Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Modelling Trends in Ordered Three-Way Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis
Rosaria Lombardo, Pieter Kroonenberg, Eric Beh
Family behaviours among first generation migrants
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Laura Terzera
An innovative approach about the analysis of quality and efficiency in Italian law
Vito Santarcangelo, Antonio Buondonno, Angelo Romano, Massimiliano Giacalone, Carlo Cusatelli
Bootstrap prepivoting in the presence of many nuisance parameters
Nicola Sartori, Ruggero Bellio, Ioannis Kosmidis, Alessandra Salvan
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Transfer Learning
Younes Bennani, Ievgen Redko
Combining Clinical and Omics data: hope or illusion?
Federico Ambrogi, Patrizia Boracchi
Thompson sampling for species discovery
Stefano Favaro, Marco Battiston, Yee Whye Teh
Empirical likelihood multiplicity adjusted estimator for multiple frame surveys
Ewa Kabzinska, Yves G. Berger
Evaluation of Training Programs by exploiting secondary outcomes in Principal Stratification frameworks: the case of Luxembourg.
Michela Bia, Fan Li, Andrea Mercatanti
Modelling inter-regional patient mobility: evidence from the Italian NHS
Silvia Balia
A unified approach for robustness in survey sampling
Jean-François Beaumont, David Haziza, Anne Ruiz-Gazen
The power of generalized entropy for biodiversity assessment by remote sensing: an open source approach
Duccio Rocchini, Luca Delucchi, Giovanni Bacaro
Measuring residential segregation with spatial indices: an appraisal and applications for the metropolitan area of Rome
Federico Benassi, Frank Heins, Fabio Lipizzi, Evelina Paluzzi
A Bayesian nonparametric approach to macroeconomic risk
Monica Billio, Roberto Casarin, Michele Costola, Michele Guindani
Graphical representations and summary indicators to assess the performance of risk predictors
Laura Antolini, Davide Paolo Bernasconi
On the L_p-quantiles and the Student t distribution
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella
The Switching Skew–GARCH Model
Matteo Soscia, Mauro Bernardi, Lea Petrella
Order statistics for spatially dependent functional data
Elvira Romano, Antonio Balzanella, Rosanna Verde
Evaluation of university students’ performance through a multidimensional finite mixture IRT model
Silvia Bacci, Francesco Bartolucci, Leonardo Grilli, Carla Rampichini
Symbolic data analysis approach for monitoring the stability of monuments.
Antonio Giusti, Bruno Bertaccini, Laura Grassini
Machine learning and statistical inference: the case of Istat survey on ICT
Giulio Barcaroli, Gianpiero Bianchi, Renato Bruni, Alessandra Nurra, Sergio Salamone, Marco Scarnò
Financial Crises and their Impacts: Data Gaps and Innovation in Statistical Production
emanuele baldacci
Dynamic Model Averaging for Quantile Regression
Roberto Casarin, Mauro Bernardi
sustainability of wellbeing: an analysis of resilience and vulnerability through subjective indicators
Fabiola Riccardini, Maria Bachelet, Filomena Maggino
Competing risks between mortality and heart failure hospital re-admissions: a community-based investigation from the Trieste area
Giulia Barbati, Francesca Ieva, Arjuna Scagnetto, Gianfranco Sinagra, Andrea Di Lenarda
Dynamic Quantile Lasso Regression
Fabrizio Poggioni, Lea Petrella, Mauro Bernardi
Bayesian inference for L$_{p}$--quantile regression models
Mauro Bernardi, Valeria Bignozzi, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella, Lea Petrella
Estimation of INAR(p) models using bootstrap
Luisa Bisaglia, Margherita Gerolimetto
Small area model-based direct estimator for spatial data
ALESSANDRA PETRUCCI, Chiara Bocci, Emilia Rocco
Effect of internet-based cognitive therapy on children anxiety disorders: results from a marginal logistic quantile regression
Davide Bossoli
Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal point patterns in residential property sales
Lucia Paci, Alan E Gelfand, María Asunción Beamonte, Pilar Gargallo, Manuel Salvador
Topological signatures for classification
Tullia Padellini, Pierpaolo Brutti
Bayesian hierarchical models for analyzing and forecasting football results
Giovanni Marchese, Pierpaolo Brutti, Stefania Gubbiotti
The Multivariate Fuzzy Skew Student--t distribution
Mauro Bernardi
Non-conjugate Variational Bayes Approximation
Mauro Bernardi, Erlis Ruli
Quality of Educational Services, Institutional Image, Students’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in Higher Education
Matilde Bini, Lucio Masserini, Monica Pratesi
On the asymptotic power of the statistical test under Response-Adaptive randomization
Alessandro Baldi Antognini, Alessandro Vagheggini, Maroussa Zagoraiou
Population size estimation and heterogeneity in capture-recapture data
Orasa Anan, Dankmar Bohning, Antonello Maruotti
Distributed-Lag Structural Equation Modelling: An Application to Impact Assessment of Research Activity on European Agriculture
Alessandro Magrini, Fabio Bartolini, Alessandra Coli, Barbara Pacini
Getting older and riskier: the effect of Medicare on household portfolio choices
Marco Angrisani, Vincenzo Atella, Marianna Brunetti
Ship fuel consumption control and engineering approach to fault-detection
Pasquale Erto, Biagio Palumbo, Antonio Lepore, Luigi Vitiello, Christian Capezza, Dario Bocchetti, Andrea D'Ambra, Biagio Antonelli
Ugly Betty looks for a job. Will she ever find in Italy?
Giovanni Busetta
Gender egalitarianism, education and life-long singlehood: A multilevel analysis
No Country for Foreigners: an Analysis of Hiring Process in Italian Labor Market
Giovanni Busetta, Giovanni Busetta, Maria Gabriella Campolo, Demetrio Panarello
Multifactor Partitioning: an analysis of employment and firm size
Annamaria Bianchi, Silvia Biffignandi
What makes you feeling old? An analysis of the factors influencing perceptions of ageing
Valeria Bordone, bruno arpino, Alessandro Rosina
Multi-state models for hospitalizations of heart failure patients in Trieste.
Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva, Giulia Barbati
Further considerations on a new indicator for higher education student performance
Giada Adelfio, Giovanni Boscaino, Vincenza Capursi
How do firms perceive their competitiveness? Measurement and determinants
Eleonora Bartoloni
The inter-enterprise relations in Italy
Alessandra Righi, Alessandra Nuccitelli, Giovanni Alfredo Barbieri
Forecasting with Mixed Data Sampling Models (MIDAS) and Google trends data: the case of car sales in Italy
Maria Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti, Paolo Postiglione
Evaluating association between emotion recognition and Heart Rate Variability indices
Federica Cugnata, Riccardo Maria Martoni, Manuela Ferrario, Clelia Di Serio, Chiara Brombin
Measuring sustainable economic development through a multidimensional Gini index
Filippa Bono, Marcella Giacomarra, Rosa Giaimo
An evaluation of export promotion programmes with repeated multiple treatments
Chiara Bocci, Marco Mariani
