Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

SPE.2 - Optimal sampling design

Optimal spatial sampling design using coupled Gaussian processes
Luigi Ippoliti, Sara Fontanella, Pasquale Valentini

SPE.4 - Small area estimation methods: innovations and applied issues

Small area estimation of entropy inequality measures
Maria Rosaria Ferrante, Silvia Pacei

SPE.5 - Analysis of Official Statistics for decision making

Civil justice: a method for assessing efficiency SLIDES
Irene Rocchetti, Maria Filomeno

SPE.6 - Environmental surveys: theoretical and practical issues

Estimating co-occurences index in finite populations SLIDES
Tonio Di Battista, Stefano Antonio Gattone, Francesca Fortuna
Design-based maps for two-phase inventories SLIDES
Sara Franceschi

SPE.9 - Record linkage and statistical matching techniques

Use of Record Linkage in Official Statistics and Feedbacks on Research SLIDES
Marco Fortini, Tiziana Tuoto

SPE.11 - Quality of multi-source statistics

An empirical evaluation of latent class models for multisource statistics SLIDES
Loredana Di Consiglio, Marco Di Zio, Danila Filipponi

CON.1 - Small area estimation

Borrowing strength from larger surveys to improve related estimates from smaller surveys using bivariate small area estimation models Slides
Carolina Franco, William R Bell
Hierarchical Bayes estimation of unit-level small area log-normal models SLIDES
Aldo Gardini, Carlo Trivisano, Enrico Fabrizi
Using the Entropic Distance for Large Area Definition in Small Area Estimation Methods SLIDES
Fabrizio Solari, Livio Fenga

CON.3 - Methods for the analysis of survey data

Big Data for Finite Population Inference: Calibrating Pseudo-Weights SLIDES
Ali Rafei, Carol Flannagan, Michael R Elliott

CON.6 - Real survey data analysis issues

Correcting sample biases: an analysis of teaching evaluations
Shira Fano, Rosanna Cataldo, Tiziana Venittelli