Open Conference Systems, 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

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Resilient students with migratory background
Anna Di Bartolomeo, Giuseppe Gabrielli

Last modified: 2018-05-16


Numerous research has shown that there is direct relationship among high educational outcomes, employment, income and integration. Immigrants’ children do show, on average, lower educational performances than natives’ ones in addition of being more socio-economically disadvantaged. Countries’ success in helping and integrating immigrants’ children needs to find new educational policies and strategies. Using PISA survey data, we aim at providing further elements of discussion looking at “resilient†students. Given the strong impact of the students’ social, cultural and economic family background, we aim at analysing how “disadvantaged†students can overcome their socio-economic and cultural obstacles and achieve good educational performances. Applying multilevel logit models, the paper analyses the factors linked to the probability of being resilient with a focus on parental and individual motivations and on school characteristics.


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