Presentations and Authors

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SPE.1 - Small area estimation using integrated and big data sources

Alternative spatial data sources for small area estimation in developing countries SLIDES
Nikos Tzavidis, Angela Luna, Kristine Nilsen, Jessica Steele

SPE.4 - Small area estimation methods: innovations and applied issues

Small domain estimation with calibration methods SLIDES
Risto Lehtonen, Ari Veijanen

SPE.9 - Record linkage and statistical matching techniques

A Bayesian approach for multiple regression with linked and deduplicated data SLIDES
Brunero Liseo, Rebecca C. Steorts, Andrea Tancredi

SPE.12 - Population size estimation via integration of different sources

Deduplication and population size estimation SLIDES
Andrea Tancredi, Brunero Liseo

CON.1 - Small area estimation

Variable and Transformation Selection for Mixed Regression Models with Application to Small Area Estimation SLIDES
Natalia Rojas-Perilla, María José Lombardía, Esther López Vizcaíno, Cristina Rueda Sabater

CON.3 - Methods for the analysis of survey data

Mind the mode: lessons from a web survey on household finances SLIDES
Andrea Neri, Romina Gambacorta, Martina Lo Conte, Manuela Murgia, Roberta Rizzi, Francesca Zanichelli

GRASPA 2019 is organised with the support of "Dipartimento di Economia",  University "G. d'Annnunzio", Chieti-Pescara