Contributed Papers
Robust Reduced K-Means and Factorial K-Means by trimming | |
Luca Greco, Antonio Lucadamo, Pietro Amenta |
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility: a Meta-Analysis of European Research Findings | DOC |
Giammarco Alderotti, Daniele Vignoli, Michela Baccini |
The emergency department utilisation among the immigrant population resident in Rome from 2005 to 2015 | DOC |
Eleonora Trappolini, Laura Cacciani, Claudia Marino, Cristina Giudici, Nera Agabiti, Marina Davoli |
Detection of damage in civil engineering structure by PCA on environmental vibration data | DOC |
Gianna Agrò, Valentina Carlisi, Roberta Mantione |
Approximate Bayesian Computation for Forecasting in Hydrological models | |
jonathan Romero, Antonino Abbruzzo, Giada Adelfio, Félix Francés |
An extension of the glasso estimator to multivariate censored data | |
Antonino Abbruzzo, Luigi Augugliaro, Angelo Mineo |
Filtering outliers in time series of electricity prices | |
Ilaria Lucrezia Amerise |
dgLARS method for relative risk regression models | |
Luigi Augugliaro, Angelo Mineo |
Brexit in Italy - Text Mining of Social Media | |
Francesca Greco, Livia Celardo, Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo |
Node-specific effects in latent space modelling of multidimensional networks | |
Silvia D'Angelo, Marco Alfò, Thomas Brendan Murphy |
Comparing Composite Indicators to measure Quality of Life: the Italian “Sole 24 Ore†case | |
Gianna Agrò, Mariantonietta Ruggieri, Erasmo Vassallo |
Post-sampling crowdsourced data for reliable statistical inference: the case of market price index in Nigeria | |
Giuseppe Arbia |
Exploiting information network model based for financial forecasting | |
Giancarlo Nicola, Paola Cerchiello, Tomaso Aste |
Knowledge Flows and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Italian firms | |
Martina Aronica, Giuseppe De Luca, Giorgio Fazio, Davide Piacentino |
Apulian health refurbishment: evaluation of performance and customer satisfaction through "Sentiment Analysis" | DOC |
Margaret Antonicelli, Francesco Albergo, Alessandra Ricciardelli |
Structured Additive Distributional Regression applied to the spatio-temporal analysis of soil-plant variability | |
Giovanna Jona Lasinio, Alessio Pollice, Thomas Kneib, Stephan Lang, Roberta Rossi, Mariana Amato |
Bayesian Population Size Estimation with A Single Sample | |
Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro |
A distribution curves comparison approach to analyze the university moving students performance | |
Giovanni Boscaino, Giada Adelfio, Gianluca Sottile |
Reconstructing missing data sequences in multivariate time series: an application to environmental data | |
Maria Lucia Parrella, Giuseppina Albano, Michele La Rocca, Cira Perna |
Bayesian Nonparametric Learning (Specialized)
A Comparative overview of Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the size of a population | |
Luca Tardella, Danilo Alunni Fegatelli |
Complex Spatio-temporal processes and functional data (Solicited)
Spatial pattern analysis of the Italian sesimic network and seismicity | |
Antonino D'Alessandro, Marianna Siino, Giada Adelfio, Luca Greco |
Environmental processes, human activities and their interactions (Solicited)
Estimation of entropy measures for categorical variables with spatial correlation | |
Linda Altieri, Giulia Roli |
Living conditions and a consumption expenditure in time of crises (Solicited)
Material deprivation and household consumption expenditure in Italy during last economic crises | |
Isabella Siciliani, Ilaria Arigoni |
Methodological approaches to constructing social composite indicators (Solicited)
A composite indicator to analyse gender balance in Italian Public University | |
Laura Antonucci, Corrado Crocetta, Madia D’Onghja, Emma Zavarrone |
Missing data handling in complex models (Specialized)
Dependence and sensitivity in regression models for longitudinal responses subject to dropout | |
Marco Alfò, Maria Francesca Marino |
New challenges in the measurement of economic insecurity, inequality and poverty (Solicited)
Changes in poverty concentration in U.S. urban areas | ZIP |
Francesco Andreoli, Mauro Mussini |
Some topics in Statistics and Data Science (Specialized)
Reconstructing the topography of multidimensional probability landscapes E | |
Michele Allegra, Maria d'Errico, Elena Facco, Alessandro Laio, Alex Rodriguez |
Pursuing the sustainable development goals: inequality and territorial distribution of socio-ec well-being (Solicited)
Sustainable Development and Territorial Differences: a Focus on Italian Regions | DOC |
Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo |
Quality of life: definition, measures and policy implications (Specialized)
An empirical measure of social progress for the European regions: challenges and solutions | DOC |
Paola Annoni |
Recent advances in model-based clustering (Specialized)
A Comparison of Model-Based and Fuzzy Clustering Methods | |
Marco Alfò, Maria Brigida Ferraro, Paolo Giordani, Luca Scrucca, Alessio Serafini |
Spatial Economic Data Analysis (Solicited)
Spatial heterogeneity in principal component analysis: a study of deprivation index on Italian provinces | |
Paolo Postiglione, M. Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti, Alfredo Cartone |
Statistical Analysis of Energy Markets (Contributed)
Investment-Uncertainty Relationship in the Oil and Gas Industry | DOC |
Matteo Manera, Maryam Ahmadi, Mehedi Sadeghzadeh |
Statistical Models for Service Quality (Solicited)
Cumulative chi-squared statistics for the service quality improvement. New properties and tools for its evaluation. | |
Antonello D'Ambra, Antonio Lucadamo, Pietro Amenta, Luigi D'Ambra |
The second generation at school (Solicited)
Short and medium term labour market returns of college graduates with a migration background | DOC |
Jim Allen, Barbara Belfi, Babs Jacobs, Mark Levels, Kars van Oosterhout |
Tourism: destinations, household, firms (Solicited)
Tourism Statistics: development and potential uses | DOC |
Fabrizio Antolini |
What's happening in Africa? (Solicited)
Determinants and geographical disparities of BMI in African Countries: a measurement error small area approach | |
Serena Arima, Silvia Polettini |