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De Cantis, Stefano, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
De Cantis, Stefano, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics (Italy)
De Cantis, Stefano, Department of Economics, Business and Statistics - Univesity of Palermo
De Cantis, Stefano, Department di Economics, Business and Statistics (SEAS), University of Palermo (Italy)
De Cantis, Stefano, <p>Università degli studi di Palermo, Italia</p>
De Capitani, Lucio, Università di Milano-Bicocca
De Carvalho, Francisco de Assisi Tenerio, University of Penambuco
De Carvalho, Francisco de A. T., <pre><span>Universidade</span> Federal de <span>Pernambuco</span></pre>
De Carvalho, Francisco de A.T.
De Castris, Marusca, Department of Political Science University of Roma Tre
De Castris, Marusca, University of Roma Tre, Rome
De Chiara, Gaetano, Avio Aero S.r.l., Via G. Luraghi 20, 80038 Pomigliano D'Arco (NA), Italy


de Cillia, Gregor, Statistics Austria


De Falco, Antonio, University of Naples Federico II


de Fouquet, Chantal, Mines ParisTech, Geosciences Department


De Gaetano, Loredana, ISTAT
De Iaco, Sandra, <p>Dip. di Scienze dell'Economia Università  del Salento</p>
De Iorio, Maria, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
De Iorio, Maria, UCL, London (UK) (United Kingdom)


de Jonge, Edwni, Statistics Netherlands (CBS)


De Ketelaere, Bart
De Luca, Giovanni, <p>University of Naples Parthenope</p>
De Luca, Giovanni, Università di Napoli Parthenope
De Luca, Giovanni
De Luca, Giovanni, Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope (Italy)

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