SPE.1 - Small area estimation using integrated and big data sources
Alternative spatial data sources for small area estimation in developing countries | SLIDES |
Nikos Tzavidis, Angela Luna, Kristine Nilsen, Jessica Steele |
SPE.4 - Small area estimation methods: innovations and applied issues
Data-driven Transformations for the Estimation of Small Area Means | SLIDES |
Nora Ulrike Würz, Timo Schmid, Nikos Tzavidis |
SPE.9 - Record linkage and statistical matching techniques
A Bayesian approach for multiple regression with linked and deduplicated data | SLIDES |
Brunero Liseo, Rebecca C. Steorts, Andrea Tancredi |
Use of Record Linkage in Official Statistics and Feedbacks on Research | SLIDES |
Marco Fortini, Tiziana Tuoto |
SPE.12 - Population size estimation via integration of different sources
Deduplication and population size estimation | SLIDES |
Andrea Tancredi, Brunero Liseo |
CON.1 - Small area estimation
Hierarchical Bayes estimation of unit-level small area log-normal models | SLIDES |
Aldo Gardini, Carlo Trivisano, Enrico Fabrizi |
CON.3 - Methods for the analysis of survey data
Evaluation of the impact of mixed mode design on the quality of the estimates of the Aspects of Daily Life social survey | SLIDES |
Claudia De Vitiis, Alessio Guandalini, Francesca Inglese, Marco Dionisio Terribili |
Optimal sampling design with administrative sources for household finance surveys | SLIDES |
Tiziana Tuoto, Andrea Neri, Giuseppe Ilardi, Giulio Barcaroli |