Open Conference Systems, 50th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society

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A methodological approach to the environmental Umbria data
Marta Bosi, Monica Franzese, Cristiano Trani, Sandra Verduci

Last modified: 2018-06-20


Environment often plays a direct or indirect decisive role on people’s health; it’s extremely complex determining the resultant effect that different pollutants in air, water, soil can have as consequence on the overall environmental pollution. Analysis illustrated in this work, based on Arpa Umbria’s databases (e.g., [1,2,3]), carries out on a significant cartographic representation structured in a 5Kmx5Km reticular units, so as to reflect the  presence of environmental pollutants in a geographical area in terms of overall environmental impact. For this purpose it was constructed a composite indicator capable of measuring environmental pollution, synthesising the information provided by the sampling of parameters, on the basis of simple indicators calculated for each parameter and appropriately weighted applying a Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis(e.g., [4,5]).


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