SOL. 5 - Neuroscience statistics - 28th June, h. 11.15-12.30, room 014
Modeling motor learning using heteroskedastic functional principal components analysis | |
Daniel Backenroth, Jeff Goldsmith, Michelle D. Harran, Juan C. Cortes, John W. Krakauer, Tomoko Kitago |
POSTER SPEED-TALK SESSION - 28th June, h. 14.30-15.30, room 018
Impact of therapeutic education on quality life of diabetic patients | |
Chaib Asmae, Karima Halim, Mohammed El Amine Ragala, Btissame Zarrouq, Badiaa Lyoussi |
Inference with the Unscented Kalman Filter and optimization of sigma points | |
Michela Eugenia Pasetto, Umberto Noè, Alessandra Luati, Dirk Husmeier |
SPE. 3 - Big data analytics in banking and finance - 28th June, h. 15.30-17.00, room 013
Scoring models for P2P lending platforms: an evaluation of predictive performance | |
Paolo Giudici, Branka Hadji Misheva |
SPE. 15 - Data science for marketing and business - 29th June, h. 14.00-15.30, room 013
A generalized exponential time series regression model for electricity prices | |
Tommaso Proietti, Niels Haldrup, Oskar Knapik |
CON. 12 - Text mining, opinion and sentiment analysis - 30th June, h. 11.30-12.30, room 004
Sentiment Analysis for micro-blogging using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Sara Hbali, Youssef Hbali, Mohamed Sadgal, Abdelaziz El Fazziki |
SPE. 18 -AISP:Grabbing elusive populations & demographic behaviors by socialmedia data - 30th June,h.14.15-15.45, r.013
Using Twitter data for Population Estimates | |
Dilek Yildiz, Jo Munson, Agnese Vitali, Ramine Tinati, Jennifer Holland |
Università degli Studi di Salerno - Campus universitario di Fisciano
Via Giovanni Paolo II 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy