Open Conference Systems, 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

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The well-being in the Italian urban areas: a local geographic variation analysis
eugenia nissi, AnnaLina Sarra

Last modified: 2018-05-17


Following the place-based well-being literature, this paper is aimedat assessing inequality between Italian province capital cities in terms oftheir performance in promoting human and ecosystem well-being. The casestudy rely on the theoretical framework adopted by ISTAT within the Ur-Besproject. The available indicators are used to derive a multidimensional urbanwell-being index. To this end we adopt a two-steps procedure. Firstly, byusing the geographically weighted PCA we assess the spatial variability foreach Ur-Bes pillar data and obtain for each dimension a composite index. Inthe second stage, the ranking of the Italian province capital cities according totheir efficiency in promoting equitable and sustainable well-being is facilitatedby DEA.


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