesian nonparametric sparse Vector autoregressive models
Monica Billio, Roberto Casarin, Luca Rossini

SOL. 10 - Data science for network data - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 013

Statistical analysis for partially observed multilayered networks
Johan Koskinen, Chiara Broccatelli, Peng Wang, Garry Robins
On the use of DISTATIS to handle multiplex networks
Giuseppe Giordano, Giancarlo Ragozini, Maria Prosperina Vitale

SOL. 11 - Advanced space-time models & functional analysis for seismic monitoring - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 001

On a failure process driven by a self-correcting model in seismic hazard assessment
Renata Rotondi, Elisa Varini
Detection of spatio-temporal local structure on seismic data
Marianna Siino, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Cortés, Jorge Mateu, Giada Adelfio
Monitoring the spatial correlation among functional data streams through Morans Index
Antonio Balzanella, Stefano Antonio Gattone, Tonio Di Battista, Elvira Romano, Rosanna Verde

EuADS - Classification and clustering in the era of data science - 30th June, h. 9.00-10.15, room 018

Parameter-free clustering of similarity-based data based on peak detection
Parisa Rastin, Basarab Matei

CON. 12 - Text mining, opinion and sentiment analysis - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 004

Twitter as a Statistical Data Source: an Attempt of Profiling Italian Users’ Background Characteristics
Alessandra Righi, Mauro Mario Gentile
An innovative approach for opinion mining: the Plutchick analysis
Massimiliano Giacalone, Antonio Ruoto, Davide Liga, Maria Pilato, Vito Santarcangelo

CON. 13 -Statistics for economics & quantitative risk management for banking&finance -30th June, h.11.30-12.30,room 006

Testing Beta-Pricing Models Using Large Cross-Sections
Valentina Raponi, Cesare Robotti, Paolo Zaffaroni

CON. 16 - Statistical analysis and modelling of functional data - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 014

Functional principal component analysis of quantile curves
Mariantonietta Ruggieri, Francesca Di Salvo, Antonella Plaia

CON. 17 - Statistical analysis in the social sciences - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 001

Indicators for the representativeness of survey response as well as convenience samples
Emilia Rocco
A sampling design for the evaluation of earthquake vulnerability of the residential buildings in Florence
Emilia Rocco, Bruno Bertaccini, Giulia Biagi, Andrea Giommi

Università degli Studi di Salerno - Campus universitario di Fisciano
Via Giovanni Paolo II 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy