Presentations and Authors

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Contributed Papers

A longitudinal analysis of the degree of accomplishment of anti-corruption measures by Italian municipalities: a latent Markov approach PDF
Simone Del Sarto, Michela Gnaldi, Francesco Bartolucci
On the estimation of epidemiological parameters from serological survey data using Bayesian mixture modelling DOC
Emanuele Del Fava, Piero Manfredi, Ziv Shkedy
Intentions to leave Italy or to stay among foreigners: what factors for different migration projects? PDF
Paola Muccitelli, Ginevra Di Giorgio, Francesca Dota, Daniele Spizzichino
A note on the effects of human capital policies in Italy during the Great Recession PDF
Paolo Di Caro
Where the Current Age Structure is Heading XML
Gustavo De Santis, Giambattista Salinari
Is retirement bad for health? A matching approach PDF
Elena Pirani, Marina Ballerini, Alessandra Mattei, Gustavo De Santis
Depth-based portfolio selection PDF
Giuseppe Pandolfo, Carmela Iorio, Antonio D'Ambrosio
The emergency department utilisation among the immigrant population resident in Rome from 2005 to 2015 DOC
Eleonora Trappolini, Laura Cacciani, Claudia Marino, Cristina Giudici, Nera Agabiti, Marina Davoli
Heterogeneous effects of subsidies on farms’ performance: a spatial quantile regression analysis DOC
Marusca De Castris
A Probabilistic Cohort-Component Model for Population Forecasting – The Case of Germany XML
Patrizio Vanella, Philipp Deschermeier
HPC-accelerated Approximate Bayesian Computation for Biological Science Untitled
Ritabrata Dutta
Bayesian Support Vector Machine Quantile Regression PDF
Andrea Sottosanti, Mauro Bernardi, Emanuele Degani
Monitoring event attendance using a combination of traditional and advanced surveying tools PDF
Mauro Ferrante, Amit Birenboim, Anna Maria Milito, Stefano De Cantis
Conditional Value-at-Risk: a comparison between quantile regression and copula functions PDF
Giovanni De Luca, Giorgia Rivieccio
Forecasting energy price volatilities and comovements with fractionally integrated MGARCH models PDF
Malvina Marchese, Francesca Di Iorio
Testing for independence in analytic inference PDF
Pier Luigi Conti, Alberto Di Iorio
A predictive measure of the additional loss of a non-optimal action under multiple priors PDF
Fulvio De Santis, Stefania Gubbiotti
Tail analysis of a distribution by means of an inequality curve PDF
Emanuele Taufer, Flavio Santi, Giuseppe Espa, Maria Michela Dickson
Functional linear models for the analysis of similarity of waveforms. PDF
Francesca Di Salvo, Renata Rotondi, Giovanni Lanzano
Dealing with Data Evolution and Data Integration: An approach using Rarefaction ZIP
Luca Del Core, Eugenio Montini, Clelia Di Serio, Andrea Calabria
Bootstrap ClustGeo with spatial constraints PDF
veronica Distefano, Valentina Mameli, Fabio Della Marra
Modified profile likelihood in models for clustered data with missing values PDF
Claudia Di Caterina, Nicola Sartori
Worthiness Based Social Scaling PDF
Giulio D'Epifanio
Design-based exploitation of big data by a doubly calibrated estimator PDF
Maria Michela Dickson, Giuseppe Espa, Lorenzo Fattorini
Node-specific effects in latent space modelling of multidimensional networks PDF
Silvia D'Angelo, Marco Alfò, Thomas Brendan Murphy
Decomposing Large Networks: An Approach Based on the MCA based Community Detection ZIP
Carlo Drago
Bayesian estimation of number and position of knots in regression splines ZIP
Gioia Di Credico
Wages differentials in association with individuals, enterprises and territorial characteristics PDF
Stefano De Santis, Cristina Freguja, Alessandra Masi, Nicoletta Pannuzi, Francesco Giovanni Truglia
The evaluation of Formative Tutoring at the University of Padova PDF
Anna Giraldo, Renata Clerici, Lorenza Da Re, Silvia Meggiolaro
Using web scraping techniques to derive co-authorship data: insights from a case study PDF
Domenico De Stefano, Vittorio Fuccella, Maria Prosperina Vitale, Susanna Zaccarin
The NEETs during the economic crisis in Italy, Young NEETs in Italy, Spain and Greece during the economic crisis DOC
Giovanni De Luca, Paolo Mazzocchi, Claudio Quintano, Antonella Rocca
Species richness estimation exploiting purposive lists: A proposal DOC
Alessandro Chiarucci, Rosa Maria Di Biase, Lorenzo Fattorini, Marzia Marcheselli, Caterina Pisani
Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect PDF
Maria Gabriella Campolo, Antonino Di Pino, Edoardo Otranto
Knowledge Flows and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Italian firms PDF
Martina Aronica, Giuseppe De Luca, Giorgio Fazio, Davide Piacentino
On the quality of the hypocenter locations: source of errors and spatial distribution of uncertainties DOC
Antonino D'Alessandro, Carlo Marcocci, Salvatore Scudero


Attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and HPV vaccine DOC
Veronica Dorgali
Deep Learning to the Test: an Application to Traffic Data Streams ZIP
Nina Deliu
Random Garden: a Supervised Learning Algorithm PDF
Ivan Luciano Danesi, Valeria Danese, Nicolò Russo, Enrico Tonini
A proportional hazards model under bivariate censoring and truncation DOC
Marialuisa Restaino, Hongsheng Dai
Estimating the number of unseen species under heavy tails PDF
Marco Battiston, Federico Camerlenghi, Emanuele Dolera, Stefano Favaro

Advanced models and computational methods for data from modern biomedicine (Plenary)

Health information and statistics PDF
Fabrizio De Nicola

Aging and elderly people (Solicited)

Health and mortality: new insights from longitudinal data DOC
Elena Demuru, Viviana Egidi

Complex Spatio-temporal processes and functional data (Solicited)

Spatial pattern analysis of the Italian sesimic network and seismicity PDF
Antonino D'Alessandro, Marianna Siino, Giada Adelfio, Luca Greco

Dimensional reduction techniques for Big Data Analysis (Solicited)

Co-clustering algorithms for histogram data PDF
Antonio Balzanella, Francisco de A.T. De Carvalho, Rosanna Verde
Clustering Data Streams via Functional Data Analysis: a Comparison between Hierarchical Clustering and K-means Approaches PDF
Fabrizio Maturo, Francesco Fortuna, Tonio Di Battista

Emerging and re-emerging threats from infections: global diffusion models and policy perspectives (Specialized)

Refining the characterization of the Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine’s efficacy profile using machine learning DOC
Ilaria Dorigatti, Christl A Donnelly, Daniel J Laydon, Robert Small, Nicholas Jackson, Laurent Coudeville, Neil Ferguson

Integration surveys and register based statistics: past, present and future (Specialized)

New methods for small area estimation with linkage uncertainty PDF
Brunero Liseo, Andrea Tancredi, Dario Briscolini, Loredana Di Consiglio, Tiziana Tuoto

New perspectives in supervised and unsupervised classification (Solicited)

A robust clustering procedure with unknown number of clusters PDF
Francesco Dotto

Methodological approaches to constructing social composite indicators (Solicited)

A composite indicator to analyse gender balance in Italian Public University
Laura Antonucci, Corrado Crocetta, Madia D’Onghja, Emma Zavarrone
Comparing different aggregating approaches. An application to the Gender equality indicators in Italy at sub-national level
Enrico di Bella, Filomena Maggino, Lucia Leporatti

New challenges in the measurement of economic insecurity, inequality and poverty (Solicited)

Economic Insecurity and Individual Behaviour PDF
Conchita D'Ambrosio

Some topics in Statistics and Data Science (Specialized)

Reconstructing the topography of multidimensional probability landscapes E PDF
Michele Allegra, Maria d'Errico, Elena Facco, Alessandro Laio, Alex Rodriguez

New methods and models for ordinal data (Solicited)

Clustering of preference rankings: a non-parametric soft-clustering approach PDF
Antonio D'Ambrosio, Willem J Heiser
A dissimilarity-based splitting criterion for CUBREMOT PDF
carmela cappelli, Rosaria Simone, Francesca Di Iorio

Quantile and generalized quantile methods (Solicited)

Modelling the effect of Traffic and Meteorology on Air Pollution with Finite Mixtures of M-quantile Regression Models DOC
Simone Del Sarto, Maria Francesca Marino, Maria Giovanna Ranalli, Nicola Salvati

Recent advances in model-based clustering (Specialized)

Covariate measurement error in generalized linear models for longitudinal data: a latent Markov approach PDF
Roberto Di Mari

Spatial Economic Data Analysis (Solicited)

Estimating models with network interactions and unobserved heterogeneity PDF
Luisa Corrado, Salvatore Di Novo

Statistical models for sports data (Solicited)

The study of relationship between financial performance and sports success in Italian Football Championship clubs through the Longitudinal generalized estimating equation models PDF
Pasquale Sarnacchiaro, Anna Crisci, Luigi D'Ambra

Statistical Models for Service Quality (Solicited)

Cumulative chi-squared statistics for the service quality improvement. New properties and tools for its evaluation. PDF
Antonello D'Ambra, Antonio Lucadamo, Pietro Amenta, Luigi D'Ambra

Supporting regional policies through small area statistical methods (Solicited)

Survey-weighted Unit-Level Small Area Estimation PDF
Patricia Doerr, Jan Pablo Burgard
Integration of socio-economic data for the estimation of indicators at the municipal level DOC
Michele DAlo, Alessio Guandalini, Andrea Fasulo, Solari Fabrizio

The second generation at school (Solicited)

Resilient students with migratory background DOC
Anna Di Bartolomeo, Giuseppe Gabrielli

Tourism: destinations, household, firms (Solicited)

Tourism attractiveness in Italy. Some empirical evidence comparing origin-destination flows. PDF
Francesca Giambona, Emanuela Dreassi, Alessandro Magrini

GRASPA 2019 is organised with the support of "Dipartimento di Economia",  University "G. d'Annnunzio", Chieti-Pescara