IES 2022

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

ENBIS - European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics - 28th June, h. 17.30-19.00, room 018

Random Forest-Based Approach for Physiological Functional Variable Selection for Driver's Stress Level Classification
Neska El Haouij, Jean-Michel Poggi, Raja Ghozi, Sylvie Sevestre Ghalila, Mériem Jaïdane

SPE. 12 - Tensor-based methods for data science - 29th June, h. 9.00-10.30, room 001

A Bayesian oblique factor model with extension to tensor data
Michael Jauch, Paolo Giordani, David B. Dunson

CON. 9 - Advances in semi- and non-parametric modeling - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 013

Nonparametric shared frailty model for classification of survival data
Francesca Gasperoni, Francesca Ieva, Anna Maria Paganoni, Chris Jackson, Linda Sharples

CON. 11 - Educational statistics and measurement - 29th June, h. 16.45-17.45, room 001

A flexible analysis of PISA 2015 data across countries, by means of multilevel trees and boosting
Chiara Masci, Geraint Johnes

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