Open Conference Systems, 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

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Some remarks on the DESPOTA algorithm for detecting a partition on a dendrogram
Dario Bruzzese, Domenico Vistocco

Last modified: 2018-06-04


The output of hierarchical clustering methods is typically displayed as a dendrogram describing a family of nested partitions. However, the typical approach, horizontally cutting the dendrogram at a given distance level, explores only a restricted subset of the whole set of partitions. DESPOTA (DEndogram Slicing through a PermutatiOn Test Approach) is a novel approach exploiting permutation tests in order to automatically detect a partition among those embedded in a dendrogram. Unlike the traditional approach, DESPOTA includes in the search space also partitions not corresponding to horizontal cuts of the dendrogram.


1. Bruzzese, D., Vistocco, D.: DESPOTA: DEndrogram Slicing through a PemutatiOn Test Approach. Journal of Classiï¬cation 32(2), 285–304 (2015)

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