Guidelines for authors & chairs


Please, be in the session room at least 10 minutes before the session starts to meet the chair, transfer your presentation, and familiarize yourself with the technical equipment. Each session room is equipped with a computer and a projector. Using your own laptop for presentation is not possible.

The times allowed for each presentation (discussion included) are:

  • invited specialized sessions: 22 minutes, + 7 minutes for the discussant
  • invited solicited sessions: 22 minutes
  • contributed sessions: 14 minutes

The language of oral presentation is English unless otherwise allowed by the session chair.
Presentation preparation

Format: please use Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt/*pptx), OpenOffice/LibreOffice, or Adobe PDF to guarantee your presentation will open successfully on an on-site PC.

Fonts and colors: Only fonts which are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows 10 will be available. Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout/style of your presentation.

Language: please prepare your slides using the English language.


The chair of a session is in charge of the good conduct of the session during the conference. The following rules of play are meant to help the chair in carrying out this responsibility and to ensure that all sessions are run in a comparable manner. We recall you that the chair of contributed sessions is the speaker of the last talk.

1. Please check the conference App for the latest schedule. Chairs are invited to contact the authors/speakers of contributions to the session at their earliest convenience, (e.g., using private messaging in the App, during registration or around the coffee breaks) and to verify that the speakers are indeed present at the conference. It is advisable to inform speakers of the session about its conduct in advance (e.g. the time available for presentations, the order of presentations, discussion etc.) We recommend keeping the order of presentations as announced on the conference program.

2. Chairs meet all presenters in the session room 10 minutes before the session start. Each session room is equipped with a projector and a computer with operating system Windows 10.

3. Sessions should start and finish at the time indicated in the program. Note that waiting for a late presenter (or for more audience) is a waste of time! Also note that sessions which run late, create problems elsewhere in the program.

4. Chairs may briefly introduce the topic of the session (2 minutes maximum), but should refrain from extensive presentations. Practical information should be provided on:

  • the time available for the presentations
  • the procedure for discussion.

5. Chairs must ensure that sufficient time for discussion from the floor is available. Note that sessions are not only for presenters, but also for the audience. A lack of time for discussion from the floor is impolite to the audience.

6. At the end of the session, the chair thanks all participants.